Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Looks to Me Like the Rapture is to Come Mid-Trib "at the Last Trumpet," Rather than Pre-Trib

The more I think about the Pre-Tribulation Rapture the more problems I have with it. And I cewrtainly wish I didin't because I'd like to think it's going to come very very soon. So I hope I'm wrong but I haven't been able to make sense of the idea of two separate bodies of Christ or brides of Christ, and that's what seems to be the case if some of us leave in the Rapture but others have to stay through the Tribulation to get saved. And again, two sets of martyrs is a subset of that problem. How could the martyrs of the Caesars and then of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, and those all over the world in our time, all come in the Rapture but there also be a large group of martyrs to be made during the Tribulation to join them later? I can't make this compute.

And then there is the problem of "the last trumpet" which is clearly given in 1 Corinthians 15:52 as the point at which the Rapture occurs. The only "last trumpet" in scripture is the one in the Book of Revelation, the seventh trumpet under the seventh seal, in which angels pour out from bows or vials the last great plagues of the wrath of God onto the Earth. I don't see any way to rationalize this clear last trumpet to be anything but the last trumpet, or to make something else be that last trumpet in order for the Rapture to occur earlier.

I've been accepting the Pre-Tribulation Rapture for a while now, and it makes sense thinking in terms of the whole seventith Week of Daniel as God's wrath which the Lord has promised the Church we will escape. And there is no doubt that what we see in the seven seals is God's wrath. HOWEVER, it's not as if the Chruch through the ages has escaped from God's judgments, and they have certainly come on many nations over the centuries. Destructive natural disasters are God's wrath after all and the world has had many of those, earthquakes, hurricanes we are seeing right now that are devasting. Famines, plagues or pestilences, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, wildfires, what am I missing? Al are God's wrath and the Church has gone through all of them.

But the wrath that comes in the seven vials or bowls after the sounding of the last trumpet is in fact specifically CALLED "God's wrath" and nothing else in Revelation is called by that name. That makes it a strong possibility that it is this outpouring of wrath we are promised we will be spared.

As I've been rereading and pondering the Book of Revelation I THINK this occurs at the midpoint of the Great Tribulation, because of the many references to the three and a half years for various events that follow. The woman of Revelation 12 will flee to the wilderness where she will be fed for 1260 days, the two witnesses will prophesy for that same period of time, the Antichrist will be given power over the saints for that same period of time, and I forget what else at the moment. The same period of time is variously referred to as "time, times and half a time" or "forty-two months" or 1260 days or "three and a half years." There is no doubt about the precision of this time period, it has been stated enough different ways to leave no room for allegorizing it away. [By the way, this number is always computed based on a 360-day year, which I think is how ancient Israel computed it, adding leap time according to some rule I've forgotten]

It is only too easy to misunderstandd the timing of the Book of Revelation, the order of events, because alrthough the opening of the seals and the unfolding of the trumpets and bowls is clearly in order, the events described along the way aren't clearly designated for any particular time that looks certain to me. But it does seem that this three and a half years must all refer to the last half of the seventieth week of Daniel.

I haven't studied other eschatologies to know how, for instance, the Mid-Trib scenario is argued, but I seem to be veering in that direction. I'm still pondering Revelation and listening to sermons about it so I may change my view again. Meanwhile I don't see how to get around the "last Trumpet" as the main signal for the Rap[ture. In fact as I've been thinking about all this that part of Handel's Messiah has been going through my head so I'm going to post it here. In fact I'm going to post two versions of it::

That's the Czech orchestra with Vaclav Luks. Here's King's College Cambridge also. I couldn't find the older King's College performance i like better than this one but oh well:

Monday, August 30, 2021

A Brief List of the Benefits of Ivermectin

From Dark Horse Podcast, this is a couple minutes of Heather reading an excerpt from the abstract of an article about Ivermectin that lists its many effucacues:

They've just apologized for their acceptance of one study that turned out to be flawed, but the overall performance of Ivermectin remains high for many conditions, remarkably high.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Forced Vccinations, Destroyed Ballots in California Recall, People Trapped in Afghanistan...-- AND THE RISE OF THE POPE/CAESAR?

See 8/28 update below.

UPDATE: Really interesting story at the very end of Jan Markell's radio show, about a Jewish couple who'd spent their lives in America, both waking up one night with the strong impression that they were to "go home," meaning to Israel. They are not believers, and they dismissed the idea, but when it kept nagging at them they pulled up roots and headed to Israel. Now that is an amazing sign of the times. Scripture says that in the last days God will draw the Jewish people back to their homeland from all the places in the world where they had been scattered. Many have returned over the last century, but this kind of direct calling from God to go is a supernatural hint that the Grand Finale is at the very door.

I like Jan Markell, I like the messages on her radio show Understanding the Times, and for the most part I think the end times prophetic viewpoint supported at her site is probably right as far as the timeline goes. Nevertheless I keep having objections to some parts of that end times viewpoint. Some things they think are yet future I think were finished in the past, and yet I'm not a Preterist who thinks it's all in the past. And what I think is in the past is continuing intot the future anyway, to become a big player in the future end times finale. THAT IS, I do believe the Antichrist has been known since the Bishop of Rome became supreme Bishop over the other bishops of the Christian Church in the seventh century -- or the sixth depending on which historical event is the pivotal one and I don't know for sure. The Great Apostasy which is also considered to be yet future in the currently popular end times scenario was the apostasy of the Roman Church which dominated the Middle Ages and persecuted the true Biblical Christians who tried to survive outside that institution. So I'm not expecting some revelation of an unknown Antichrist, he's been here in plain sight for centuries, the Apostasy has been roaring along for all those centuries as well, though clearly spreading in our time now, which is a sign that the end is very close.

The Pope is a political leader too, since the Vatican is a sovereign nation unto itself, or there way also be a Hitler type figure who will emerge as world leader. The Pope may be the False Prophet rather than the Antichrist, but his credentials are just so amazingly perfect for Antichrist that's a hard one for me to entertain. Oh and the Revived Roman Empire this current eschatology is looking for as a future development, that was the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages, and it was certainly a different kind of Empire as scripture says it would be, run by a religious figure and made up of "Christians." But that too has a future form as the European Union shapes up. But all these things are continuations, they are not new developments. The EU will be "The Fourth Reich" following Hitler's Third, all these Reichs being versions of the Roman Empire that has had some existence since the Empire of the Caesars came to an end.

And when a teacher on Jan's show talks about the removal of the Restrainer, that person who keeps the Antichrist from coming to public prominence, identifies him as the Holy Spirit I just think how silly that idea is. God has been known to abandon a sinning people who have gone to far, there is no special "standing aside" to be mentioned, it's happened before. In this case the scripture is not talking about God the Holy Spirit, it is talking about a political figure who would be essentially displaced by this coming Man of Sin, and that was the Caesars. When that line of emperors was at an end then the Bishop of Rome came to prominence as the religious and political head oover the Holy Roman Empire.
-- UPDATE -- Added by edit 8/28: I didn't get the main point said, which is that there would have been no reason for Paul not to name the Holy Spirit as the Restrainer if that is what he had in mind. AND there is no reason that the Holy Spirit would have to be "out of the way" in any sense whatsoever for the Antichrist to be revealed. He didn't have to be out of the way for Hitler or any of the other antichrists to be revealed and there is no reason He'd have to be out of the way for the final one to be revealed. The reason for Paul's reticence has to be some threat to an earthly power by the revelation, and it makes sense that someone who purports to be the ruler the "Roman Empire" would threaten the Caesars, and however weak the rulership that is what the Pope supposedly was. Even to suggest the possibility would put Paul and the churches in jeopardy. They were being persecuted by the Caesars already anyway.

