Wednesday, October 30, 2024

GoGoing Down Under the Avalanche of Lies, or Will God Have Mercy on Us

 The entire Harris side of the election is built on lies, absolutely every word of it.  It's staggering.  How do they live with themselves.  And lies could win the elecrtion and plunge the nation into a dark ages most naive Americans have no way of imagining.

I don't think most Democrats or liberals could really be in favor of what their party actually stands for but if all they are hearing is lies they may well be deceived into voting for them anyway, and that is the big problem we have now.  How to get the truth to the liberals.  There seems to be no way to do that.  They are in the habit of trusting the usual sources and won't even think of checking out sources that might oppose them.  I ran into this recently with two liberals who were trying to convince me that Google wouldn't have intentionally interfered with my blog because I'm a conservative as i told them, no they have must simpler explanations, inocent explanations for why I'm having the problems I'm having.  The kind of problems one has in the old ckind of America swhere as a general rule we could trust both sides to be basically honest.  That is not the case any more and they have no idea that it isn't.  I certainly can't persuade them otherwise, they have a mountain of information they trust on their side.  That it is misinformation isn't cgoing to occur to them without many encounters with evidence and that isn't going to happen because they don't expose themselves to it.   They are convinced the misinformation is on the other side so why should they spend any time investigating it?

So it's up to God.  Well it isn anyway.  Will He have mercyh on us or not?  Does He want America to go down now?  Or will He give us another chance?

Have mercy on us, Lord.

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