Sunday, July 2, 2023

Some Loose Ends Vaccines and UFOs, Weird Mix I knhow

Bret and Heather are doing a good job on the vaccines issue this weekbut I have a couple of comments, which I would make at the site except I can't get to the site.   Oh, one thing I wasn't going to comment on but I think I will:  She apparently got some complaints about her defense of rachel Maddow's declaration that MSNBC or whatever her station is wasn't going to televisse Trump's speech and somebody called Heather a sufferer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  I too had had a problem with her defense of Maddow's position but that wouldn't have been my response to it.  I just havae a problem with anyone who takes Maddow seriouesly at all, she's so biased there's no way such a decision had anything rational behind it.  So I don't get anyone's ever defendeing her, but it's defending her and not the connection with Trump I'd be thinking of.

So much for that.  The other thing is that later in the podcast they are talking about how the usefulness of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were suppressed in favor of other drugs for the treatment orf COVID and Bret says one study had given way too much HCQ to its subjects.  I think he's wrong about that.  I don't know if there is a lethal doxe of HCQ, there may be, but I do know that in the Brazil study they gave letahl doxes of Chloroquine, not Hydroxychoroquine, to their subjects, and killed many of them.  HCQ wasn't the culprit, Chloroquine, which is a precursosr to HCQ was the culprit.

And for Something Completely Different, I heard on the radio, my Late Night Spplk Show, Weekened Version, a guy talking about how UFOs are deceprtions from angelic relams and I though wow finally someone is talking about the truth here.  Well, Vallellee had already talkedabout it years ago.  But no, this tuy has a weird idea that angels both godly angels and fallen angles rely on "chariots" to get around and that simply is not truth.  I proabbly didn't listen far enough to find out of he makes any exceptions to that idea, which I'd think he must since there are many appearances of angels in the Bible which have nothing to do with any external means of transportation, they simply appear, and are indistinguishable from ordinary men.   In the book of Daniel Gabriel is said to have flown to talk with him.  No chariot implied.  

And looking up that guy's references I found a discussion online of the Book of enoch in which the host of the presentastion seemed to be saying that all the religions talk about how human beings got our knowledge from angels.  Hm.  Well, in the Book of Enoch as I recall, the "Watchers" who begot children by human women did impart knowledge to them which was condemned by God or something like that.  But I don't see anything in that to imply that angels were our only source of knowlege.  Far from it as a matter of fact as God is said to have given us various kind os of knowledge.  Angles apparently impart some forms of forbiddden knowledg eto us or something like that.  Oh well, maybe I didn't listen far enough to get what the guy was ftrying to so, but it had that feel of a big woowoo revelation that somehow ontradicts traaditional Christian teaching so I'm reacting to it.

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