THE CHURCH WAS MARTYRED BY THE RULERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ROMAN EMPIRE, IT WAS MARTYRED FOR CENTURIES UNDER THE "CAESAR" OF "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" OF THE MIDDLE AGES" --- AND, according to many of the writers I list on the Catholicism blog, the antichrists that have risen since then have also been inspired by the Inquisition and in fact I believe ALL of them have either been Roman Catholics or influenced by Jesuits. Hitler himself said he modeled the Holocaust after the Inquisition. "Mein Kampf" was written by a Jesuit. Even Communist China made use of the dunce cap which is a relic of the Inquisition. The persecutions under Ceaucescu in Romania made use of the iron maiden which is a torture device from the Inquisition. The slaughter of the Tutsis in Rwanda was provoked by the smear campaign against them conducted over the radio by a Catholic priest, and the slaughter of the Serbs had the same Roman Catholic origin. In some sense the Inquisition never really stopped. The dungeons of the Inquisition were discovered in Rome by Garibaldi, a nun escaped from such a tortured life not too long ago though she disappeared afterward, there are still persecutions of Protestants going on in Catholic South American countries. I've pointed these out here and there, on my other blog for one.

< IT IS A STRONG POSSIBILITY THAT WE WILL AGAIN BE MARTYRED BY THIS SAME "CAESAR" BEFORE GOD'S WRATH FALLS ON PLANET EARTH, BECAUSE WE HAVE LET OURSELVES BE DUPED BY TGHE ANTICHRIST'S PR. Up until the first part of the last century there were still Protestants and others warning about the plots of the Jesuits to take back the power Rome lost to the Protestant Reformation. Then those voices stopped. The Jesuits had succeeded in silencing them. Now we even have "Protestants" who treat the Roman Church as just another demonimation. Even those churches that know better are not treating it as the threat it still is, just biding its time until conditions allow it to reclaim that role in the world. WAKE UP CHURCH!!!!!


NEVERTHELESS I think the basic timeline for the very last days must be correct. At least I don't know yet how it isn't. I'm expecting the Rapture of the Church followed by the Day of the LORD or Great TRibulation and I'm expecting the Antichrist Pope to ascend to world leadership. He's already up there with them all anyway. He's part of the Great Reset which is the current ambition of powerful globalists such as Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, even Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci. There are lots of Roman Catholics in such positions, Gates and Fauci for instance, with Jesuit influence, the scenario looks to me like it's all coming together for a renewed Inquisition headed by the Roman Church in concert with Islam, all followed by all the false religions of the world. After the true Church is gone.

I still think the basic scenario makes sense.

Um, with a reservation or two. The idea of two separate bodies of Christ, and two separate sets of martyrs of the Inquisition, which is implied in the current timelines, really does not make sense.

HOWEVER, after all that I want to post Jan's latest radio show and point out some highlights. For isntance, she plays an excerpt of a racent program with Michelle Bachmann who identifies forced vaccinations as the looming threat to America as we've known it. That starts about 12:30 on the counter. Goes for about four minutes. Then Jack Hibbs talks about the California recall of Governor Newsome, how the election to replace him has already begun and how ballots marked for Larry Elder are being found trashed in great numbers. Gosh, the Left is so democratic aren't they? So respectful of the right to free speech. The program goes on to more current events such as Afghanistan, related to the closeness of the very last days.

You don't have to go through it. You can recognize that Christ died to pay for the sins of all who believe in Him, repent and give yourself to Him and escape the coming tribulation.

A Trip to Fractal Eternity

And here's a discussion of fractals, both an introduction to the concept for those who aren't familiar with it, and an exploration of its meaning from a Christian point of view.

What feels like an endless journey to infinity is nothing but the continuous magnification of a small portion of a two-dimensional mathematical image.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Forbidding the Cures for COVID, Silencing the Truth-Tellers, Pushing Good for Evil and Evil for Good

So, lessee, how did they put that? The FDA has not authorized or approved, is that how they said it? Has not authorized or approved the use of Ivermectin for COVID patients. Hm. Something like that. Heard it a few hours ago, then fell asleep, now my eyes are in bad shape so I'm not searching for it, but it was something like that.

Doesn't it kind of give you the chills? It does me. Well, there must be many out there who are so enclosed in their news bugbble they don't know anything about Ivermectin and whatever the FDA says is to be respected in their uneducated opinion. Too manyh of those no doubt.

But if you do know something about the situation, if you've listened to the doctors who know that Ivermewctin both prevents and cures COVID, then this statement should give you the chills. Does me. Same as the way they kept silencing the true experts who knew that Hydroxychloroquine works. If you don't know you're being lied to, if you don't know the truth is being suppressed, if you don't know the evidence that some repurposed drugs that are known to be completely safe work wonders with COVID, then you'll go on in your bubble. But If you know these things then you know there are powers out there who are promoting murder, and it's hard to think it's unintentional. We're past the point where the bad science is an excuse, the evidence for the efficacy of these drugs is out there.

So Ivermectin is not authortized and all those who are using it as protecting against COVID instead of getting vaccinated are going to be treated as public enemies, right? Already are so treated as far as the manipulation of public opinion goes.

The horror show we are living through has many tentacles, not just the pandemic horrors. I pray a lot. I also cry a lot these days. Makes my eyes worse. If I'm going to be around a while longer I'd like to have something effective to do about it. But it feels like evil is coming at us with iron gloves and there's really little anyone can do. God is allowing the evil to have its day. The Tribualtion must be right around the corner. Must be. How much longer can this go on? And if the Tribulation is right around the corner and the popular eschatology is right (I have some doubts but I hope I'm wrong) then I'll get to escape it all. I ache for those who will have to be here during it.

Lies and Selected Facts Create The "News"

You may be hearing of hospitals being strained to the max to deal with COVID patients, most of whom are supposedly unvaccinated.

You may NOT be hearing of the shortage of hospital staff due to nurses and others quitting because of the vaccine mandate.

You may not be hearing of the great number of illegal aliens who are hospitalized with COVID (at the hospital's expense of course), all of whom are unvaccinated.

You may only be hearing about the particular hosptials experiencing a great influx of patients, and not about those that are just about empty. People who have taken the trouble to call up hosptials that are in the news get a completely different story from what they heard. More should do that. Individual hospital workers also report such discrepancies.

Just leave out the details and create a narrative that vilifies a group you want to vilify. Simple. It's not an American thing to do of course, but it is a Marxist thing to do.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Countering the Anti-American Anti-White Propaganda About Slavery

Candace Owens gives a Short History of Slavery. it sure isn't the white race that invented it, nor are the slave owners of today whites. Whites too have been enslaved..


The COVID Vaccine Nightmare Keeps Galloping On: Vaccinated People Catch COVID, one dies

All or most, not clear, of those who went to a family reunion, all vaccinated, came down with COVID afterward, and ONE DIED. I repeat, ALL VACCINATED.

Another branch of the same family have scheduled their own family reunion for this coming weekend and although they too are all vaccinated are now rightly concerned about the possibility of giving each other COVID. Many are still planning to go but to follow the social distancing rules and so on.

From my point of view this is just crazily sad since COVID could have been wiped out months ago if such treatments as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and now others had not been banned. Obviously the vaccines work inadequately at best, while the effectiveness of the antivirals in the hands of good doctors is stellar.

