Thursday, September 5, 2024

Crumble crumble crash crash boom

A few hours ago, in the middle of the night, maybe three am or so,  I heard awoman call in to the late night talk show to talk about how here little town has been overrun by illegal immigrants, that they are visible all over town , they are often seen at the DMV where a family member went recently can came back with a form that was all about how to register to vote, also reporting that he'd been asked th\\\\

ree times by one DMV worker Wouldn't he prefer to register as a Democrat.  
the twon is about thirty miles from where I live I know it well I lived there myself for years and the bottom dropped out of my stomach hearing how real all this has become that we're all worried about, how real and close to home.And more aggressive and well organized thatn I had any idea, local people apaprently involved in furthering this travesty of ...  well, it's an invasion of America isn't it.  We've been hearing about it, it's one of many ways they are bringing down the country around us for years now, speeding up in recent times.  We know it's happening, it makes us nervous, those of us who are patying attention anyway, hwho listen to thre right sources anyway, but at least for me the reality of it I just heard about came as a ral shock.

I don't want to cry about these things but this made me cry.  I don't want to cry because I think I'd never stop and it gives me a headache and clogs up my head and accomplishes nothing anyway.  Local people are invovled in furtherinjg this nightmare.  Atgain, local people are involved in furthering this nightmare.  It's well organized.

And so of course is the manipulating of the upcoming election.  Yes I still hope and pray for Trump to win but at the same time I know how efficient the Left is at manipulating things to give thesmelves all the power.  And the lies, the lies I've been hearing from the Democrat candidates I can hardly believe a human being could be so brazen but they are.  She is.  Amazing lies, preteniding to support the policies of the opposition as if they are her won of all things, tyring to sound like a real American instead of the COmmuist she is, the San Francisco leftis antiAmerican she is, the lies alone are repeated fists in the stomach.  

And just yesterday I talked to some one about the political situation just briefly with whom I'd never touched on such a subject before and found out that she knows absolutely nothing about anything.  She thingks Oh politics, both sides do the same thnings, the differences aren't really any big deal, she doesn't like Trump's personatliy, she believes all the lies about him . djr nr;orbrd s;; yjr    she believes all the letgal battles against Trump prove he's guilgty of criminal acts, it wouldn't occur to her to equestion any of it, and of course it adds to her antipathy to him.  But she doesn't really pay much attention to politics at all anyway.  

Well, we're doomed.  

I'm not giving up but I'm afraid the signs are that we are indeed doomed.  And again I come back to the recognition that the nation is under god's judgmetn.  In fact foreigners moving into the country and taking things over and pushing the citizens asicde is one of the judgments listed in Levitical   Leviticus twenty six and Deuteronomy I think Nine wher eGod spells out the blessings and cursings He will bring on Israel depending on their obedienct tot He Lawsk, which they have agreed to obey.  Well, Isreal in the OT is in man;y ways intended as a model for us to learn from, so applying that leist of curses to us is warranted since we have cerrtatainly violated god's law ourselves.  Even thrown out the ten Commandments.  Lovelyh. 

So I'm come back to wondering what is the right way to respond to God's judgment.  Is fighting it always the rwrong thing to do?  Scripture seems to say sometimes no, sometimes yes.  

I don't want to see America go down .  I want the liberals who don't know anything to learn something, I want them to be educated, to learn that they've been believing lies, to to learn what America was originalloy designed to be, which has been getting lost chunk by chunk for decades now.  Such efforts can't be wrong but they may be futile.  \

And I'mm  I'm gback to hoping for the Rapture to happen soon.  Unfortunately Watchman Nee said not all Christianits will be in the Rapture, an I think he meant true Christans, and of course tht shakes me iup quite a bit.  We're taught that only unbelievers which includes people who think they are Christians but are notm  not, wikll be left behind.  Then Nee had to come along and suggest that even a true Christian might be left behind if we are atnot living up to our calling.    OSO on top of everything else I've go tthat to worryabotu.  Also on top of the knowldge that my own family includes many who are not Christians at all and will have to live through the last days on planet Erath in any case, which is going to be the most horrific time anyhone has ever ad to live through .  

But t least after all that Jesus will come back and I hope they will get saved even during all that horror.  

I ammay get a second wind as it were.  That happens.  I get discouragesd and then I revive.  I don't know how it's going to go this time.  Just that at the moment I want to be Raptured out of here.

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