Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dawkins Unsettles Me Momentarily but I Recover

 Thanks to this talk by Dawkins that I just wrote about below I've now been disabused of my silly idea that I could ever convince anyone of anything against evolution.  I now see what aso astonishes me as actually what they bvbelieve.  they really do think that what is nothing but variation that is built into the genome of a species is evolution.  this is insane but that's what they believe.  it is hard to believe, maybe just because I've become so used to my own thinking about all this and forgot twhat they think for so long it now hits me as a brand new absurdity.   

They also think that utations are needed to bring about the changes that occur.  Sure you'd need something like mutations to get from one Species to another but they arenot needed to get all the variation that is possible within the genome already.  quite dramatic variations are possible from the genome in some cases anyway, certainly the dog genome.  The genome alone without mutations codes for every kind of dog there is, from the smalledst to the biggest, the baldest to the fluffiest, with every kind of tempaerament too.  I really do think this ought to be obvious but I guess it isn't.  if Coyne can actually say that the diference between the wolf and the chihuahua proves evolution all I can do is take Tylenol for my headache and try not to get too upset about it.

Well, waita minute here.  Let's not give up too soon.  it's still true that you run aup against the barriers I've been talking about to further variation after a point, that point being the edge of the genome as it were, or the point when there had s been so much inbreeding in solation that the degree of homozygosity in particular and perhaps other genomic changes has cut the new population off permanently from the old as far as reproduction agoes.  Although thte cheetach is neve regarded as having simply evolved to its condition but been catapulgted by a natural bottleneck soewhere in its history, the fact of its genetic situation is that it can't interbreed with any other cat because of the nibmer of fixed or homozygous genes in its genome.  It is stuck at the point I call a barrier where no further "evolution" which is not evolution but merely variation, is possible.   Normal processes of variation, meaning slower ones, if they persist through many reductions of population numbers, will end up at the same place genetically, unable to interbreed with the former populations.  

This istuation is considered to be the point of specieation but that is utterly ridiculous.  It's merely the point where the creature has become a "purebred as it were.  Unfortunately in this fallen world that condition is also fragile, likely to include genetic diseases of various sorts or weaknesses such as the hip problems that some highly bred dogs have.    You could have helathy strong purebreds in the original creation but not in this fallen world which is full of death and disease in inuury of all kinds.

So I guess I can still make my case, challenging the whole shebang all at once as it were.  

And the strata are still not time periods no matter what.

To sum up:  All they are ever talking bout is variation that is coded for by the genes in the genome of a given species and there is no way there could ever be the kind of change within the genome that coulde turn int into the genome of another species.  I defy them to try to shows how that is possible.  As long as they continue to talk about things that are known becaue they happen within the genome they never have to prove their asusmption thta these porcesses coudl actually produce soething different from twhat the genome codes for.  

And again, there are no time periods, there is a stack of enormous thick sedimentary layers that cover whole continents that could never ever ever have been produced by any normal processes in any time frame on this planet EXCEPT in the one trime frame of maybe about a year when they were all laid down sequentially in a humongous Flood.


it's the genome that has to change for a the creture to become a different species and ath is simply not possible.  that's what I keep trying to say. All the variations they micscall evolution work smoothly likie clockwork because they are built into the species genome for the purpose of varying that species and only that species.  Mutation is not needed and when it does occur it doesn't improve things, it iether doesn't change anything or it produces a disease.  I 

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