Don't remember who burt someone I heard recently quoted Milton Friedman, popular economist a few decades agao, on the subject of inflation saying that it is caused by only one thing and nothing else, which is government spending and the printing of money to cover it. Period. of course Democrats don't like friedman and prefer their own economic opinions which of course are going to bury the country
in their inflationary excesses.
and then Kamala blames big corporations like the big food chains for price goucghing and promises to bring that to an end. But they aren't price gouging, they are barely keeping afloat on this tidal wave of inflation that her own administration has let loose on the country. If they have to bring their prices down any more they could go out of business and many no doubt will.
Friendman also criticized the minimum age as hurting young black people just entering the work force because businesses can't afford to pay high wages and cut back on their employees when forced to pay them, and are not going to hire anyone for the menial staring positions at such high wages that they would otherwise offer young people just starting out. Liberals are just irrational about economics but very aggressive oabout it at the same time.
Tjeu a;sp tjoml tje wea;tjoest [ep[;e are mpt [auonmg tjeor faor they also think that the welathiest people ar enot paying their fair share as they say ofver and over and over again, but the highest income bracket pays forty percent, which sounds pretty outrageous as a percentage of income to pay in taes to eme. They earned their wealth so why aren't they allowed to do with it as they please? Decomracts don't like tletting them have such control over their own money.
but when ty do have control over it, such as wehn their tazxes are reduced they contribute a ctgreat deal to the welath of the nation as a whole, explanding business, hiring more employees, raising wages among other things and this increases the tax revenue overall , sometimes even doubling it as I understand was the case under Reagan.
But liberals have no clue.
I keep forgetting the numbers but the upper incoeme brackets contribute more than half of the taxes already, and the lowest income bracket pays no taxes at all but even gets money backfrom the government. I'd say the rich are paying their fair share at leas, and anyway if you tax them more they are just going to leave the country and we'll get no tax money from them at all.
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