Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Another Deception from the Fertile Minds of OUr Demonic Deceivers: "Negative Spirits"

Heard Coast-to-Coast radio again last night. Sigh. Sometimnes I think they must be trying answer my blogs about them. Guess that's qa pretty megalomaniacal thought but it's interesting how the topics they air lately seem related. Anyway, last night's guest was someone who works with demons ahnd "netive spirits" to help people protect themselves from them.

He believes that negative spirits abount "out there" in the universe and that they are the souls of dead human beings. He thinks demons are not so numerous. Asked if he thinks demons are fallen angels he said yes but he doesn't seem to have much of an idea what a fallen angel is. It's the usual situation we're in these days in which few understand that this is a fallen world, that we are fallen human beings, and that fallenness is the condition of being a sinner againt the Creator God and His Moral Law.

A third of all the angels fell when Satan rebelled against God, taking that many of the angels with him. that many angelss are thought to amount to billions. I don't know how it is calculated but that's the idea I usually hear. That's not the few the radio show guest has in mind. Surely what he is calling negative spirits that are really dead human beings are also demons, up to their usual masquerate as human beings. Sometimes they haunt houses, sometimes they show up in seances etc. AThis radio show guest believes they are human beings who exert a lot of "negative energy" or anger, against living people and he considers it his job to help people get free of their influence.
He says he believe in God, as so many do who certainly do not have the God of the Bible in mind bu5t rather a god of their own imagination. He says it helps people to protect themselves from these neatie spirits and from the demons to have a religion and use the energy of their rightoues teacherrs to help protect them or something like that. So much for the all-powerful Jesus Christ who alone has power over the demons.
A biblical view of what happens to people when they die does not have them roaming freelly around the universwe or hanging out in houses or cemeteries or whatnot, or coming back to communicate with loved ones they preceded into death. If the story Jesus told of the rich man and the poor man Lazarus can be taken as a model, there are two places people go after death, to Hell or to Paradise, in that teaching known as "Abraham's bosom" for the Jewish poor man Lazarus. The rich man is depicted as suffering the flames of Hell. The one exception in scripture is the appareance of the prophet Samuel to King Saul which Saul had request of the Witch of Endor. The real Samuel appeared to Saul in that case to rebuke him for calling him from his rest. THAT WAS A SPECIAL EVENT ORDAINED by God, not to be taken as typical. What mediums normally cal up is demonic impersonaltions.

So this man who claims to be psychic and deals with demonic spirits though he thinks mostg of them are departed human beins, is deceived about this spirit world he is dabbling in as they all are. A man called into the show though who claimed to be a Christian and praised the man as having his psychic gift from the Holy Spirit to serve humanity, an astonishing claim. How on earth did he maintain such an idea in the context of a church which he said he belonged to? Was the church totally apostate or was he a rebel against its teachings, in which case they should have excommunicated him. You can't have the Holy Spirit unless you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

A Post About C.S. Lewis

Hre's one of those posts where I mainly want to preserve something I enjoyed and hope anyone reading it also enjoys it. this is a play about the life of C.S. Lewis ("Mere Christianity" and Narnia books among others). I'm not a fan of rht eacting style but I always enjoy Lewis' story and this covers the main events. The last half is about hi brief marriage to Joy Gresham which is very romantic and very touching.

I think I read all of lewis' books during my reading binge about religion which finally led me to Christ, and Lewis was a big part of what turned me to Protestantism. I'm really not a fan of his children's books but Mere Christianity and The Abolition of Man are I think my favorites. How he became a Christian is an interesting part of his life story and this play touches on it:

then I watched an interview with his stepson, Douglas Gresham, about whom I had known nothing until then, and what's particularly interesting to me about it is that When his mother Joy was diagnosed with bone cancer and given a few mweeks to a month to life, Douglas who was ten went and prayed for her to be healed, telling God that he couldn't live with out her. And that day she went into remission which gave them all some happy years. He was ten at the time.

