Monday, September 2, 2024

Restoring the West, Peterson and Hirsi Ali

 Well, I was wrong about Ayaan Hirsi Ali.  She's not a Christian, \\.  She doesn't want to impose her own experience on others, she says.  She thinks others have equally valid spiritual experiences through other religions, Buddhism and so on.  

this is what she said in a discussion with Jordan Peterson recetly.  They are talking about the destruction of our culture and how to rsotr e it and tht is crucially important and I was hoping to tget some ideas from them.  Since it's my own biggest project and I don't know what to do about it.  I know what's needed but ho to bring it about, no.  And they don't either.  At least she does know tht the biggest problem has been wthe wholesale destruction of Christianity so tht it is Christianity in some form or other that needs to be resotred, and tht ids getting close but not close enough for me.

I thought maybe I culd get some spiritual strength through her thinking but now I don't think so.  too bad.

Peterson continues with his Jungian perspective and that just never goes anywhere helpful.  Silly stuff like how the sacrifice of Christ means we hve to go through sacrifice ourselves in some psychological growth project or other.  Poppycock.  

 I wants this post to be about the project of restoring the culture but now I think I have to start with ansers to them.  Neither of them has the true Christian perspective which is what is needed to restore the West, certainly America.  that's where Iknow we need to start, but almost in the same breath we need to restore the principles of the founding of America.  America above all other western nations is the jewel in the crown as it were and if we can't restore it all these gloomy prognostications we hear everywhere are going to happen.  As Trump says, if he isn't elected we are going to lose wour country, we will have no more country.  Well, we are all saying that but he kows it too.  I doubt he really knows what all is lacking either but at least he knows the political side of it.

Ayaan doesn't want to impose her own views, her own religion, on anywone else.  Well, that's fine, and nobody should do that, burt the roblem is that she is saying more than that, she is saying that you can get along without Christianity and that is not so.  You can get along up to a point in this life and nobody should ompose anything on you, yes, but Christianity is the rock bottom foundation of all the good that has come through the West and principally through America.  True Christianity, not just the trappings of Chtistianity.  

It was true Christianity that Toqueveille saw when he was here, that he credited with the benefits, the greatness of aAmerica.  While a half baked Christianity might help a little, it can't really restore what has been lost becaue thta was the producet of true belieivng faitrhtul Christian people's work and character.   

While it is is common to hear people like Dawkins say you don't hvae to be religious to be moreal, and I've gone along with that to some extent because I know human beings re born with a conscience and some moral sense, lately I've been coming to realize tht you really do need true Christianity for true Morality, for the kind of morality that could restore America, the kind of morality tht for instance means that a person's word is trustworthy and can be counted on.  That comes from fear of God which comes fro Christian belief.  You have to be able to count on your neighbor to have the moral restraint not to lie to you or steal from you, and we used to have that to a great degree even in my lifetime when you could leave your door open and your keys in your cr without fear.  In the sixties and seventies there was a sudden uptick in crime of all sorts.  My daughter's motor scotter was stolen more than onece, mycar was stolen, my camera was stolen.  Things like that happened after the Marxists liberated things as they like to think of it.  Crime is the first fruit of Marxism.

You can't get the kind of trustworthiness from a half baked Christainity that is needed to restore America.   

True spiritual revival is needed but God has to do that and it hasn't happened for decades of fervent prayer by many people.

Peterson may be right enough about how sacrifice must characterize our lives for community to function as it should and all tht, but tht isn't the sacrifice of Christianity and even if he's right as rfar as it goes ther is no way to get to the mentality that makes that sort of sacrifice acceptable to the members of the community without somethijg like a strong moral framework that they subscribe tyo.  You know, like the Ten Commandments for starters.  Otherwise you see what we see a lot of, people shirking commitments, evading responsibiltiy7.  how are you going to get the to embrace this life of sacrifice Jordan evisons?

It makes me sad to think he may actually understand what the real meaning of the Christianity sacrifice is and just blithely ignores it in favor of his psychologized version, but I feel he needs to hear it again.   Oin fact I think he needs to hear something about its miraculous framework to see how there is a real God behind it all, not some psycholgocial Big Principle.  That is, think about the passover nighntht in Egypt such t before moses leads the people out toward the Promised Land.  God orders a somewhat strange little ritual .  Kill a lamb and feed your household on it.  Paint its blood on the door posts of your house.  Be ready to leave at a moents' notice but stay inside until the call comes because the angel of death is going to come throughh and pass over your house if you obey all this while those who do not thathave the projection of this lamb's blood will lose their firstborn sons.  

They are ordered to commemorate this event every year thereafter too, by killing a lamb and d eating a meal and remembering how the angel of death passed over them and how then they could leave Egypt for the Promised Land.   they commemorate this even tot this day.

Those who have not come to know that Christ IS that passover lamb that saves them from Hell, literal Hell, and gives them eternal life in the Promised Land Can you grapple with history itself as a symbol producing "story
  Can you accept that when God told the Israelities to put the lambs' blood on their doors that He meant it to be a symbol of the death of the Messiah on the Cross that would take believers out of "egypt or this fallen world with its main highway to Hell into the Promjised Land?  Two thousand years before Christ, no, sorry more like fourteen hundred years before, the sacrifice that would save us all was written on the doorposts.  

When the limjtime came, it was a \\ the yearly commemoration of the passover event of the time of Moses,  Jesus ate with His disciples on the Preparation Day for the Sabbath, He told them that the wine they were drinking was His blood shed for them, and the breadk His body.  TGhey had no idea what He was talking about.  Then he went to the dross and died as "the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world."  All prepared fourteen hundred years in advance.    that wasn't ridgged.  He couldj't have rigged that.  

Anyway that's what the sacrifice is really about Jordan.  he sacrificed Himself for us, it's got nothing to do with outr sacrifices, in fact othing we do can accomplish anything at all toward our salvation, scripture says this over and over nin many ways.  We are saved "without workdsks"  but you keep wanting to add wsorks, you keep wanting to make us hujan beings the author of our fate.  god says no, you can't, trust Me to do it all, rst in Me, it is nothing but pride to think you can do anything.  It is not o works"lest any man should boarst."    Becoeme as a little child, Jesus said.  Jesust trust wshat the scripture says and do it and stop trying to erect all those fantasical phyilosophical palaces for us to live ihn .

but anway.  If we want to respore aAmerica an I cetainly do, We need to elect tgrump but that woun't accomplish much unless we hve a Christian erevvial.  Trump can change a lot of thijgs but we need hearts to change.  We need liberals to recognize that they've been lied to and that they 've been conspiring unkjowingly with the death of their country which h was once the greatest and best nation erer.  That's what we need to find a way to bring about.    can't happen if we can't get the true Chrsitainity bakcki.

thPeters\is blog:

Explanatory note is at:  _____Faith's Window: Contact Possibility (

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