There is reason to believe, however, that the same repurposed drugs that work so well as antiviral therapeutics can also work for those who have been vaccinated, so they should be taken by the people going to the reunion, before and for some weeks following it. Zinc plus quercetin plus vitamin C at 500 mg and vitamin D3 at as much as 2000 IU should help. There is also reason to believe that the "shedding" from vaccinated to unvaccinated people can be helped by this kind of treatment.

So there's your public service message for the day.

Wave to me as they haul me off to the concentration camp. Reeducation camp. Gulag. Whatever.


Monday, August 23, 2021

Larry Elder Must be a Real Threat to the California Left. The Smear Campaign has Already Begun.

Just saw the headline "California Officials Launch Probe into Recall Candidate Larry Elder's financial Report == not sure about the last two words, the headline went by fast and I couldn't find it again when I looked. Probing his financial statement was the idea however.\

Typical leftist tactic. They don't have to have any reaosn to launch such a probe, all they really want is to sow doubt in the minds of the public about Elder's integrity. They may do such a probe -- or not 00 and if they do they may well find no fault --but the headline is enough, because character assassination is the main tactic of th left against all opponents of their ideology. They did it to Trump from the moment he declared his candidacy, one insinuation after another, even to the point of impeaching him twice for nothing but insinuations. They never had a shred of justification for any of it. But Marxists don't care. Appearance is what matters, and apparently it works. Along with some election rigging of course.
Larry Elder would make a great governor of Califonia. We need to be praying for him.

Last Days Unification of Roman Catholicism and Islam as the Global Religion Under the Antichrist

Ex-Catholic teacher Mike Gendron, teaches on the similarity between Roman Catholicism and Islam He says that Catholicism has more in common with Islam than with evengelicalism. What they share is autocratic leadership, a false Jesus, anti-Semitism, reverence for Mary, belief in the messages of the Apparitions of Mary, works-righteous salvation, and more. He sees them as combining to become the global religion in the Tribulation period of the Last Days., following the removal of the true Christian Church in the Rapture. He apparently sees the papacy as the False Prophet of Revelation 13, the beast with the horns of a lamb, who commands that the world worship the beast identified as the Antichrist.

Historically Islam and Romanism were understood by some to be the two legs of the statue in Ne3buchadnezzar's dream of Daniel 2, the two legs of iron representing the Roman Emppire well in the future in Daniel's day -- something Gendron doesn't mention. Islam supplanted the eastern half of Christendom at the same time that the bishop of Rome was elevated to ruler over the western Christian church and western Christendom itself which was dubbef the Holy Rpmoan Empire.

Both also have a policy of killing those who reject their teaching. The fact that beheading is the cause of the martyrdoms desribed in Revelation 6 suggests to some that Islam will be the agent of the Inquisition during the Tribulation period, because beheading is their method of choice, although Roman Catholicism itself had murdered some 67 million dissidents over 600 years of their reign in the Middle Ages, including some 50 million Christians.

So there are many reasons to link the two religions for a last days global nightmare religion, and Gendron does a nice job of describing their doctrinal similarities. It looks to a lot of us like this could all come together very soon.

Jesus' death alon4e suffice4s for the complete salvation of any who turn to Him, without works of any sort, without deserving it in the slightest, just by acknowlledging your sins and repenting of them, recognizing that He is God and that He gives salvation freely.

Thank You, LORD, that you allowed me to be able to see well enough to write this post.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Going Blind

My eyes are worse than ever today. Some times it's temporary and will clear up at least to some extent so that I can go on writing and even reading for a while longer, but overall the trend is downward. Although I often have the thought that I don't want to go on living when I'm blind I realize that shows a lack of faith and I have to remember that

All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.

So that has to include blindness.

I can make out what I've written here but it's extremely faint.


Heard someone talking about having trouble lerning to read as a child, because he was dyslexic. I'm not exactly szure what dyslexia is, tried to look it up but my eyes are so bad this morning I couldn't see the Google page well enough to I gave up. So I'll guess anyway. It's a condition in which a word looks like a jumble of shapes without meaning.

I'd expect that for many people taught the "SEE-SAY" OWR WHOLE WORD method that was adopted instead of phonics in the schools, which was one of the stupidest things they ever did. I was lucky to be taught phonics and when I had friends later who hadn't been I was astonished to find that although they wree very bright they couldn't spell and they struggled to pronounce new words. I don't know what they'd expect of a method that just throws a whole word at a kid instead of teaching him how to read it from left to right right by sounding it out. Language is first of all auditory, letters have sounds, words are made up of letters that have sounds. At least in English they are. You can learn to read any word by sounding it out from left to right. And you learn to spell that way too. Some children learn to read in spite of this handicap, perhaps they intuit the phonetic nature of words, I don't know, but those who don't are put in an unnecessarily difficult position.

I kind of think anyone who has dyslexia, at whatever age, could cure it by just learning the basic principles of phonics.

But what do I know. I'm just guesdsing.

Spooky Story Continued

Listened for a while to the next night's Coast to Coast AM on which the guest was described as a well known alien abductee, meaning someone who had been abucted by aliens, many times over his life he says. I gather he thinks they are doing genetic expeiments and creating hybrid babies from human with the "greys" which is what the aliens are called. A modern version of the angel-human begetting of the Nephilim, the giants of old as desribed in Genesis 6.

At least that's what the "aliens" want him to believe. Since they must be demons, or fallen angels, who are always engaged in some kind of deception of human beings, that may or may not be what they are really doing.

As I was listening from my biblical worldview of course I kept thinking that he didn't have to go through any of that. All he had to do was call on the name of Jesus, ask Jesus to help him, and the "abduction" would stop. As I kept listening I found out others had said the same to him. He said something like how if it was that easy there would be no alien abductions. Uh, yeah, if everybody called on Jesus there would be no alien abductions. Was he sayinjg people DO call on Jesus or what? I gather not. He didn't seem to be interested.

Yes if you call on Jesus he will save you from the demons. I had two experiences of demons when I was a new Christian and I did call on Jesus and the attacks stopped.

You can call off UFO visitations, ghosts, apparitions, or alien abdutions or whatever the demons are doing, by asking Jesus for help. Keep that in mind just in case.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Great Spook Act Being Lined Up for the Grand Finale

Lately I've been listening to more of the "Coast-to-Coast" late night Spook Fest, not a lot just a little more than usual. UFOs are still the biggest topic it seems, but they've had protgrams on witchcraft, the "Good" kind of course, psychic powers, "remote viewing" etc. I'm just fascinated with how seriously they take all this stuff, study it, have theories about it and so on, because of course I judge it all by the Bible which pretty drastically simplifies the possibilities.

Many of them claim to believe in God but judging from their opinions about these paranormal and supernatural phenomena it isn't the God of the Bible they believe in. Demons or Fallen Angels account for most of the spooky stuff, UFOs, ghosts, apparitions, etc etc. They can manifest physially under some circumstances and apparently have power over physical phenomena to some extent since they produce the "craft" that make people wonder who is so technologically ahead of us.

Demons are the main actors, but the Bible also mentions the hybrid angel-human "Nephilim" in Genesis 6 which is also mentioned in the New Testament. I don't know of they have anything to do with the phenomena discussed on the radio show but demons must account for most of it. Then there is what Watchman Nee talks about in his book "Soul Power" which may account for the paranormal powers such as psychic ability and remote viewing and that sort of thing. He explained it as the remanants of powers originally possessed by Adam and Eve which were mostly lost at the Fall but remain in some people in distorted form. They are also manipulable by demons so altogether they aren't to be trusted. But those on the radio show don't know anyh of that and treat them as legitimate.

George Noory, who is the host of the show, claims to believe in Gode but also thinks UFOs are extraterrestrials who are the real creators of human beings. (Violent eyeroll).