tgeb U found the movie "Shadowlands" about Lewis' life with Joy and I've watching it. But I'm disappointed in it. The character of Joy doesn't come across as the vibrant witty genius Joy Gresham was in reality, which does come across more in other accounts of their life together. By the time they fall in love I don't see that much ground for it has been established. In life she was a tr4ue genius who had written poetry and books herself, someone Lewis later described as his intellectual equal in a way he hadn't found in any of his men friends. In the movie she comes ac5ross as ordinary and a bit forlorn, at least in the first pat of it. I'm hoping for better to come from the point of his marrying her during her hospitalization and the cancer's going into remission. the movie has also left out the boy's praying for her which is no doubt the reason for the remission. I love the actors, Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger, but although Douglas Gresham recommended it I'm not happy with the movie yet. Nevertheless here's the link:

Well, I finished it and it didn't get any better. She spends most of her time in the movie sick. What about those almost four years of remission we'e heard about in which they had a passionate happy marriage. What about the endless wit at the dinner table they exchanged wsith each other according to her son> What about their happy trip to Greece just beffore she died, when she behaved "impishly" in the restaurant, flicking pieces of bread at the members of the very bad Greek band. No no no. This movie is not what their lives as they've been recounted elsewhere would lead us to respect. Not this unrelieved sadness. No no no.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

More on Delusions About the Afterlife and Other Things Occultic and Paranormal

If I hadn't become a Christian I suppose I'd be in the same position these people who get deep into the paranormal and the occult. If I'd had similar experiences anyway, otherwise I'd just have remained an atheist assumjing death is just a lights-out and all the other supernatural claims aren't to be b4eleived. But they've had experiences that congince them of life after death and supernatural events and whatnot. All entirely without AGod or any religious implications at all.
At least not the God of the Bible, mayube a sort of generic God. It distresses me to hear people carry on about their experiences that have proved to them there is an afterlife, of course a happy afterlife, or that they are in communication with loved ones who have died and so on. I want to warn them, I want to make them look at the Bible and realize it's not just another metaphysical text but the actual word of the God who made them, but even finding quotes from the Bible has become almost impossible for me these days. and they'd dismiss it anyway, or most of them would.

There certainly is an afterlife. We' re immortal souls. Once conceived we live forever in one state or another. And there are only two states, 4either in Hell or in Heaven. And the only way we can get to heaven is through the death and resurrection of Jedsus Christ. That's it. That's all. But that had to be revealed, there is no way fallen humanity would ever come to such a view of things. All that is possible to fallen humanity is impressions from our broken spirikt that was broken at the Fall, and the exertions of demons in their neverneding plots to dec4eive us and lead us away from the truth. they can fabricate lovely visions and otherworldl.yl places, all sorts of strange machinery that they make us bvelieve come from other planets or galaxies or maybe other dimensions to "help" us or the like. theyh impersonate people who have diedand show up in seances to reassure their families that they are in a good place, or they haunt houses or whatever.


bUT TBut that doesn't give them a cvhance to find the true happiness of eternal life in Christ. They may reject it but shouldn't they begiven the chance? Would they really prefer the primrose path the demons concoct for them if they had any idea that it's all a deception that is only going to lead them to a miserable eternity?

It's all "doctrines of demons,

Well, what the world's general descent into evil of all sorts these days, the insanities and absurdities we're being told are realities, such as that a biological male is really a female if he so wills it and tht sort of thing , it's all piling up around us and a massive increase in occultic and paranormal interest is just another trend toward total breakdown of all the structures of life we depend on. Surely this must mean that Jesus is coming back soon. I hope. But I suppose it's going to have to get worse before that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Prayers Against a Radical Leftist Getting a Seat on the Supreme Court Are Bearing Fruit So Far

Been praying my heart out that a radical leftist would not be confirmed for the Supreme Court, that the interrogators woujld be focused on her record with determination to expose her lack of qualifications for the job, that they wouldn't be wishy washy but focus like a laser on the issues. Mark Levin on Monday came on strong about the need for the Republicans to fight hard against her and that got me praying. I prayed with the biblical fervor we're told "avails much" and I keep praying in the same vein.

