Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Course in Stratigraphy

Great fun for me, at least when he finally gets to the Grand Canyon and all the unconformities and disconformities and so on, because I thought so much about all that and have my own theories about it all that golly gosh disagree with the stuff he's teaching.

This is all in the first section of the class and there are to be eight altogether.  Unless he's already been moving through them  and I just can't tell when he moves from one to another, that's quite possible.  In which case he must be up to about number four.

Ayway, earliy onhe covered Steno's Laws and Steno is my guy for sure.  the Principle of Superposition of course, followed by the Principel of Original Horizontality ,, eveyr important, and the third is the Principle of Lateral extension, meaning the layers extend for quite some distance laterally.  

Stratitgraphy is the study of those tstrata I keep talking about, in case that wasn't clear.

Of course there is no mention of the imposssibility of such a laywr existing either on the sea borttom or on the usrface of the land as I keep arguing.  He says all were deposited under water though, at the bottom of the sea, but the sea bottom is not tabletop flat while these layers are and he just slides right on by that fact.


I don't disagree with all of it of course, but the tiiming comments I do disagree with for starters.  The principel of uniformitarianism for instance.  


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