Friday, August 16, 2024

I've Got To Get Off This Dawkins Stuff

 He keeps carrying on about evolution by natural selection as the answer to everything we can ask about life and God and so on, and the way he thinks of it I suppose it is the answer.  But he has this ridiculously simplified idea of it.  Natural selection just always selsects the most useful thing.  Well I suppose why not.  But what about amillion other possibilities that would keep cropping up oin a frandom genetic system that would not cause any hard tm to an organizsm, wouldn't they just be retained there useless though they are?  maybe he has an answer to that but I don't know what it is.  Supposely such things drop out but I don't see why if possibilirties just go on cropping up and natural selection keeps selecting the best.  Oh time time and more time.  Time will solidify the selected ones as they will confer greater survivaility even in a small amount to the possessors, while the others will eventually drop out that don't confer any benefit, but why should they drop out?  What makes them drop out?

So his simple openended change naturally selected to produce only the best and refine it would do what he says it would do, only it can't exist.    Again selection of new phenotypes can only occur with the loss of genetic variability which over many generations would lead to the inability to produce more change.  

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