Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ham n Nye Debate Continued: evidence for the Flood etc.

 Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD (Official) (

ye is saying that there isn't any evidence for th Flood.  Well, tht's because they've coopted it to eovolution.  the strata and the fossils are teh main evidence for the Flood.  The strata are separate homogeneous layers of sediments, a sandstone here a limestone there a shale elsewhere and so on, all homogeneously a single sediment or single material of some sort such as conglormerate.  Here and there.  But mostly sedimetns such as sand and limestone.    this fact of stacked layers of sediments fits with what water does, in deltas, at the shoreline etc.  It has been demonstrated in the laboratory to occur in studies of fast moving wqater.  It would have taken a n enormous amount of water to produce the enormously huge layers of sedimentary rocks that span many thousands of square miles, covering conteintens, and reaching highests in some cases of hundreds of feet.    Fits a worldwide Flood very well.

and of course the enormous number of dead things ofossilized sithin those sediments fits with the biblical reason given for the Flood, to kill all things living on the land, except for the few saved on the ark.  Besides land creatures of course a great humber of sea creatures also died but all the land creatures died while not all the sea creatures did.  

thas prestty good evience for the Flood.  And when the evidence is appreciated that these layers are undisturbed by normal tumults seen on the surface of the earth all the time, not occurring within the layers but only after they wer all laid down, that adds to the evidence picture of a short period of time for their laying down rather than even years let alone millions of years.  They are also tabletop flat in their original horizontal position with razor edge sharp contact between the layers, which doesn't fit any slow processes of deposition we'd expect to see on the survfa e of the earth or at the bottom of the ocean.  

'All that is pretty solid evidence for a worldwide Flood.  and I'd also mention that the surface of the earth looks repretty tubmbled and swirled and tossed around which would also fit the Flood.  

thenmeone askes the question how they reckon the timing of the drifting apart of the continents, and Ham says that Baumgartner hs studied that and that they generally see it as having started with the Flood breaking things up, which I'm glad to know because I came to that conclusion on my own as well.  I think of it as occurring at the very end of the Flood and I did my own calculations about how fast it would have .... start over, how fast the continents would ahve started out drifitn g aapart because I figure they started out fast and slowed down over the last four millennia to their present rate.  I can't read Baumgarten but I'm now interested to know what conclusion he came to anout all that.

Correction:  He said Dr. Snelling as well as Dr. Baumgartner studied the tectonic plate movement

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