Friday, October 11, 2024

Just Like today's Politicians, on the Left Anyway, Evolutionists Just Make up Stuff to suit their opinion or ideology and call it fact or truth.

Sometimes I can capture a URL and sometimes I can't.  I hope what I've posted at the bottom of this post is the one I want to write about, which is a presentation of chromosomes.  The main reason I want to talk about it is that the narratore says that the DNA is made up of mutationsa because as I've been saying in other present posts can't possibly be true.  

The eason I want to talk about this presentation is thta it's one of the place where DNA is described as having originated from mutations, which I've been saying in recent posts is impossible.  

And it' a typical example of myh claim that theyh don't supply evidence for such statements, they just assert them as if they are fct and even call them fact after they've admitted they can't really be evidenced as fact.

I h  It has to have been brought about my mutations becaue their theory of evoludion requires it, period, not because there is a shred of evidence that it's true.

All the supposed evidence for evolutionary theory is of this sort, assumptions anhd speculations and at best bare plausibilities declared to be facts, and often on the bais that the whole shebang is so clearly factual that this part mut be as well, despite the fact that the whole shebang has been turned into tfacts by the same sort of alchemy.

Dawkin in is talk that I managed to link to in the last bpost  says the usual stuff about how junk DNA as well as vestigial organs are proof of evolution that creationists or intelligent design proponents can't answer.  But as I say elsewhere he's qutie wrong and I've answered both many times in the past, at EvC forum and on ly blogs and even recently.  IF evolution were true then junk DNA might be  the genes of former species on the path to the current species, but that depends on evolution being true which it is now.  Junk DNA fits far better with the fact that this is a fallen world in which disease and death reign and mutations are  one of its intstruments, killin off strengths once possessed by the orgnism before the Fall.  Mutation being a death dealing weapon.s

Vestigianl organs are likewise  most probably remnants of formerly functioning organis  from before the Fall, in the original Creation.

Their bigest mistake, however, is in appropriating the ubuilt in variations of the species genome as evidence of evolutioh though there is no way they could ever  even be able to get a clue about how it could change to do something other than what the genome is obviously designed to do, built that particular creature and only that particular creature and through its system of genes composed of two alleles or variations on its traits, such as red or pink flowers a la Mendel, the creature may be found in many wonderful variations that are never anything but variations on that creature as shown by a million observations.


NOTE:  I really do have "gremlines" here a it were.  This time I very very carefully tuped "vestigial with an L L L L L not an n, but the gremlin wrong n.  

The gremlin also just now wrote wrote wrote "rwrong" where I had very careful;ly written "wrote.

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