Sunday, February 9, 2025

Heather Cox Richardson for the Left, new to me but apparently has a big following

 I hope I will get back to the previous post and just fill in a desription of what the two links are about, but for now I'm all cuahgt up in a talk I've been listening to  by a leftist historian, Heather Cox Richardson, about the supposed problems and illegalisties of Elon Musk's investigations into government overspending that she is trying to make out to be something else.

I've listened to the first half of her talk twice now and will problably listen a third time, and I still have to hear it all to the end.  And I've had to pray a lot for understanding of what she is doing because it's pretty confusing at first.    the usual leftist falsehoods but something worse than that even that's hard to pin down.  Prayer is the only way to begin to get a handle on this sort of thing and God has been giving me the ability to see some things I'd otehrwise miss.l  It's subtle, it's sophisticated, but it's deception at a high level.

\First  claims that Trump is not being transparent, while according to her Bidcen was, which is allreadye enough get your eyes rolling out onto the floor.  then she says what is going on with Elon Musk's investigations is a coup.  We're living through a coup she says.   She insinuates that Musk is actually the power behind Trump rather than the other way around.  trump was elected partly on the money Musk donated to the campaign.  Huh?   No, trump was elected on his policies.  And Musk joined the team because he likes trump's policies.  And yes Musk does have authorization to do what he's doing, which Richardson shays he does not hae.  He has the authority of an appointment by tgrump to investigated how the government's money is psent, and he has top securtyy clearance too.   Later ehshe intones the refrain we keep heraing from the left that we did not elect Musk.  Well, no, nor died we elect any of the cabinet heads trump has put in place, they are all appointees by tgrump.  In fact I believe secretary of defense is supposed to be a citizen and ot affiliated with the military, according to some protocol someone read on the radio recently.    The President can appoint whomever he likes to these positions, though he needs Congress to give their avdvice and consent. 

So eshe pretencds that it's Musk who is running the new governmetn, and even pretends that Trump is cognitively compromised in the way Biden was understood to be while of course Biden was really not deficient at all.  Hard to believe anyone would still be trying to get away with that one, but she is.   So it's really Musk who is in charge acording to her and he's now embedded in the bowels of the government as she puts it later in the talk, apparently doing something unconstititutional although since nothing she says is backed up by facts how it's unconstitituional is juist another vague insinuation we're supposed to believe without needing evidence.

Then she tries to make it all aout racism and bigotry on the part of MAGA Republicans.  The fact is that it's always been the Democrats who have been the racists and the bigots while it was the Republicans who initiated the Civil ights laws.   of course she is now muddling it all together with LGBTQ stuff, wokeism gender identity and women's rights as if the Republicans oppose all thse things as one lump just because they're bigots an don't like their power being shared with others or some such evil idea.  But the fact is that it was the Republicans who championed civil ritghts for blacks,and the Decmocrats who fought it.  All the rest was more or less invented by the Democrats following Marxism, even feminism, which has its legitimate side but also a Marxist twisting.  Wokeism and gentder identity exdcept fo rhte basic idea that all individuals should share in basic human freedoms, is all a form of oppression against traidtional Americans.  She even throws religious rights into this as if Republicans are against religious rights.  Where she could be getting that I hve no idea ubut ofr sure thatone is the target of the Left and the Right is always the defender of Religious rights.

It's hard to believe but she even continues the lies about trump saying himself that he plans to be a dictator.  Yikes this is a legitimate historian who can't tell a joke from a real statement, and can't understand that even if he did intend to be a dictator he wouldn't say so?  What is the matter with these people?   And even the lie about how he mocked a disabled man, which was shown to be false in  a series of video sthat show trump mocking many people in exactly the same way who wern't disablesd, showing that this mocking gesture he makes is about things the people say, and has nothing whatever to do with this one man's disability.  but this supposed historian goes right ahwad and pushes the same old lie.  

She blurs things together in a very confusing way, like treating FDR and EWisenhower as sharing the same vision.   All this needs more study and more unpacking but I think I'll stop here for now. 

