Friday, July 26, 2024

He Elon... Jordan, Dawkins.... etc Be honsest, be smart and honest, Evolution is False.

Mentioned that I didn't know an7uthing about Elon Musk's spiritual inclinations and thgen saw an interview of him bty Jordan Peterson in which Peterson asked him about that so now I hve some idea of it.  Then in my last post I mentioned wishing I could try to persuade Musk of my arguments against evolution and nex thing I know I'm listening to anothner interview of him in which he mentions his acceptance of evolution.  He was explaining his fervent desire to move humaity to Mars and beyond as a concern to preserve consciousness, which he thinks of as having arisen through evolution I suppose, and said that he thinks such a move is necessary because eventually some sort of catastrophe is bound to come along and wipe us all aout, such as happened with the dinosaurs and is shown in various places in the fossil record.  

Well, of course I expected that he's committed to evolution because well, he'd have to be,not being a Christian, and I know Jordan Peterson is, but somehow this got to me and I was more than ever wishing I coulde  get across how avolution is false.  I have two main or overarching aruments against evolution, but I realize they break down into smaller arguments, or in some sense lead to other smaller arguments as it were, and I started thinking through some of it again.  This I do from time to time anyway, though it gets aharder each time as I get older and I'm aware that my mind really isn't what it used to be, my memory is getting bad and it's very disturbing.  though God will help me remember things when I ask Him.  

Anyway, I wished he could just hear out and take seriously this one little argument for starters.  It's an argument from aburdity I've been told, and that makes it somehow suspect but I don't care.  Everything done against evolution is suspect according to the evol police who have their own brand of plitical correnctness.    This is one of the arguments against an old earth and in favor of the Flood of Noah to explain geological phenomena.  There are many angles this can be taken up from and I think theyu are all killers for the Theory of Evlution.  

the Fossil Record.  What a joke.  Oh sorry I'm not supposed to talk about science that way.  But it is, it's a huge joke when you really grasp the geological situation itself.  Think about the strata the fossils are found in.  Go to the Grand Canyon where the strata are clearly visible a mile deep, one layer of sedimentary rock upon another all straight and flat and extending throughout the entire canyohn area, and in fact across the whole North American Continent .  Yep, those layers of rock cover an enormous swath of geographyt, all straight and flat and in many cases quite thick too, up to hundreds of feet thinck.    In the Grand Canyon the layers climb from the Cambrian to the Permian time periods and bobove that there is a large plateus, or two plateaus really, the Kaibabg plateau on the north side which is limestome and on the south rim the Coconino plateau which is sandstone.  On the north the lplateau sextends a nundred or more miles up through the formation known as the Grand Staircase in Utah, above wshich the layers go on climbing through the dinosaur layers of Triassic, Juracssic, Cretaceous etc to Recent Time.   So the whole geological column as it is sometimes called is split in this area, the lower part showing in the walls of the Grand Canoy and the uppoer showing in the stair step formation of the Grand Staircase to the North.  

There is a lot about these formations that can be usedaas good evidence against an old earth and in favor of the Flood of Noah but a nicesimple one is simply to invite a person to think about the strata, the facts about the strata.  Think about how supposedly these layers represent time periods of millions of years each, in which particular kinds of living things populated the earth and are now memorialized in the fossils found embedded in a particular secimemndary rock associated with that perarticular time period.  This is the physical foundation of the Fossil Record.  

Just think about how these layers of rock extend straitght and flat across an entire continent and even can be found in Europe.  These are rocks, once loose sediments, all one tkind of secdiment in most cases.  We are suposed to believe that a perarticular time period was characterized geolgically by this one kind of sedimentary rock that covered an enormous area, ahnd to imagine that anyh kind of living thing could survive on such a surface.  Really, make yourself think this through.  It's uptterly absurd and impossible.  There is no way the history of the Earth could have been markded off by periods in which one and only one kind of sediment covered the surface flat flat flat.  No way.  Yet isn't that what we would have to expect if the prevailing theory is correct that they do represent millions of years of time and a sequence of living things that evolved from a type in one layer to a type in layers above it?  It' physically impossible.  Are you going to denythis?  Oh I suppose so.  I brought it up at EvC Forum and theyu just kept coming up with objections.  Of course, what else is to be expected of people committed to the theory of evolution.  But    they tried to invent other wasy the strata could have come about but none of the different possibilities holds together any better.  the whole thing is absorud  there is no way the history of Earth could have been characterized by huge ares of a single sediment.

And if it were so how come our own era isnt?

I wanted Elon Musk to think about some of my arguments.  Maybe he could start with this one.  I always think very smart people ar going to get thoings though and then they don't.  I'm nowhere near as smart as Musk or Peterson either for that matter, or Dawkins, I had to struggle to put goether my arguments.  I assume, perhaps wsriongly that people with musch fore evfficent and faster working intelligence wcould grasp the thing aa lot quicker but I'm often disappoinmted.  

Again that's just one little argument, an observation of one geological formation, nothing more.  There's a lot more that can be said about the geological situation that destroyes the idea of the fossil record and suports the idea of Noh's Flood.    

Only water can be the explanation for the separation into separate sediments and the flat layers into which they were ultimately arranged.  See Walther's Law for one explample of hos moving water layers sediments.

I've got a whole scenario in mind that explains Absolutely Everything but I guess I shouild just stop with this bare bones example of an absordity that I think all by igteself blows the ToE into a billi9on bits.

Another topid c to mention is Musk's interest in consciousness as something he wants to preserve, thinking of it as aprecious thing that evolved I guess which means it could just as easily disappear.  Well, being a Christian I know God gave us consciousness.  We are makde in Hi image, scripture tells us, and consciousness certainly destribes Him.  His consciousnesshad no beginning and will hav e no end.  Ours had a beginning but it will persist through eternity tbnow that it has come into existence, and it will persist either through a happy or a tormenting eternity.  But God is omniscient, that's the best word I suppose for His consciosness.  It's one of Hisa attributes, omnipresence, omnipoetnce and omniscience.  He knows everything, His is self aware and He knows us better than we knowourselves.  He wanted a consciousness being to exist so He made us.  He made us both of matter and of Spirit.  Animals He made of matter though He gave them a soulsl,, not a spirit that communicates with Him as ours can with Him, and He made the angels as spirit.  We are the only creature He made to function as both matter and spirit.    But we lost the spiritual ability at the Fall when our first parents disobyedd God and plunged us al into this fallen condition.  So we're all born into the physi8cal univrse with a soul more like animals than like creatures made in the image of God though that does manage to persist in us in some ways doesn't it.  But Jesus died on the Cross to pay for our sins so that we could be reinstated to our spiritul nature and resume constantct with god.  that's what Christianity is, the recoery of fallen humanity, but it's actually a lot better than just re coering.  That's a lot of theology Icon't completely understand and wouldn't or shouldn't try to include here anyway.  

but Hey Elon, and for that matter Hey Jordan, Hey Dawkins, Hey wholever.  THinking  Think anout mylittle observation above.  There's lots more where that came from.

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