Monday, April 17, 2023

that counterfeit heaven again

 It's been a while sice I watched one of those interof a person who had a near death experience.  I'd watched enough for a while4 and went on to listen to some good Watchman Nee teachings.  But I think about the NDE people from time to time and feel sorry for them.  I dobn't feel sorry enough for them I'm sure, I wish I could fully appreciate the horrible danger they are in , the danger they are peculiarly and spe ciallly in because of their experiences.  I wish God would give me that compassion for them so that I could pray effectively and maybe save some.

People who spend their lives without a thought about religion are also in danger and need prayer and deserve compassion but those who have had NDEs and similar experiences of the Other WOrld seem to me to be peculiarly deceived and all the more horrifylibngly deceived.   They've been given an experience that obviously has compelling power as so many of them come back with a mission to tell the world and live better lives and so on. 

It hit me hard about a year ago that evryone who is not Christs is facing a horrifying eternity     Bfore that I had know it of course, but in that shallow way that doesn't really grasp what it means in reality.   Everyone who is not in Christ is going to experience a terrifying shock at the moment of death.  Everyone.  And that certainly includes all those who had those near death experiences that have managed to confince them that when they die they will simply return to that pretty place they visited in that experience, that place where it felt like home to them, that they were returning to c ome place they'd known beofre, that place where they were assured that they will not be judged, that BGod is noting but uncojditional love and that we have many lives the point of which is simply to learn.  The author of Conversations with God didn't have a near death experience, he was just one of those who are visited by a voice that dictates a message to be publicshed..   Like A Course in Miracles among others.  This voice is understoood to be "God" and he gave as his main message, You've got me all wrong.  that is, God is not a judge, he is all love and there is nothing to tfear.   It's not just NDEs where this message is imparted, but oh so many books channeled by people in a sort of trance state.  

Funy how the message so explicitly cojtradicts the message of the Bible.  Golly gosh I wonder why that is.  The devils are hard at work these days to convince people we "got it all wrong," the Bible isn't true, Jesus is just one of the "ascended Masters, probably spent years in India where he learned the supernatural works we read about in the gospels etc etc etc.  Amazing how easily people swallow this stuff, and hard it is to talk them out of it.  An experinece is just so much more compelling than anything we read in an old book.   

So much more to write that I'm not up to.  Butg I feel sorry for these people.

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