And this morning Dan Bongino is reporting that the hearing isn't going well for her with all kinds of examples. Thank You thank You LORD. He cautiously says it may not change the owhich are expected to be in her favor, but that just means I'm praying harder about that. Let Tthe two Democrats who have been fighting Biden's economic position come through on this one with the same sanity, and let the two or three RINO Senators who to9o often go with the Democrats come through on the sane side this time too. tHAT'S HOW i'M PRAYING.

Don't give in, sane people, and let the frequently insane wake up.

I hope there are thousands, even millions, of us praying along these lines.

Paranormal One Last Time I Hope. ESP and Mental Powers.

OK one more and there isn't a lot to sy agout it. This is the cat4egory of paranormal things that has to do with human mental abilities such as psychic powers, knowing things about somebody or a situation simply through your mind without other evidennce for instanc4e, moving or affecting physical things with yuour mind. There are other powers but those two should get the category across.
ESP or Extra-Sensory Percep5tion was the topic on last night's cvoast-to-oCoast radio show. Affecting things in the world to suit yourself seemed to be his main interest, or making things happen to suit your desires and wishes by simply thinking about them or wishing for them or something like that.

Of course whatever the mental power he's talking about he isn't thinking of God in relation to it, may not even believe in God, which is the case with most of this p[aranormal and occultic pyhenomena. Near-death experiences tell people there's this happy place they can expect to return to when then die, there's no mention of God involved.

In the case of mental powers the Bible doesn't have anything to say about them that I know of, but the Chinese preacher Watchman Nee wrote a book titled "Soul Power" in which he talked about them as most likely powers the human race had before the Fall, that wree among the first things to die after the Fall. They didn't completely disappear and can sometimes show up in individuals in a distorted form. And although they aren't demonic doings in themsevles there is reason to think the demons who also have such powers can influence them in people, can insinuate their own thoughts into a person's mind for instance. Nee said he himself had a psychic ability that was probably the result of being born again or regenerated or "quickened" as the King James Bible puts it, and at first he thought it was a gift of God, but then realized God didn't want him to hae itso he suppressed it.
These powers are not safe for us to have in a fallen world though they will no doubt be restroed to God'xs own regenerated belivers in the future life.

My perspective is the biblical perspective as well as I can make use of it, or the biblical Worldview. I know the Bible to be the only reliable source of informjation about "the other side" and it doesn't say mucyh about it, just enough to provide evidence of its existence, which is what all these people into the occult and paranormal are so concerned to prove. they won't accept the bible' s testimony, however, they will jusdge the Bible by their own experiences rather than judge their experiences by the Bible which is the rational thing to do. So I present this point of view as far as I understand it and hope it might persuade some away from the p paranormalist's version which is dangerous. There seems to be quite a large interest in these things these days to judge just from this one radio show. It's so big and populare infact it is probabhly best understood as one of the signs that we are very close to the biblical end of days, as so many other phenomena in today's world also indicate.

jesus Christ can save a person from these things. A genuine belief in Him as the Son of God and just calling on His name to deliver a person from some demonic entanglement will deliever you. I was attac ked by a demon twoce in the early days of becoming a Christian and just declaring myself a child of jesus Chrfist ahnd covered with His blood made the demon disappear. S cripture says "those who call upon the LORD will be saved" and that means saved for eterminity but it also means saved from demons. Again, ESP and the like are not always influenced by Demons though they may be, but as Watchman Nee wrote, they are not safe to use in this fallen world. Get saved and look forward to their legitimate restoration in a future life.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Spiritualism. Sure it's Real, But Not the Kind of Real they Think It Is.

Another guest on Coast-to-Coast radio last night got me writing another blog post but I hope I get to the end of this subject soon. I just don't want to inspire anyone to get involved in this stuff, so I don't want to name names and give websites and that sort of thing.