She objects to the plan to eliminate the Department of Education, mentioning thar  it funds Special Needs programs and gives money to poor schools.  Musk and company haven't even got around to that department yet but I have no reason to think they won't deal with it program by program as they are doing with the USAID department or whatever it should be called.  If itgs doing some good work theyn there are way s to preservwe that good work while doing away with the department itself.  It can be moved to another department at least, or so I woulde guess.  Special Needs I'm thinking of tin this case.  Or maybe it can be handled by the states as education always used to be anyway before the Department of education ws created.  It was crdated, by the way in nineteen eighty one.  Some seem to think we've always had it but now it is a late creatuion and things have been going downhill ever since.  We used to have a very high randiking in education and now we're at some very low point.  that's because the department is promoting indoctrination rather than education and other extraneous things.  our high rnding came when we were under state management for educfation.  Bringing it back could only be a good thing.    as for funding poor schools, what eh poor people have needed for years has been fought by the Left and the teacher's union under the department of education, which is school choice vouchers.    they couldn't care less about deducating our children.  It's all about power.

then she goes on to mention grants for nursing homes.  She first says that we don't know if this has been targedted for elimnination or not but she goes on to acts as it if has been.  it probably is not targeted or if it is in the wrong department it can be moved, but she'sd apparently rather insinuate tht rump wasnt ot get rigd of it though there isn't the lsightest reason to think so at this point an no move has been made in that direction.  She just likes to insinuate the most evil thing she can think of.

Throughout this talk it's a lot of insinuation and just about no substance at all, which is standard for the Left.  She doesnt' illoustrate or edefine anything she labels, she just labels and lets it stand withou clarification.  transparency, what does that mean?  Coup?  well finally she says it's a coup because Musk is in charge, not trump.  But his is a lie.   As for what Musk and his team are trying to do she never once mentions the spending fraud they have already uneartherd.  No subjstance whatever.  Just all aboutg wherther they ahve a right to be there or nortt. 'm sure they do but they hmay have to face a weaponized court first.   

to get some idea of the substance of what she's leaving out by way of substance go listen to the first part of the interview of Joe Rogan, no of Bret Weinstein by Joe Rogan at the link in the previous post.   Rogan spells out the wasteful spening  Musk's team has uncovered, which of course richardson doesn't mention at all.

Actaully I suppose she means to be identifying it when she talks about all those categories she says republicans hate because they benefit groups republicans don't like.  Oh right, that's what she's doing.   it's because theyse probtgrams benefit  "those people" that are idsliked by Republicans that they are being targeted.  Oh right.   Oh this is evil.

that's what she does with DEI.  It's not that it's racist and unconstitutional, it's just that Republicans are bigotd against certain classes of people these DEI programs are designed to benefit.  I't s not that DEI puts incompetent people where we need the highest quality of worker, which puts the whole nation in jeaopardy, no, it's just bigotry.  

It's not that hiring people for a job such as air traffic comntroller requires a high lefvel of skill which means that hiring a person for any other quality than that skill is likely to produce shoddy work, no, it's just bigoty.    So we are having all these plan crashes, and whle it MAY not be for this reason,k it's something we shoulde expect could very well happen as a result of DEI.

cluding Airline mechanics.  Which is why things are falling off airplanes too.

And the fire that destroyed so much of the best parts of Los Angeles could vey well be the result of decisions made on a similar basic, for reasons extraneous to the need for the best possible management of the threat of fire to the city.   this includes personnel schosen for jobs they are not qualified enough for, but also decisions made to protect engdangedered species without regard to the imapact on the human population.

this is fantasy thinking where praftical thinking is needed,k and it's fantasy thinking the Left does best.  they think ideologically and it is dangerous.

Monday.  The only thing she's said that I also wonder about is how they can do anything about money that has been appropriated by Congress.  but I don't know that they are doing anything about it anyway.  As I've understood it they are tasked with identifying what is condsidered to be wasteful and bringing that to Trump's attention, at which point he and his consultants will decide what to do about it.  That's how I've understood it.  So her freakout about how they are cutting off money may not have anything to support it.  but again I don't know.  She is using a lot of speculative language howere, like even saying she doesn't know if grants for nursing homes will be affected, althoygh she goes right on to act as if they are being taken away.  

I think I forgot to mention above that among her long list of lies or errors or whtever they are she also said the reagan tax cuts caused a deficit in the economy, when in fact they caused the tax reveneue to double, and this is something you can find at IRS, it's no made up like most of her stuff is.

Her attack on elon Musk is hard to stomach.  the man doesn't need any money so the idea that he has any interet in lining his own pockets through this work is craxy.  In fact I would lithink it could be libel worthy.  the one thing I've learned abourt musk in the last year or so since I startedllistening to interviews with him is that he is genuinely concerned about humanity, about Western civilization and about America.  He wants to help and he uses his money to help.  tesla is to help with the global warming problem.  The space X program is to provide an escape from an uninhabitable earth at some time in the futture.  Musk is a humanitarian in everything he does, and I hate to see him slandered the way this woman is doing.    trump too is President MONSTLY for the same kind of reasons.  He doesn't need the abuse he's been getting, same as Musk doesnt need it.  Neither of them has to do any of this.  they are very rich men who could spend the remainder of their lives in luxurious comfort, but they ahve chosen to be public servancts.  tgrump enjoys the limelight and the contact with people too, but I do think his main reason for being President or wanting to be is patriotism, humanitarianism, and the knowledge that he knows how to do it in a way others just don't.

