At At least not by the people who most need to learn from it.
I'm reading, sorry, listening to, his book on You Tube titled The vision of the Anointed, only into Chapter two at the moment, but it's only too clear thta he's going to skewer the Left with the truth in a way tyhat will be intellectually gratifying while practically tspeaking useless. Maybe future generations whill learn from it. Or maybe not. Since he's identifying a universal moral and intellectual human failure that is impervious to criticism, which is a big part of his argument.
I don't know when the book was written, not too long ago I suppose, a decade or two perhaps, I'm sure I'
ll find out eventually, but it's so scarily true of what's going on right now s the Left is dragging the nation and perhaps the whole world to destruction and i feel so hopeless about it I swant to play ostrich and just buryin y my head in the sand and never surface again. Wonderful doucourage there in a time when we need to be trying to confront these unconfrontable bouncy doll sort of people who can't understand evidence. As Sowell keeps pointing out.
Yeah, the Left, the Left that so prides itself on being superior on aevery scale of human achiemevement or character, intellectually ahnd morally both. Engaging in incredibly criminal behavior against their opponents while blaming it all on us.
I know the problem as Marxism but Sowell adds this other dimension to the picture of impervioueness to criticism.
No matter how many milions die under Communism they refuse to attribute the failutre to OCmmunism but always say it really hasn't been tried yet. that's the mentality Sowell seems to be talking babout. So far he's identified leftist policies on welfare as leading to disaster, on sex education in the schools, which i guess now can be related to the gay rights marriage and transgender craziness, and the general attitude toward criminals that they should be understood and ot pu ished, which of course is currently being expressed in the defund the police idiocy an the refusal to arrest the rioters after George Floloyd and now showing no interest in the fact that thousands of foreign criminls have enterred our country. Sane rational law that governed the west for centuries is now jetitisones d as the evil thing while these idiotic idealistic utopian policies that lead only to destruction are implemented and defended and enver criticized.
Ig abd and it isn't the Biden administration's mad spending that is the cause of the current inflation, oh no, it's got to be trump because trump doesn't share their ideology therefore he and all his supporters are evil personified. So they continue to do what brings on inflatgion and the country will cdrown in it and they
z they are the anointed ones, the superior ones, the ones who have the ritht to run things and shut up the rest of us.'ll never tsee their own hand in it.
Destroy the achievers. they're the oppressors you know. Destroy them and be soft on the criminals and the unmotivated poor insted of working to create conditions that would bring them into the circle of the achievers.
Sauturday: Just finished Chapter two. He might as well be describing what's going on right now though he's writing about p[olicies that got started in the sixties mostly and did their damage before the end of the century. The War on Poverty, Sex education in thes schools and favoring the criminal as the victim of society as if that would rehabilitate them. YHikes. It's just as powerful now if not more so and it's wrecking the nation and they just keep on doing it and Sowell explains why it will never be reversed.
The liberals are of course the Anointed, and I am one of the Benighted along with all my fellow conservatives.
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