Last night's guest is into spiritualism, mediums, seances. All these people by the way, or most of them, seem to be ery nice ordinary people, not weirdos or anything like that. It's not the people I object to, I just think they are sadly deceived by the subject that has enthralled them. She got involved in her pursuit of this kind of information by an experience of a seance in which the supposedly departed person who was contacted by the medium gave information that only that person could have known. This is a common experience that hooks people into these things. 5their main question is whther it is real or not and the contacted spirit's giving personal information answers that qquestion for them.

These are all people who don't beliee the Bible of cou5rse. Christians know better, or they shoujld. If they are well taught biblically they should. the dead do not communicate with the living, and for the reincarnationists, THERE IS ONE LIFE TO LIVE AND THEN THE Judgment. I'll hae to track down the scripture references later. Mediums are forbidden in the bible, also witches who comunicate with demons. they all communicate with demons. It is not departed people who speak in seances but demonic impersonations of them. And demons can have all sorts of personal information about the people they are impersonating.

People who get involved in occultic and paranormal practices always want to prove that it's real, that there is really life after death and so on. Near0death experiences prove that there is life beyond this life for instance.

The guest gave interesting information about the origin of spiritualism, in the "burned-over" district of upstate New York, where a couple of sisters claimed to be in touch with the spirit of a murdered man who was buried under their house. It spread from there all over the world. It became what the guest called a religion that threatened to displace Christianity. And there were other occultic and spiritistic occurrences in that same district at the same time. Mormonism got its start there, and Seventh Day adventism, and Shakerism and the Onieda Colony and even the Suffragette Movemment.

Why isn't the Bible enough to convince people that there is an afterlife? that we are immortal souls? there are supernatural doings galore in the Bible, and yet people prefer these demonic manifestations and if they contradict the Bible that becomes the truth to them. AThere's a lot of evidence of the suprnatural in the Bible, there's a lot of evidence of demonic activity in the Bible. Jesus cast demons out of many people. Paul was followed around by a girl who was demon possessed until he cast the demon out of her. But people bbelieve the Fox sisters who talked to a dead man buried uner their house rather than Jesus or Paul. Joseph Smith believed the fallen angel Moroni and denounced Christianity.

It's the fallen angels that concoct the UFOs and the stories of ETs, that olead people to talk to dead relatives that they impersonate, thta invent religions and go to great lengths to denigrate Jesus Christ and the Bible. People don't understand that this world is fallen ,t hat we are fallen creatures. tHIS YOU LEARN FROM THE bIBLE AND NOWHERE ELSE. Sorry about the capitals, again I don't know what I hihit. In this fallen world which is the result of Adam and Eve's eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil against God's comman forbidding it, we have lost the faculty that communicated with God. We can communicate with demons but not with god. We have to be regfenerated,m born again, to be able to commmunicate with god. Satan is the Prince of this world as Jesus called him, he and his devil horde are all around us, are the "god's of the idolatrous religions etc. you can only learn this from the bible which is the Word of God.

I would l8ike to think if people on Coast-to-Coast heard this they'd give up their dangerous dabblings with demons and get saved, but that's up to God.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Fake Jesus From the Paranormal Aficionados

Another guest on George Noory's Coast-to-Coast late night radio show, tells of having had a near-death experience in which he went to a place engulfed in a beautiful golden light and suffused with a feeling of love and peace and so on. As so often happens when people have such experiences he took it as a revelation of what happens to people after death, lost his fear of death and spent the rest of his life pursuing things related to the "other side.
O dodm t jear a;; tje sjpw bit a[[aremt;u je beca,e a sprt pf guru of the paranormal with a sort fo Buddhist flavor, has had many encounters with entities or spiritual beings, some of whom he takes as teachers. He described a hierarchy of such beings with "masters" at the top. He mentioned a Yeshua ben Joseph, or Jesus son of Joseph, obviously an impersonaation of Jesus Christ and of coruse he accepts the impersonation as the truth and dismisses the biblical revelation. "son of Joseph" means of course that this Jesus was not the Son of God as we are told in scripture Hed is. He is. He also mentioned a "Mary" and a "mary Magdalene," whom he described as very powerful. Insinuation she's more powerful than the Jesus entity.