If the world is about to go into the final seven-year Judgment of God all this would easily contribute to the Great Delusion coming on humanity. As many have suggetsed, UFOs would make a handy explanation for the Rapture, since few would be disposed to accept the real explanation, which is that Jesus took His true Christians off the planet so that we would not have to suffer God's wrath with the rest of hu;manity. Cuz of course they aren't expecting wrath, they are expecting a nice humanistic solution to all the world's problemsw, would probably think UFOs hold friend ETs who just want to help us out and so on. Witchcraft of courswe isn't the evil consorting with demons, it's just a nicey nice power for the good of all. And so on and so forth.

Surely some will wake up to the truth. Try to tell them about it now, no, but maybe when things start to look like something other than they were expecting.... Well, many have tried. I've tried.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

As for the Afghanistan Debacle...

UPDATE: I shouldn't short-shrift this topic as I did, but I'm not up to commenting on it except to say that what Biden did is unspeakably evil, on top of all the other evil things he's done. I smell the sulfur of the pits of Hell. All I can do is pray that God will have mercy. ================================================

I've begun to wonder if perhaps the Premill scneario is more wrong than I've been considering it might be, that we are already into the seven years of the tribulation period. This is a fallen world, yes, and Satan is the prince of this world, but I still didn't expect such blatant evil to manifest as it has been doing, I expect it to come in the tribulation and the Day of the LORD. I suppose I'm wrong, and unfortunately it really could gt worse, hard though that is to imagine. Concentration camps for conservatives and Christians and the unvaccinat4ed and and and... But God is still in charge. Pray pray pray pray...
... what I'd like to see is a few hundred Democrat politicians thrown out of office. Or better, tarred and feathered and sent south from our southern border accompanied by the illegal aliens th4ey illegally and dangerously brought into the country.

On a more humane note perhaps, if they really care about the people of Latin America they should move there and teach them the principles that made America prosperous. Sadly I don't suppose any of them have any idea about that, they'll just join in the ideological destruction. Yeah I know I switched horses in midstream, more than once too, but oh well.

The Pandemic Part of the Marxist/Jesuit Agenda: Concentration Camps.

Chris Pinto on his Noise of Thunder radio show nails it again. He talks about the provisionion for Quarantine camps as described in a CDC document which is pretty clearly aimed at the unvaccinated. He mentions that the governor of Tennessee signed an executive order which includes the building of such quarantine facilities. He traqces the history of the "plandemic" etc. He covers the science which contradicts all the official policiesw. His recommendation is pushback and more pushback and of course lots of prayer.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What is the Abomination of Desolation?

Since I've been pondering some of the aspects of the Premillennial dispensational end times scenario I keep running across elemants of it I think are wrong. I don't know where I'm going to end up but it isn't as if I'm just discovering these elements, they've bothered me for some time but I haven't put my mind to answering them.

I'm thinking here of the Abomination of Desolation that Premill eschatology makes yet future and recalling that I've heard teaching that convincingly places it at the time of the Roman destruction of Jrrusalemt and the temple in 70 AD. Thos4e who had been warned by Jesus to flee when they saw that abomination did in fact flee and were saved from what was a bloody slaughter of such magnitude most of us have no idea. If I find a really good discussion of the historical facts I'll post it but for now I just want to say that I think there is good reason to consider that part of Jesus' prophecy in the Olivet discoverse to have been fulfilled in 70 AD.

In the book of Daniel this abomination of desolluation is referred to some four times and three of those times refer to the Greek period after the breakup of Anexander's army when the Seleucid leader Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the Jerusalem temple with swine's blood in 167 BC. He was driven out by the Maccabees who cleansed the temple, there was the miracale of the continuously burning candes, and that is what is celebrated at Hanukkah. The remaining Abomination of Desolation belongs to the Roman period after that, and now I'm 98 percent confinced it was fulfilled in 70 AD.

It has bothered me all along that this futurist eschatology seems to anticipat4e the rebuilding of th4e physical temp0le in Jerusalem as a good thing. It can't be, it's an abomination in itself, a blasphemy against the Lord Jesus whose one-time sacrifice fulfilled and did away with the role of the animal sacrifices that were the main function of the temple. If an Abomination of Desolation was set up in that rebuilt temple it woulde not be an abomination of d4esoluation because the temple itself is the abomination.

And of course I'[ve already d3ealt with the idea that the Antichrist is yet to present himself as God in a physical temple: it was when the Bishop0 of Rome got elevated to Pope and dominated all the other offices of the Christian churches as well as having civil power in a reconstituted version of the Roman Empire, that he, the Antichrist, sat in the temple which is the people of God, declaring himself to be God, which all the titles given the Pope declare of him.

So far so good. I'll probably pare away more from the Premill eschatology, God willing, time permitting, eyesight allowing. I'm still particularly disturbed at the idea of two separate bodies of Chirst, one taken in the Rapture, followed by another that comes through the Great Tribulation. That one I don't yet have a way of resolving.

Two from Richard Bennett: Taking Down the Reformation, and E conomics More Destructive than Marxism

Here's Bennett talking about the neverending efforts of the RCC especially through the Jesuits to destroy Protestantism. Ecumenical agreements b4etween Rome and Protestant churches is one way that is happening today.

Worse than Marx: Pope Francis on economics. There's nothing wrong with stealing, that's the basic mesage, no matter that it's one of the Ten Commandments and the thought of what happens when people just take whatever they want from womenever they want is terrifying. Sounds like the Great Reset to me, and I can't remember if Francis is a member of the WEF, but I know he is associated with them. This insane philsophy also goes back to Aquinas, according to Bennett, it's not just Francis or any particular Pope for that matter. He answers the question about Francis starting about 9.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Richard Bennett,, ex Catholic Priest, Shows How the Pope Fits All the Biblical Descriptions of the Antichrist

About Richard Bennett: When I first started my blogs and they settled into categories I felt God wanted me to discuss here, I kept getting divine hints as it were that one of the topics I was to cover was the identity of the Antichrist. I already understood that the Pope had all the qualifications for the role, I'd quit a charismatic organization because they treated the Pope as a brother in Christ, and the derivation of the number 666 from the Roman numberals in one of his titles in Latin had wowed me since my nephew called me up to tell me about it.

But I wasn't expeting to delve into the subject beyond what I already believed. The divine hints, however, led me to listen to teachings on the subject at Sermon Audio and that's whre I found Richard Bennett. Bennett is probably the most scholarly teacher on the subject in our time. Later I got a lot of information from Chris Pinto as well, butI think it is Bennett I would most want evangelicals to study. He died at age 81 two years ago but his website is still up: Berean Beacon.con. some of his talks are on You Tube as well as Sermon Audio.

Many Christians naively believe that the Pope can't be the Anticvhrist becaus4e he doesn't fulfill the definition given by the apostle John that the Antichrist denies the Father and the Son, and that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh: 1 John 2:22 and 1 John 4:3

If a Pope assembles together some words that seem to affirm that Christ has come in the flesh this is accepted as sufficient evidence that he can't be the Antichrist. The many blasphemous statements made by Popes that put Mary in the place of Christ and the Pope himself in the place of the Father, also in the place of Christ and the place of the Holy Spirit, are ignored while an empty affirmation is accepted. Since apparently there are many who are deceived along these lines I want to post here the reasoning of an ex Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who shows the many ways the Popes deny the Father and the Son:

He talks for over an hour about how the Popes are Antichrst but right at the bginning he makes it clear that simply by usurping the titles of the Father and the Son they deny Christ.