It's sad, as I say over and over again, that it's just about impossible to get anyone on the left to consider any of this.  I've even discovered that I can provide actual evidence and it doesn't make a dent.  Prove that Trump did not say that Neo Nazis are fine people just by pointing a person to listen to the entire speech he made wherein he clearly denounced the Neo Nazis.  You'd think that would be convincing proof that the media are lying to us, but no, somehow some on the left are able to brush that off, although there are others who have seen what it means and left the party so it's certainly not everyone.   

Continuing on with this woman's talk.  Smearing trump again.  More people voted for someone else than voted for trump, she says?  Really?  golly gosh I thought it was pretty cler hat he ot the popular vote this time.  Why is she lyin about this?   And she suggests, insinuates, that he decided not to hold the inauguration outside because he wasn't going to get the numbers he wanted in the crowd.  This is so sleazy it is hard for me to avoid using some prettry hard language.   It wasn't trump's idea to move inside, lady, oh, woman, and it was very clear that it ws first bvecause the weather was so bad.  One President, I forget who, way back there in the ineteenth centuiry aI believe, died of pneumonia a week aftger he'd stood in the cold to deliver his inaugularation speecyh.   The weather was a real factor.  b ut there was a seconary fact tor that wasn't ever made official but that many suspected, buwhich ws tha security would be a lot easier to maintain in side the building, and security with a President who has been targeted twice for assassination is a real issue.   

I'm certinly in favor of her final advice to make sure we contact our representatives about wshat is going on and do it a lot, and that means us trump supproters.    

this idea that "Musk is in control of the US Governmetn" is just plain instance.  Insance.  She wousounds like a  a paranoid schizophrenic when she says that.  this is absolutely raving bonkers insane.  

Yes, sure people who have a lot of power, which apparently Musk an his team have been given, could do a lot of damage if they were dso inclined.  What is the point of saying that.  Only to suggest to the gullible that they have such motives.  But they were aponjted by trumpf ro a particular task for which they are well qualified and morally worthy.  they also have top security clearance.  What is your problem.

I'm down to the end of her talk and wow is she a pro government loon.  She says the Deep State otherwise known to us on the righrt as the Swamp is really just good people drying to the best for all us Americans, but that Maga has the wrong idea that they are only supporting some group of people we don't identify with.  good grief this is nuts.   the swamp is ufrthering Marxism.  Marxism is antiAmerican and anti humane for that matter.  She is obviously Marxist whether ehse knows it or not and maybe she does know it.  I ahaven't decided if I think she's a clever deceiver or just a lunatic or deceived her self.   But everything she'[s said in this talk is false.  Or ninety nine and half percent of it is.  And I can't think of what part might be true at this point.  It's all false and if she isn'[t just lying she should do a lot more to muster her evidence because she has none and if she tried she'[d soo nfind that out.   Evidedence is not the strong suit of the left.    

She said ot one thing that's true.  That's the bottom line.

Oh now she'[s wrapping up and guess what, although she said jothing has as yet been done to change the status of the grants for nursing homes she's now saying we are now realizing tht THEY ARE CUTTING all these things we depend on and nursing homes is among them.  Remember, I don't ieven think  anything has been cut yet at all, they are jyust in the information gathering phase and nothing has been cut.  that's up to Trump, not up to Elon Musk and his team.     this woman is dangerous.

She has put out a piece of pure misinformation.  I don't think people who do this should be cancelled.  What I think is that they should be sued for defamation.

Oh sorry, I just keep finding more insanity to mention.   she thinks that it's accumulating tax dollars that '"creates welath for all of us?"  What on earth?  What planet does she live on?  Wealth is created by work, by buiklding businesses,k by establishing new businesses.  tax moneyu is one of the fruits of it but the wealth is in the money earned and the ability to buy more, not in taxes.l  Taxes create nothing for anyohnje.  Taxes go to provide , legitimately provide, for the necessary infrastructure and communal needs of the nation, NOT FOR WELFARE PROGRAMS although she keeps trying to say it does.     All this needs to be rethought but it will be a long time before it is done.  Oh she also thinks Soc ial Security is going to be cut?  No, the problem with Social Security is that it's running out of money.  It's going to end up cutting itself if something isn't done about it.   Cutting taxes to free up busineses to exapand and increase employees and so on, along with cutting regulations that strangle such enterprises, is how welath is created in the short run.   She thinks like a Marxist, everything is upside downan dand backwards in the Marxist mind.  