Their personal experience will loo9m larger in their minds than claims for the Bible as the source of all truth.
God gave us the Bible to protect us from the delusions of our own fallen minds and th4e "helpful" ministrations of the deminoic entitles whose objective is always to mislead us in the direction of Hell. Satan did just that to Eve and that was the beginning of what we call the Fall, the Original Sin that changed the created wolrd that had been perfet and in which all life was immortal, so that disease and death reign over us, and the demon hordes who followed SWatan are the "gods" of all the cultures in the world. You learn this from the Bible and nowhere else, but of course if you are listening to the demons themselves you'll get a very different story. And it's a story that plays to our human pride so that it's hard to give up. Those near-death experiences tell us we don't need to be saved from anyuthing, we're good enough as we are so we can expect to go to such a blissful paradise when we die. None of this bloody sacrifice of God Himself who came in human flesh to die in our place, none of this business about how we are all sinners at odds with THE God who made us, fit only for an eternity of Hell. Naa, that's all just scare tactics mae up by a priestly class or some such, to control us or something like that. TAhe story varies but it's always a stroy that discredits the Bible. they don't bother discrediting other religions because they can't save us, only Christ's death on the cross can save us. So they spend a lot of time denigrating the Bible. that's a clue you might want to notice. Mohammed is no threat to them, Hinduism is no threat to them, Catholicism is no threat to them, buit Biblical Christianity IS a threat to them.


oNLY THE TRUE jESUS CAN SAVE US. All the dabbling into occultie and paranormal things these poor misled people are doing is only going to destroy them. ,brt>
Sorry about the capitalizing. I don't know how I do that but it's a mistake.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Remembering the Bomb Years Part 2 Video of veterans used as guinea pigs

Just heraing bits and pieces of what happened during the bomb test years, to people and even animals who were downwind from the explosions, and there wree hundreds of them detonated above ground before they realized it might be safter to do it underground, mak4es me wonder what ort of government we have after all. It's one thing to know about our wonderful Consti5tution and so on, but that has no power to stop fallen human nature from doing some pretty dastardly things.

I mentioned before that I grew up in Nevada in those years, was taken with my fourth grade class out to the edge of town where we could watch one of the bomb tests, and I spent a lot of my childhood worried about being surrounded by radioactive particles in the air and that sort of thing. It seemed after all that we all survived it just fine, but in recent years I've been reviwing some rther severe sicknesses I went thought and one of my b5rothers too and thinking maybe we should have atgtribted them to the bomg tests. We didn't, we assumed they were just normal sigknesses. I don't think so any more.

Anyway, here's a video of some veterans who were used as guinea pigs during a test shot, placed in a trench about a mile from Ground Zero. ythey were forgidden to spoeak about their exper4iences for sixty years so this is the breaking of their silence. They seem more struck speechless at the memory than anything else. Fourteen thousand men were put through that experience. Amazing what they did to us. >br? >br?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Some Liberal Lies, Delusions and Manufactured Misinformation

If there isn't a book out there documenting all the liberal lies and delusions and countering them with accurate accounts, there should be. It's the popping o f such bubbles of delusion that has led many to walk away from the Democrats. Their testimonies can be found t the Walkawau Ca,[aogm websote/ :pts pf ;oes abpit Trump in particujlar, a dissection of those could easily fill a book. Lies, delusions, insinuations, manufactured false impressions which disappear when shown in their true context./ But we're awash in lieral lies and delusions of all kinds these days, lies about race and racism, lies about the economy, about inflation, lies about COVID and its treatments, etc. etc..

Larry Elder is particularly good at collecting information about common jliberal beliefs and showing how they're wrong. Here's one about the liberal belief that Conservatives are greedy and selfish and liberals are more generous:

And here's one about common beliefs about slavery, gun control and the minimum wage:

Is poverty the cause of crime?