Bennett names many who regarded the Pope as Antichrist down through the centuries. He stronly laments our current popular eschatology that puts the Antichrist into the future, ignoring all the historical fulfillments of Antichrist in the papacy.

Instead of 606 AM by the emperor Phocas he holds that it was Justiniah who made the Bishop of Rome universal Bishop and Pope in 538 AD. I've heard this also and I don't know which date is most pertinent. In any case it's clear that the papacy does not go back to the apostles.

He says around 20 that Justinian established a law that gave civil power to the Bishop of Rome and that this power is now law for the European Union as well, which of course we don't hear about from other sources.

The temple of God the Pop0 sits in is identified as the people of God according to Paul's identification of believers as that temple, and then he goes on to quote canon law on the powers of the Pope that clearly "exalt him above everything that is called God.

So. If we are to understand that the Antichirst has already been revealed and that he has been operating in the world for some 1500 years, does that mean we should completely scrap the popular eschatology that puts all this into the future?

At this point I don't think so but it's posible I'll change my mind. I think both can be true and this is the position I've held, that the Antichrist has been revealed as the Pope, all the Popes, but that there will yet be a last Pope who will be THE Antichrist at the end, after the true Church has been raptured and the Roman Church resumes its former political power on a global scale headed by the Antihrist Pope of that time,which will see the reinstatement of the Inquisition against all nonCatholics.

I have other problems with the Premillennial eschatology I hope will be resolved,but I don't see how I could give up the basic eschatology of the seven years Tribulation or Day of the LORD since it so perfectly dovetails with the prophecies in the book of Daniel. If I live long enough maybe I'll have answers to my questions eventually.

=========================================== PS I was thinking of making a separate post on this subject but it's really just a postscript so I'll include it here.

This is a talk by Dennis Prager about the evils of Lefiism and he covers many aspectsw of it but at one point he brings up Pope Francis, identifying him as a Leftist, which he is. He says this is because he comes from Latin America, which has some truth to it but the truth is deeper than that. In fact you could say that Latin America is Leftist because of the Popes, or because of the Roman Church. Francis is a Jesuit and it was a Jesuit who invented the idea of Social Justice. Marx had Jesuit connections as did many Communist and Fascist dictators. It's one of their inventions for the purpose of destroying their hated enemy the Protestant West. You could say that Catholic Latin America is the model for what they want to do to the United States.

What Prager said was that people from Latin America do not share our American values. If they did, he said, they would be rich because they have all the natural resources we have. So they are coming here and bringing their povery-making value system here, which is app0arently what our current Leftist politicians desire for our future. And they are helped by the Catholic Church, surprise surprise.

His remark about their values keeping them from being rich, by which he meant their Leftism of course, reminded me of observations I ran across wh4en I was listing books on my catholicisim blog. I don't know the analyses behind it but more than one writer mentioned that Catholic countries produce poverty and dysfunctional societies. Leftist is certainly one expression of that but apparently it is Catholicism itself that creates such misery. Yep, that's where we're headed under our current administration with the eager help of the Roman Church and myriads of Jesuits whspering in the ears of American leaders, teaching in the universities and so on and so forth.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

John MacArthur Reiterates the Popular Doctrine of the Restrainer and I Try to Answer Him

Now I'm put in an uncomfortable ppsition. Just saw a recent excerpt from a John MacArthur sermon -- "Who Is HOLDING BACK the Antichrist?"-- in which he expounds on the identify ot the Restrainer I discussed in the previous post. Since I criticized that interpretation I am put in the position of defending what I just argued.


MacArthur's theme is that the Antichrist himself is being restrained, his power in the world is restrained, not just the revelation of his identity is being restrained, which is how I read it and apparently the Reformers read it. Of course the only one who can restrain the power of the Antichrist, who is Satan, is God himself.

But the passage does not desribe any supernatural restraint of the power of the Antichrist himself, what it describes is the restraint or withholding of his appeaing, the time not being right for that yet, and the revelation of his identity. I see no implication that the time of his revelation implies the time of his great power in the Tribulation period of the book of Revelation:
2 Thess 2:3 ... for [the day of Christ] shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself[th4e day of Christ] that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
The Falling away or apostasy would have been occurring over the years preceding the rise of the Pope/Antichrist, the accumulation of false doctrines that became absorbed into the Roman Church And again, we don't need to wait for some special occasion for the Anticvhrist to exalt himself above God because the very attributes and titles assigned to the Pope usurp the identity of Christ and God the Holy Spirit and God the Father.
Again I emphasize that if Paul was referring to God the Holy Spirit he would have had no reason to speak in such veiled terms, he would have come right out and said what he meant. But he is referring to something he had told them before without naming it, something that had not been put in writing, which implies some danger in naming it.

This refusal to name the Restrainer doesw not fit with the end times scenario that is coming about in our time, but does fit with the Reformers' interpretation that the Antichrist was revealed to be the Bishop of Rome elevated over all the other powers of the Church, which occurred in 606 AD with a decree of the Byzantine empoeror Phocas. This elevation created the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a leader who had both religious and political power and wielded it over the next thousand years in western Christendom.

He didn't yet wield the ultimate power we expect of him during the Tribulation period, but he certainly functioned as Antichrist. the Popes were notorious for their evil lives, their sexual sins, their greed for power and wealth, their murders. Popes had fifty million true Christians tortured and murdered along with Jews and Muslime and others, he was carianly not restrained in the sense MacArthur is saying. The Roman Antichriwst Church absolutely dominated the Middle Ages. The Pope made kings and he ruled over the kings. The Roman Church grew in the superstitions of the pagan religions and the gospel message got more and more buried under those superstitions. It never completely disappeared so that true Christians remained in the Church although most of them were dissenters outside the Roman institution, such as the Waldensians. Yes the Pope did indeed put himself in the place of the Caesars, continuing the Roman Empire and calling it by that name. Christians used to know all this, many books were written about it, but all that has been lost in our day and we ar4e laboring under a half-baked eschatology concerning the identity of the Antichrist while the true Antichrist still rules over more than a billion lost souls and is jockeying for the top position in the revived Roman Empire Number Four that has been shaping up and will come to power when the Protestants are gone.

Ti ihe Pope was recognized as Antichrist by true believers outside the Roman church He operated as the Antichrist in the "Holy Roman Empire." THAT was the revived Roman Empire people are looking for today. It is already here. Its power rose and fell and just about disappeared after the Protestant Reformation but in fact did continue in the Kaiser and then Hitler's THird Reich. MacAZrthur speaks of the Roman Empire as dead. It was not, it continued as a different sort of "empire" dominated by the Pope. Now we are seeing the struggle to bring it back in the form of the European Union. The Fourth Reich. It never disappeared completely but this would be its final most powerful manifestation in the Great Tribulation period.

He's been revealed to those who understand this history, but of course he will have a more complete revelation after the Church has gone and he comes forward as the leader of the international forces that have been brewing for decades now. He's always been a political as well as a religious figure although this is not well known: the Vatican is a political entity, a sovereign state unto itself.

The true Church is ignorant of history, that's the biggest problem. I only got some inkling of all these things by listening to ex-Catholic priest Richard Bennett and to Chris Pinto who has made himself an expert on the machinations of the Jesuits to destroy the Protestant Reformation in all its forms. They infiltrate churches, they infiltrate governments, they teach their doctrines of devils in the universities and corrupt the youth of a nation, they work tirelessly to restroe the Roman Church as the ruler of the world. Too few have any sense of this and that allows the Roman Church to appear subdued and even to be treated by Protestants as just another denomination.

