Monday, July 17, 2023

Climate Chate , Gun control etc

 Just a couple of thoughts on the subject

Heard recently that solar flares can cause heat waves and that we recently had a solar flare, preceding our current heat wave.  reasonable cause and effet scenario perhaps?

Some time ago haeard that seagoing trafifce, tanger ships, which are now more numberous as we eliminate pipeline delive3ry and that sort of thing, also increas ein rail delivery of oil for the same reason but that's a digression.  Anyway seagoing traffic, allthose big ships, container ships and all that, trekking across the oceans from one part of the glob to another all the time, put out TWELVE TIMES the air polution of all the terrestrial traffic on earth.  The sort of statistic that for some reason never gets taken into account by the climate change hysterics.  Just a thought.  

I have my own thought that I've mentioned efore here, that yes there is some global warming going on  but that the natural causes are likely far more causal than anytihjg we are doing as human beings running our lives with various forms of fuel.  I think if we all took the Bible seriously we would reaslize that the Flood brought on a huge ice age through the rapid evaculation of heat after the collapse of the moisuture layer, that there was only one ice age in the forty five hundred or so years since the Flood, yes I'm talking about the worldswide Flood fo Noah, and that what is interpreted as many ice ages is no doubt better explained as a series of advance and repereat episodes of the same ice age, gradulallyt over the millennia warming up.  The warming up accounts for gloval climate change in the dxirection of overall greater heat, and it's a natural and inevitable causal factor.

This whole climatge change hysteria is political and scientifically bogus.  There are way more variables involved thatn they wever bother to consider and that is unscientific.  The phenomena are complex beyond any of the glib ways these hysterical ones or politically motivated ones rely on.

Seems to me there is global warming to some extent, the glaciaers do seem to have retreated back greatly over the last hundred yearsa or so, but this blaming it on human activities has no serious enough scientific basis to justify any of the draconian solutions they are trying to push on us.

Later:  Another thing that I never hear about is the fact that oil isn't used only for fuel, let alone only for the family vehicles that are the main target of the climate demonizers, but most of it is used to make plastics.  A statistic I heard was thrity percent for fuel and seventy for plastics.  We're awash in plastics.  Wre couldh't do without them, or are they going to make us do without them?  In any case it's not our family cars that should be targeted as the main culprits.  You might even say they are the least of the problem when you consder that both air and sea traffic use prodigiously more fuel than our cars.  AND that more than twice the amount of oil pumped out of the ground doesn't even go to vehicluilar fuel but to plastics.  

SO many things the climate fanatics aren't taking into account as they go after a pet target whose elimination would wreck life for all of us.

Gun control is another cultural arena that is plagued by the same kind of irrationality.  they'll give statistic on the use of firearms in homicides without bothering to take into account who is committing the majority of the homicides, such as criminals and gang members in violence prone parts of the big citiies, and that the guns are often illegal anyway so that doubling down on makeing more aspects of their ownership illegal isn't going to accomplish anything toward reducing gun violence.    All it is going to do is penalize the ordinary citizen who needs a gun for legitimate purposes includinmg self defense.  It's hard to avoid the thought that this is exactly the popular ion they WANT to punishesh.  it's political and they want us unarmed so tehy can control us.  If it isn't that then it's just plain stuipidity and irrationalikty.

Biw U;n tgubjubg ifother ways we are being ruled by crazy people these days.  their economic policies for instance, guaranteed to destroy civilization.  The whole racist nightmare they've concocted, first calling incidents racially motivated that can be shown not to be but that showing is suppressed because they want to keep everybody stirred up and at each other's throats.   

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