Saturday, October 21, 2023

Some Corrections

Was Able to use the Read Aloud function to hear the top page of the blog and cringe at how many errors of all kinds I made.  I can't do anything about them beause I can't see, andthe typos though numerous don't seem to be a huge problem, but I've made errors of fact that do bother me and I wish I could change them.  

I did note that I'd referred to the book of Daniel chapter nine when I should have referred to chapter seven as the source of the image of the beast in Revelation thirteen and even seventeen but there are other problems if I can remember them.

One is that in Revelation eleven where John is measuring the temple and is told to leave out the court of the Gentiles I said this would be until the fullness of gentiles was complete, but that's not what is said there:  they are allowed to trample the holy city is what it says,m for fourteen hunndred and njinety days, which is that important time period that is repeated in many ways in Revelation as well as the book of Daniel.  The women of Revelation twelve will be protected for that same period of time, the beast of Revelation thirteen will be allowed to persecute and kill the saints for that same period of time and I forget the other references right now.  

But it's expressed in different ways and I don't remember which form is used in which case:  some places it's fourteen hundred and nintey days, some places it's three and a half years, some places it's a time, time and half a time.  Oh yes the two witnesses testify for that same period of time.  And so on.

I also stupidly put Saddam in afghanistan when I meant Iraq.Or should have.

Qhat else.  Don't know at the moment.

By the say the surgery went well and I thank anyone who prayed for me.  I have a five inch incision at the base of my neck but oddly enough no pain, just tightness.  

What else.  Oh I know there were other mistakes.  Maybe I can come back and add them later if I remember them.  It shouldn't be too hard to add something at the boottom of the post.

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