John MacArthur is a staunch opposer of the Roman Church and yet they fly under his radar too. No, Dr. MacArthur, we are not waiting for the revelation of the Antichrist, he's been revealed, he's been operating in plain sight for centuries AS the Antichrist over the Revived Roman Empire which is largely composed of the Roman Church itself, with all its pagan Roman trappings, weird pagan religious garb, doctrines of devils and superstitions , lying signs and wonders which have always characterized the RCC, and general inheritance of the religion of Babylon, which Alexander Hislop demonstrated in his book The Two Babylons. Not to mention the statue of Nebuchadneazzar's dream of the ssuccession of empires which tites all the heathen nations together with Rome as the ultimate expression of them all.

I have no power to influence anyone of coruse, my blogs are restrained by the censoring powers of the day, but I pray for what I write to get to the people who need to know it. I guess that's arrogant of me but oh well.

Another Spelling Out of the Misunderstanding by Current Popular End Times Bible Interpretation

In my recent post about God's Moral Law I quoted a passage that seems to me to clearly refer to violations of God's Law as showing the lack of knowledge God says causes the destruction of His people, although some teachers identify other kinds of knowledge they think God is referring to. It looks quite clear from the context, and even the last line of the passage is about sins against God's Law. It is hard to understnad how people get differfent ideas out of such apparently clear passages.

One thing I am not, never considered myself to be, is a Bible exegete. I always look to pastors and theologians to clarify the Bible for me, understanding that scripture tells us pastors and teachers are given to us by God for that purpose. We can't all be Bible interpreters although we are all to know the Bible nevertheless.

So I'm always a bit surprised when I come to a different reading from some pastors and teachers I look to, and it does happen from time to time that I do. Well, maybe more often than I want to think. My study of the head covering for women in 1 Corinthians 11: 2-16 led me away from most of the teachers I usually rely on, to the point that I believe the majority of teachers in the Church are leading their peop0le to commit a sin against God's Creation Ordinance, which I think likely accounts for some of the falling away of the churches in areas involving sex roles in particular, even ultimately providing ground for the cultural deviation of gay marraige. I've discussed this here many times.

I am also distressed at the apparent lack of sensitivity in the churches to the chaotic effect of the modern Bible versions, the different translations of well known passages leading to difficult in simply discussing what the Bible means among other things. This is a problem on top of the main problem of the false Greek manuscripts on which those new translations are based, which forces those who recognize this poroblem back to the KJV which has its own difficulties of language although at least its und4erlying manuscripts are reliable.

My preoccupation at the moment is with the way some passages are understood in the Premillennial End Times frame of reference. I've also discussed this before but I keep running across it so I want to get into it here with the relevant quotes. I discussed this in the recent post about End Times Conundrums but I want to try to be more thorough here.

First I'm thinking of the Great Apostasy which is based on First Timothy 4 and interpreted to refer to the very last days before Jesus' return. As I read it I always end up agreeing with the Protestant reformers, Martin Luther in particular, who see it as referring to the rise of the hegemony of the Roman Church and the papady in the seventh century, not to the veryh last days unless of course we can think in terms of a continuing effect or even a double fulfillment, which we do find in scripture for various prophecies.
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

It is particulrly disturbing to hear this passage quoted to support the Premill Pretrib eschatology which puts these events at the very end, which we are now living through, BY LEAVING OUT THE THIRD VERSE which so clearly identifies the Roman Catholic Church's celibate priesthood and the forbidding of meat that Catholics I knew growing up adhered to on Fridays, which made fish the most available meal in most restaurants to accommodate them. It was clearly THESE "doctrines of devils" the passage refers to, among the many others the Romaan Bishop imposed on the Christians who now came under their domination. The Bishop of Rome became the dominating bishop over all other bishops and the whole of western Christendom in 606 AD. THAT was the furture time prophesied in First Timothy, not the very last days. The Reformers knew it and I put up a post a few years ago listing many other Christians who also recognized the Pope as the Antichrist down the centuries to the Reformation. I know there are arguments against the Reformers' interpretaion but I have to reject them. The passage is too clear, and again, it is very disturbing that so many of today's teachers ignore the third verse which puts their own interpretation into doubt. We are clearly in a time of major apostasy in the Church today, but that passage points to the Roman Church as what we call the Great Apostacy. This is all of a piece with other evidence that Rome and the papacy are the Antichrist system. It dominated through the MIddle Ages and is expected to dominate again at the very end, during the Great Tribulation. The fact that this and other passages are not interpreted to identify the RCC explains why they are expecting an unknown to emerge as the final Antichrist, while the real Antichrist is already in international prominence every day.

The other passage that is interpreted to support the Premill Pretrib eschatology that seems pretty clearly instead to refer to the Roman Church as the seat of the Antichrist, is 2 Thessalonians 2:

2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Acording to the Reformers "that Wicked" was revealed when thne Bishop of Rome became Universal Bishop over all western Christendom in 606 AD. He was rectgonized even at the time as the Anticrhist, and afterward by many others down the centuries, a list of whom was compiled by Christ Pinto, most of which I posted here a few years ago. To interpret this to apply only to the very last days is to complet4ley miss the identity of the Antichrist already known to true Christians and to the Reformers. He's been revealed, he was revealed in the seventh century, and the Antichrist papacy continues today and it will no doubt be a Pope who is THE final ANtichrist.

Guess I should clarify here that the Reformers understood the Pope to put himself in the place of God, tand his title Vicar of Christ says that quite directly. He's considered to be Christ's representative on earth, although Christ sent the Holy Spirit to play that role, making the Pope a usurper of the role of the Holy Spirit. He retains the God-usurping titles today, and one verison of them in Latin adds up to 666 which I've shown before. As for his "sitting in the templer of God showing himself to be God" the Reformers understand the temple to be the people of God which scripture clearly tells us is the case, we all being living stones of that temper. So there is no particular reason to expect him to set himself up in a literal temple in Jerusalem, he's already put himself in the place of God in the true temple of God. It's possible he MIGHT also do that, as Antioches Epiphanes, the precursor and model of the Antichrist desecreated the temple in Jerusalem. But it's not necessary, and since the rebuilding of the physical temple in Jerusalem and the resumption of animal sacrficies there would be extreme blasphemy against Christ whose sufficient sacrifice was the reason for the destruction of that t4emple in 70 AD. They seem to be getting ready to rebuild the temple when it becomes possible in God's Providence but again it's not necessary, the Antichrist has already taken his seat in the true temple.

The one who withholds or restrains the revelation of this person is interpreted today to be the HOly SPirit who supposedly will be4 removed with the CHurch at the Rapture, after which THEN the Antichrist is expected to be revealed. First of all the Holy Spirit can't be removed, He's omnipresent, and He is the cause orf salvation so since they believe an uncountable number will be saved after the reveleation of the ANtichrist He has to be present. Second, and more important for thinking about how to interpret this passage, if it were the Holy Spirit Paul was talking about he would have had no need to speak in such secretive cryptic terms. The reason he spoke that way was that in his time the Caesars were still the rulers and since the Anticrhist was going to come out of the CHurch to supp-lant the Caesars he had to keep from revealing that prophetic fact. The Bishop of Rome was elevated to that seat in the seventh century, well in the future from Paul's time, and the papacy jostled for power with the kings of Europe for the next millennium until the Protestant Reformation. And the Reformation is probably the "wound" to one of the heads of the Antichrist beast in Revelation, which was healed, indicating that the ROCC will have recovered its political power in those very last days still to come.

