Friday, December 8, 2023

Come soonb, Lord jesus

God said Jerusalem would become the center of world agitation at the very end and here we are, all of a sudden, seeing Israel surrounded by the most vicious hate from all directions of the blobe.  All of a sudden, completely unexpected.  Yes we've seen a rise in anti semitism over the last decade or so but nothing like this, a sudden gigantic emergence of virulent hatred directed qat Jews.  The source is no surprise, Islam is dedicated to eradicating Israel and the jews, it's on their books and taught to all tgheir children, but for the world to chime in as it has, including crowds in the US, THAT is shocking.

But God said Jerusalem would become a cup of trembling for the world at the lastand, here we are.  A stumbling stone for the nations.  All nations.  Led by Satan of course, who is the ruler of this fallen world and always busy stirring people up against God and whatever god is doing, and Israel is a major representative of God on this earth.  Christians should be as well, but we have no specific geography.  Israel is a piece of real estate, a place, a location, and the Jews are known as the people of the Old testament, chosen by God, so getting rid of them is a prime objective of God's arch enemy.  

Jan Markell has et another program on this theme this week.  Whatever questions I still have about the specifics of the Pre Trib Rapture scenario don't keep me from seeing the role of Israel in this end times countdown.  And it does make sense that Israel would be the focus of the Antichrist just waiting to be catapulted to center stage.  Yes I am sure of his identity but that isn't terribly important except that it changes the timing of things somewhat from the usual pre trib schedule.  A covenant with Israel is to launch the Seventieth Week of Daniel as prophesied inj Daniel ...9 I think, but I'm often getting the chapter wrong.This coventnat is n't mentioned in the Book of Revelation, only in Daneil, but the Antichrist is represented in revelation in Chapter Thirteen by the beast from the sea and it has emblems that identity it with the fourth besast of Daneil's vision so we know it's the same person.  

Jan's guests talk about how some churches avoid mentioning these things and suggest that it's just cowardice, fear of losing church members.  I hope not but it could be.  This is no time for Christians to be owards, if there eever could be such a time.  Aren't we told we are to lose our lives for His sake?  Clinging to any kind of worldly securty is disoedience.  The greats of the faith listen in Hebrews Eleven even lived in caves in order to protect their faith.  this is no time to be depending on worldlyh comforts.  Hey, I'm no paragon of courage, believe me, but I recognize my fear and am trying to pray against it and beg God to give me the strengrth to risk everythinjg.

I'm worn out.  I wish it were over.  The good for evil and evil for good fallen world is exhausting.  And it's all finally comning to the point of disintegration with no going back and a lot of us are falling apart.  A lot of unbelievers for sure.  

Should add to this a strong recommendation to listen to this week's Understanding the times radio show from Jan Markell's Olive Tree Views webside.  It's also at You tube at least for now.  It covers the history of the situation pretty well for those who know little about it.  There is a short section between the first and second parts of the show where the history of the idea of a Palestinian people is tra ced whowing that such a people never existed but was invented as a weapon against Israel inj the sixties.    Israel's existence on that land is legtimate from every possible point fo ivew from the biblical foundation going all the way back to Abraham to the fact that the land was not occupied by any people of any identity whatever and in fact was a wasteland according to mark twain who vicited the area in the late ninettenth century, and the fact that they purchased land where necessary as well.  That loand belongs to Israel, they are not occupying any body else's land.  This history has been bured under Leftist and Islamic lies.

As the radio show also makes clear, it needs to be understood that this is no ordinary pollitical conflict going on between Israel and the Palestinians or the whole Arab world for that matter, or the whole world for that matter by now, Islam itself prescribes the muder of the Jews and of all "infidenls"   this is no reaction to a supposed occupationm or any kind of pollitical oppression by anybody, this is engineered from the official supposedly sacred writings of Islam itself.  If Mustlims exist who do not follow all that , great, but that's because they either don't know about it or reject it, not because it isn't there if they ever decided to go back to their religious roots.  When they do they learn that they are ordered by what they supposed to be God himself to kill the Jews.  That is what makes all this so impregnable to reason.  There are no political solutions to this.  Two states would only give Islam more access to murdering Jews.  They HAVE two states, or did, in Gaza, but they didn't use it as a Paolestinain state in the sense of building it up to prosperty and success for the people, they gave it over too Hamas, they voted for Hamas, they show their allegiance to their religion and there is no way you will ever talk them out of that.  If God is telling them to take this position how are you going to get them to reject it?    But the Left continyues to spread the lies that it's just an ordinary political conflict, the have nots at the mercy of the haves, when they have had the means to become prosperous for a long timeand don't use it, they use it to try to destroy Israel because that is the whole meaning of their religion.   No sign the world is going to be waking up to this any time soon though.  \\

Well, I guess it makes sense that Satan gets his day in the end.  Not the VERY end at least, but the end of life on this fallen planet before He returns.

There is no earthly solution to any of this.  The only solution is salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  That's all there is.  And it's a lot.  It's the whole point of v3eing here in this miserable world.

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