Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Genesis Flood and Saving America

"The Genesis Flood" the book by Henry Morris and John Whitcomeb that came out in nineteen sixty one had a pround effect on evangelicalism which had pretty much capitulated to the supposed scientifc evidence for evolution.   They had tried to adapt to it in various ways while holding on to the inerrancy of scritupture, but that is not an easy thing to do.  I just found the Genesis Flood as an audio book and want to listen to it again, or some of it at least just to reorient myself, because I too was proundly affected by it alhtough I didn't ecome a Christian until the late eighteeies and the book had already been out almost thirty years by then.   
Although creationism certainly inspired me I soon found that they get into scientifc areas I just can't follow and some of them didn't even seem to me to get to any really important points from which to try to make the cast to unbelievers.  I haven't looked at a creationis t website for many years by now, and of course by now my eyes are so bad I couldn't read any of it anyway.  For the last twenty or so years I was approachinjg various problems from angles I could grasp more clearly  and a lot of it was posted at EvC forum.  Of course nobody there, all being committed evolutionists, did anything but try to find ways to get rid of everything I tryed to argue.  I never found any of their arguments convincing although I do have to admit that over the years enough got said to get me to reassess parts of what i was thinking about.  I learned new termoinology fromt ime to time, learned different facets of the sciences involved insofar as I could follow them and did built up my own thinking from their arguments over time.

The Genesis Flood at least established in my mind that the flood of Noah was a historical fact that I've never doubted since, if I'd doubted it at all before.  They aruge that the strata are the evidence for it and that the fossils were killed by the Flood.  That much is incontrovertible it seems to me.  how they made their arguments I'm going to have to review, it involved scientific work in hydraulogy for one thing to establish how the flood could have created the column of layers.  All that is important of course but at some point I just stood back and thought how obvious it is that the strata couldn't possibly represent time periods, it made me laugh and although I've gone into a lot more than that in various arguments over the years I'm straging with that here.  All you have to do is THINK about the strata, what they really are in phyiscal reality, and hoyou have to admit they could not possibly represent time periods.  Really.

The history of the earh cannhjot be made up of layers of sedimentary rocks, straight and flat for thousands upon thousands of square miles.  Cannot.  And try as you might you aren't oing to be able to made ake a cast e for their existence that supposeorts such a belief in them as time periods.  How did they get there?  Every time period of millions of years somehow got reduced down to a layer of rock?  Really?  is our own period going to have that same fate?  Really?  What would be the physical stages it would have to go through tot get to that point?  What did the other time periods go through tot get to the point of being tnothing but a flat layer of frock with dead things in it?  
Go on, try it.  the whole idea is insane and when you really do try to think it through you have to wonder how anyone manged to overlook these simple physical facts.

Go on, try it.

I went on to work out what I think is the true historical path of the strata and in doing that I chad to contradict some strongly accepted ideas that even the creationists who believe in the Flood had adccepted.  I've spelled it out in many places but I don't ahve the means to do it any more from scratch because it takes visuals I can't make use of any more without help which I on't have.

Of course everybody laughs at it all but who cares, I expect people to laugh,.  I nevertheless thingk I've come up with some good stuff, and it's suff the creationists haven't come up with unless they've done so sicne I did.

I'm going back to this in this post although the previous post was about how America is going to go under as a nation unless we correct certain things and bring back our Christian heritabge.  I know we aren't going to do that.  The forces of evil are too strong and it just isn't going to happen.  But if evolution could be killed as it so richly deserves to be it might open some yeeyhes.  

Soli Deo Gloria

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