Again, there would have been no reason whatever for Paul to speak cryptically of the identity of the Restrainer or the identity of the Antichrist if these things did not imply a threat to the Roman emperors. I think that is conclusive for interpreting this passage. That the Roman Empire was continued under the Popes ought to be clear enough from the fact that thed called the overarching coalition of sorts of the European kingdoms the Holy Roman Empire, and you can also see that notion in the use of the title "Caesar" in some of the nations, such as "Czar" and "Kaiser," and in Hitler's dubbing of his Germany as the Third Reich meaning the Third Roman Empire. The EU can be regarded as the burgeoning Fourth Reich or revival of the Roman Empire. The Premill eschatology also looks for a Revived Roman Empire without recognizing that it's been with us in religio-political form under the papacy all along.

So what is to manifest at the very end is a renewed politico-religious "Roman Empire" under the Antichrist Pope, a recovery of the Holy Roman Empire which the various self-identified "Caesars" including Hitler kept trying to revive. A revived "Holy Roman Empire" and a revived Inquisition to slaughter all the "infidels" which means everybody who is not Roman Catholic (or possibly Muslim too since there is reason to include Islam in this revival which I've mentioned elsewhere but won't repeat here.).

You really don't want to be around when this comes down. It will last seven years, most virulently three and a half years which refers both to the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, and then Jesus will return to claim His rightful title to the planet. Stick it out without capitulating, even to the death, and you will be blessed, but getting there will be the worlst thing anyone has ever had to endure.

NOTE: More Christians and especially pastors and teachers should be more up on the history that supports the Reformation interpretation Two books that I think I first heard about from Chris Pinto though maybe it was Richard Bennet, are Wylie's History of Protestantism, and Dowling's History of Romanism. I think it was Wylie's book that includes a history of the Jesuits and their Counterrefromation efforts to destroy Protestant nations, and it looks to me like they've just about succeeded with America. John Adams warned against them but so did many others a century or so ago. They work in advisory positions to politial leaders, they teach in the universities and turn students away from our true history, they tried to bomb England's parliament and kill their king back in the seventeenth century, they foment wars, they circulate vicious propaganda, they oritginated the concept of Social Justice, but nobody knows that bevcause they always work behind the scenes and keep a low profile.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Mike Lindell's Symposium on Election Fraud

UPDATE noon Thursday: The symposium seems to be down, at least I can't find it, and I got an email saying they were attacked. Lindell was personally attacked last night and so was another person involved in the symposium, electronics seized. Guess he was doing too good a job of proving the election was rigged.
Friday: I think it's all there but it's hard to figure out where you are in it. I don't know how much I've missed but I've seen quite a bit. https://home.frankspeech.com/

Been watching Mike Lindell's symposium on voter fraud that began Tuesday night and runs through today. I've missed a lot of it but I suppose it will be repeated, although much of it is over my head technically anyway. He's done a great job, though of pulling together the people who do know what it's all about and I'm impressed with that.
As far as I'm concerned, I saw plenty of evidence of voter fraud last Fall, dozens of people swearing out affidavits to what they witnessed of it. What did the majority of the public get but a flat out lie that this was the most secure election in American history . I guess they don't mind lying to the faces to witnesses and witnesses of witnesses as long as they know they can pull the woool over the eyes of those who listen only to the Leftist medial.
There were also rumors of fraud built into the computers, but that had to wait until now to get some solid verification, and they appear to have it now. What they are saying is pretty clear only I don't know enough to judge it rigtht now. Maybe I'll get a better grip on it later.

Here I'm going to post a link to the symposium starting with Lindell's opening remarks. Hd spends the first twelve minutes talking about two broad categories of information that came to light that made it possible to recognize the fraud, including how it was programmed into the computers. Most of what he says, however, is about voter fraud in six states, lists of dead people who voted, illegal aliens who voted, people who voted more than once, people who voted in more than one state or county and so on. They have this information for Arizona, Michigan, nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia. He makes it clear what Trump was asking of the Governor of Georgia by the wasy, just to give him the fradulent votes from one or two categories, which would have been enough to push him over the top. FEAUDULENT votes, you understand, a couple of categories of people who voted who should't have, only a couple of categories of those which would e more than enough to restore Trump's legal win.

Does the average Democrat really hate Trump enough to support fradulent elections to keep him out of office and ensure that the country is taken over by the Comkmunists? Really? For that matter, even the Google people and the Facebook people and the Twitter people?: Do they really want to see America destroyed?: Do they really want to be ruled by China? Do they really believe what you have to believe to support the Communist revolution that is happening?


God's Moral Law Will Have the Last Word

Sometimes I hear the line quoted from the following passage in the book of Hosea, "My people are destroyed for lack of kowledge," followed by different interpretations of what sort of knowledge is being referred to. This has bothered me for some time because the context itself seems clearly enough to d3efine what knowledge is meant.
Hosea 4:1-8
Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away. 4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another: for thy people are as they that strive with the priest. 5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with thee in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.

6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. 7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.

Very earnest Christians, even pastors, will offer ideas of what sort of knowledge is meant, from knowledge about the devil's wiles, to knowledge about diseases and poisons in our environment, to knhowledge about political conspiracies, all things that could certainly threaten our survvival if not recognized and avoided.

But reading the passage as a unit it seems pretty plain to me that God is talking about a lack of knowledge of His Law. He says there is no truthy, mercy or knowledge of God, that there is swearing and lying and killing, stealing and committing adultery. Isn't it clear that He's talkiing about a lack of knowldedge of the consequances of sin here? Isn't it sin that is bringing on them the mourning of the land, the languishing of the people, the taking away of sustenance, causing their falling?

It is sin that destroys us. Scripture says elsewhere "The waes of sin is death." And Romans 5:12 has: "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned..." It is violations of God's Law that bring every kind of destruction on the humqan race. That's what the Fall was, from which all humanity has been suffering for millennia. We live in a fallen world, which is too often fprgpteem evem by Christians who should khnow it best. Althoughh in the Hosea passage God is talking specifically about His chosen people who lack the knowledge of His law that would keep them from the sin that destroys them, it's true of human beings inb general. All suffering of every kind is the consequence of sin, our own personal sin or sin we inherit from ancestors, our own ancestral lineage as well as our original parents whose Original Sin of disobedience has been passed on to all their progeny.

As I've mentioned before, various cultures and religions also have some knowledge of God'[s Moral Law although it is incomplete or distorted by comparison with the biblical revelation. Lying, stealing, adultury, murder are all identified as basic karmic categories to be avoided in Buddhism for instance. That's four of the Ten Commandments spelled out in the Bible. If you avoid committing these sins you will cut down on your susceptibility to disease, injuries and early death. Of course we can't change what we inherit from our ancestors, all we can do is minimize our own personal sibns and their consequences. Even so we all commmit sins every day because it's built into the fallen nature we are born into.

This is why Christ died. This is the gospel, the "good news" that although we all deserve Hell because we're all sinned against the Law of God, Jesus Christ the God-Man came to pay our sin debt for us. He took on our sins so that we could take on His perfect righteousness and have eternal life. If we believe in His death in our place we are saved. If we refuse His offer we will go to the Hell we have personally deserved.

I remember God's Law lately because of the sins America as a nation has accumulated, and natiobs are also subject to destruction for sin. That's what the Judhment of God is all about. Pass a law calling the killing of the unborn good and the nation comes under God's judgment. Pass a law interpreting Freedom o Speech to include protecting pornography and the nation comes under gOD'S JUDGMENT. Pass a law extending marriage to homosexual couples and the nation comes under God's judgment. God's judgment includdes all kinds of destruction, from violent weather patterns to social unrest, increased in murders, the election of evil people to governing positions, defuncting the police so that crime increases, bringibng foreigners into the country to destroy the economy, spending more monjey than we have which will also destroy the economy. In other words sin increases sin and that in itself is God's judgment. Eventually God's wrath will utterly destroy a nation. He may use our enemmies to destroy us, although they in their turn will also be judgged.