The President is dotty, she says, just doing the usual Alinsky rule of tgaking what is true about the Left and projecting it upon the Right, standard playbook there and she does it a lot in this talk, anyway he's dotty and ther's theis Rogue foreigner in chartge of the government.  again this sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic talking.  Where on earth is she getting such a wacko idea.  He's an appointee of trump's.  the young students working under him and working for him.  They are investigating how money is spent by the government.  They are not cutting anything.  They are not in charge of anything.  they are doing a job as tasked by the President who is far from dotty.  good grief.

With people like this woman against us it is clear we can't let up on our constant vigilance and especially constant prayer.  Prayer prayer and more prayer.  Only god can deal with the mess we're in still despite all the good things that have happened with trump's win.   It's hard to believe people could be so misled but obviously they are.  Half the country still it seems, although some have come over to our side on at least some of the issues.   this is scary stuff.   

Yes they say the same sort of thing.  Burt the evidence is not on their side.  If they ever bothered to look at the evidence.  Which they don't.

No .  No, Trump has not been "talking to El Salvador" about taking Emrican prisoners.  No he has not.  He knows that is not constitutionally possible.  El Salvador offerdered but trump isn't accepting.  but this woman acts as if hes considering it.  She needs to be ansswered, corrected, over and over and over again.  

taxes create wealth?  I'm flabbergasted.  

I couldn't get the URL to this talk and then I just now lost the video and havn'et found it again yet, but another one came up in which she is talking about the same general stuff, how Elon Musk is supposedly in charge ofthings now and he's accessing our personal information, which isn't ihis aim at all and the whole idea is ridiculsou.  yes I'm sure it's available to him but that isn't what he's after and he has no interest in getting our personal stuff.  Anyone who has access to these things has that access and we trust them not to make bad use of it so why is it different with Musk for some reason.  He has this task legitimately, appointed him ty trump, there is no reason to treat him as this woman does as somewhow not trustworthy the way we'd assume anyone given this sort of power is presumed to be trustworthy.      Again she says money is being withheld or some su ch.  Is it really?  I thought they were to investigate, not change anything.    Well, I hope I'll hear from some other source soon what is true about that aspect of things.

Then she says this other absurd thing again.  Supposedoly we MAGA people hate governmetn because it's being manipulated by women and colored people and black people.  this is screamingly insane, just so crazy it's hard to sit still.  and kep typing.   Conservative thinking has always opposed Big govwernemtn.  It is understood to be contrary to the vision of the American Founders.  Governm,ent was to be limited to some very clearly defined areas of national need, like roads and power and thtsat sort of thing.  there's a ta  no, it's an interview with the economist Milton Friedman from back int eh Nineties where he is asked what departments of government he'd like to see eliminated and which he'd like to keep.  He identifies quit a long list he things ks should go that include th Deparment of Education, but of course wants to keep defense and trtansfportation and all those things.  I'll trye to get hold of that URL.   Anyway Richardson is pushing a false line here, as she is with everything else she says.  Smearing us as bigots as usual.  I would LOVE to see these people sued, the way Nicholas Sandman sued his  smearers and won.  

Later still.   Well I need to bring this to an end but now I'm into this other video of Heather C Richardson and tempted to take that one apart line by line too, which would drive me to insanity and mean I'd never get anything lse done so for now I guess I'll put it off at least.   

However, I should note here that I did find out that the Musk team is in fact cutting expenses in some areas, not clear which at this point but they aren't just auditing the records as I'd thought, they are actively following some guideleines for cucting some of the excesses, frauds abuses corruptions, that they are finding.  And USAID in particular is chock full of those.  Of course Heather doesn't think so, she thinkis it's all hunky dory good stuff to provide aid to disadvantaed countries and benefit americans by improved relations with them and so on and so forth.   tgoo much to try to sort out here.

She keeps saying such tempting absurdities though.  Just now I heard her say that there's no essential difference between a republic and a Democracy, just like a golden retriever versus a something else, spaniel maybe I don't remember.    Oh brother.  

Most of what she says is just plain false, some weird misdefinition of conservative categories in particular, but also just plain lies like her continuation of the idea that trump mocked a disabled man for his disability or that he really did say he really did intend to become a dictator.  How cfan you talk to someone who hangs on to such misinformation?      but it it does need to be said that there are legitimate differences between left and right that could always be talked about sensibly I would assume if al lt this extraneous craziness were done asway with.   


Stop stop stop.

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