Saturday, August 10, 2024

Matt Walsh Again

 Last night he was talking about a website he had found where parents vented hatred for their children, and he had some advice for them about pretending to be in charge because the kids don't respect them when they are wishywashny and a fe other ideas he had.  I thought some of his thinking was more or less in the right ballpartk but that he was overall too hard on the parents who just seem to bme to have no way to deal with parenting since they'd never been taught anything useful about it.  reminded me of the parents in the Supernanny episodes who start out in mayhem and chaos until Supernanny gives them effective methods for turning things around.  Without being too hard on the parents, although there are some cases where the parents need her to be hard and she is.    So I was thinking Walsh might benefit from watching a few Supernany episodes.  I tdont' think everything she does is great, but then nobody is perfect, and a lot of what esje teaches is very useful if the parents can learn to be consistent and stick to the script.  I think Walsh himself could find some of her advice beneficial since he seems to be sucking up a lot of frustration of his own.  Doing OK with it but probably bettr if he had some her methods for organizing things better.  

Hyst a tJust a thought.

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