Knowing that God is in chanrge of all these things is what keeps me from being very hopeful that America can recover from our current downward spiral. The Left has the upper hand and they are at the moment the wielders of our destructfion though they will be destroyed in turn for their blatant violations of God's Law. I still see some signs of hope here and there so I haven't given up completely but the general trend of lies and more lies and destructive policies after more destructive policies looks like the main trend with no end in sight.

The only way to prevent it is for the nation to turn back to God in humility, rependance and prayer. I don't see that happening, do you? well, I could add that there are passages in the bible that make it clear God will honor a few righteous even in a predominantly wicked nation. I guess that's a source of hope. Otherwise it looks like it's all downhill to the Great Tribulation from where I sit.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Sam Harris Replies, and the beat goesw on.

Sam Harris has responded to Bret's response to his pocast with Eric Topol, the subject of my previous post, and if anything his response is even more sickening, frightening and disheartening than his first podcast. He accuses Bret and Heather of paranoia, doesn't see anything costructive to come from a personal discussion between them, and hasn't altered his wrongheaded beliefs one iota.

It would be one thing if this were only a clash of opinions but the problem these days is that his erroneous views are fuel for political power against his opponents and that doesn't seem to bother him. The unvaccinated are morally at fault according to him and that makes us targets of all kinds of abuse by government and other social powers. Once you've picked your enemy and labelled them with denigrating epithets long enough, concentration camps, mass slughter of the denigated, gas chambers and the like are easily justified even in high moral language.


Anyone who thinks Trump was a threat to American democracy rather than the salvation of the American republic, is not to be trusted. But again, he's on the side that has the power, and that's unfortunately what counts in this current political climate.

Here and there we have a ray of hope that it won't porevail, or at least that there is more resistance to it than we might guess from the leftist rhetoric which is what most people are hearing with little opposition. In the latest Dark Horse Podcast, #91, Heather describes her encounter with some liberal women who see through the lies and the setting up of the unvaccinated. That's heartening. but by now we're so used to talk that produces no effective action I can't put much confidence in it.

Harris understands nothing about the realities infolved. He doesn't see the lies, he denigrates the VAERS reports, he believes the manufactured statistics. He's one of the "useful idiots."

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Pandemic One of the Tools for Destroying the Free World.

There is now a great kerfuffle on the internet about Bret Weinstein's wariness toward the vaccines and endorsement of Ivermectin as a preventative of COVID.

This podcast is a good recent overview of the arguments in favor of Ivermectin as a preventative as wel as treatment for COVID 19 and its variants: Bret Weinstein with medical Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik of FLCCC (Front Line COVI19 Critical Care)


Here is the earlier Joe Rogan podcast, with Bret and Dr. Pierre Kory on Ivermectin. YouTube removed it so it went over to Spotify where you have to register to watch. this may be the main video that sparked the kerfuffle:


Here's the beginnng of the kerfuffle: Sam Harris on the vaccines and related issues, talking with Dr. Eric Topol

This discussion was to me sickening and frightening, so disheartening it's hard to describe the hopelessness it engendered. I have to accept that Hrris is sincere, he sounds sincere, but that just makes the fact that he is doing nothing but regurgitating the current propaganda and completely misreprenting the point of view of his opponents abysmally discouraging. I might make some comments, not sure yet since Bret has his own response to him:

Bret and Heather responded to Harris' podcast in their Dark Horse Podcast #89L That discussion starts about 11:36:

Bret's main response was that Harris' arguments were strawmanning what he and Heather had said, which is true but my point would be that he's strawmanning all those who reject the vaccines and favor Ivermectin as well as a number of other treatments.

I'm just going to give a brief sketch of some of my own responses:

There are some who think COVID is overblown, and actually the evidence on which they base that is really quite good despite the way Harris and Topol mischaracterize it, but I doubt that's the majority of those who don't want to be vaccinated. I'm in at least two vulnerable groups and I don't want the vaccine. I feel I'm amply protected by the supplements I've been able to acquire, and I also strongly suspect I had the virus anyway, a very mild case which would probably be explained by the fact that I was taking those supplements at the time. Not only do I think I'm amply protecte but I believe that I'm contributing to the extinction of the virus, far from being the cause of anybody else's infection as Harris and Topol accuse the unvaccinated of being. This is part of what's frightening about their view because if we are held responsible for others' sickness wse become targets of government tyranny.

The real threat to public health is the suppression of the antivirals such as Ivermectin and HCQ which have a huge record of keeping people out of the hosptial as well as preventing the illness altogether. Of course they misrepresent the evidence for this in the usual ways. I've posted many discussions that bring out that evidence. They also attack the VAERS site where reports of deaths and injuries from the vaccines are recorded. the usual utterly ridiculous criticisms All the fault of "anti-vaxers" too which is a cateogry that hardly applies to the people who reject the MRNA vaccines BASED ON THE SPEICIFC EVIDENCE and not on any prior belief.

The Delta variant is hyped by them just as it is on the fake news as thiw really scary :virulent" development that the unvaccinated are now accused of sujecting the vaccinated to. Although they use the correct description, that the variant is more easily trasmitted so that we're getting a great number of cases, the fact that i does not cause as serious illness as the COVID 19 is not mentioned so its higher transmissiability is allowed to imply that people get sicker as the death rate is higher. All the reportes refer to percentages of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in very nigh numbers, which obscured the fact that you can have "double" the cases or deaths and be only referring to half a dozen actual cases. When some people have called hospitals reported on the news to be overrun with DEelta patients they have been told that that's not true, they have plenty of empty beds. We know we are being lied to but this kind of lie is particularly scary because it's making a targ3et of unvaccinated people. Just as CRT is making a target of white people. the powers that be that are behind this are truly ,br>
diabolical and it's sad and frightening to think that they are getting away with it. It's also hard to understand how so many could have been so effectively deluded by lies.

The aversion to the vaccines is not based on irrational sources, it's based on known facts properly understood by medical people with impeccable credentials . The rate of deaths and injuries as a reslt of the vaccines is far beyond that of any other drug that was not immediately pulled from public use. Yes the vast majority of people receiving them are apparently doing fine but given the deaths and some very serious injuries (which by the way look like they may be mitigated by somje of the same treatments recommended for preventing the virus in the first place), and the reasonable concern that nobody knows if they may have future serious effects, there is nothing at all irrational about the educated refusal to take the vaccine.

That'says a few, not all, of the objections that could be made to Harris and Topol. I just want to add that Bret says he's ben unable to explain the suppression of information about these things except as the commitment to the profits to be made from vaccines as well as new treatments while the old ones like HCQ and Ivermectin don't mak4e anybody any money. This is probably part of it but the suppression of information that makes the difference between life and death is nevertheless a diabolical way of protecting profits.

He wonders at the iron-fisted effectiveness of the suppressive measures, and to that I have to say it suggests something beyond even the profitmaking strategies of multibillionaires. It suggests the globalist agenda of the Great Reset, which is using COVID as well as CRT and inflation and open oborders that overwhelm the economy and bring in diseases, plus other destrutive political actions to destroy their opposition, which America in particular has represented as the most succssful free society. No more are we that apparently. They've pretty much accomplished their aim. this is no longer America Klaus Schwab of the WEF whose agenda is the Great Reset, recently said that we're never going back to normal. Wish he were wrong but suspect he's right, because they obviously have the power to enforce it. Not that we shold give up without a fight.