Here's an interview he did with Heather MacDonald about systemic racism among cops. The statistics don't bear out that opinion. The Tony Timpa incident was mentioned, in which a white man was killed by cops under exactly the same circumstances that George Floyd was killed.

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Fear of the Lord Teaches the Wisdom of Preserving Life and Health By Avoiding Sin

God's Law is one of my revolving topics these days and although I haven't been researching itrelated conceptsw have been turning up here and there, mostly in sermons I'm listening to. I listen to sermons because I want to be inspired and strengthened in my faith. Ideally I'd like to find a sermon or maybe a new preacher I'm not familiar with who teaches in a way that takes me deep into a devotional state of mind. Spurgeon does that at times. But then I often find myself objecting to this or that comment the teacher makes and that's very disappointing. I don't want to be in the position of finding fault with a teacher I appreciate and when it happens I want it to go qaway. But sometimes it raises anissue I've been thinking about anyway and then I have to follow it out and that's happened a few times lately with issues related to the topic of God's Law.

These are my favorite teachers I'm talking about, teachers I love, teachers who do inspire and educate me. I hate disagreeing with them. Who do I think I am? I can hope I'm wrong, but meanwhile I have to pursue this thought that got raised.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," or sometimes it reads "knowlege" instead of "wisdom" I'd pretty much orked out what that meant, or so I thought. Fearing the Lord means fearing the consequences o violating His commendments, His Law. the wages of sin is death. Although Christians are under grace and saved for et unbelievreermninity, in this life we are told we are just as subject to the consequencesw of sin as any unbeliever. The unbeliever has Hell to fear and we don't but we do have temporal consequences of sin which can be pretty painfujl.

That's how I think about fear of the LOrd, an it's hard to think of it any other way. But then I heard a teacher say it really means worship. It does? And another teacher said the book of Proverbs, which is all about the fear of the Lord, the consequencea of sin and the wisdom of obedience, is not about Law. It's not? These are bot5h teachers I love.

Isn't the message of fearing the Lord that if we do fear Him we will avoid committing the sins that bring painful consequences and pursue a path that leads to life and health? Is't that what the book of Provervs says oer and over again? Do this and and life. And isn't that the same the Mosaic Law says? Do this and live.
\THIS ISN'T lAW IN THE HUMAN WORLDLY SENSE. tHIS IS lAW ON THE LEVEL OF lAW, EMBEDDED IN THE STUFF OF THE UNIVERSE, INEXORABVL, INERADICABLE, INESCAPABLE. (this was not supposed to be capitalizI hit something I swhouldn'te and now it's too big a project to undo it, sorry.)

I got on this topic when it hit me that the "knowledge" of Hosea 4 is this same kind of knowledge, whthat, or god says that His people are destroyed for edge. Sin destroys. All sort of things may be instruments of uction but it's sin that is the reason for all destruction. If we were sinless we coudln't be hurt by anything. Jes couldn't die because He w. that's why He was able to die fo, in our place. And why do we need saving?: Beause of the Law. It's all aboutut the Law. We always at odds witht e Lw which condemns us and condemns us and condemns us. ,br>
Am I wrong about this? I keep thinking thta oen't under the Law if we belong to Jesus, but nevertheless the Law is holy and s prepecutally and exactly ahout pause. I thnink we often slighbecause we . No, I don't hink it is legtreat it with respect.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Voddie Baucham Sermon I Needed to Hear

wHAT A SERMON! i'M RUNG OUT AFTER HEARING IT. this is Vodie Baucham on Romans 8 abd ge;s tajeb ut yo frin a oiubt if vuew u gavebp;t geard before: how dare we question God about His sovereign will. Who do we think we are? The topic is election. The arrogance of the created being in asking the Creator how He could choose some and not choose others for salvation. He doesn't miss a beat, he doesn't miss a relevant point, or so it seemed to me. This is the right answer to all those who dare to judge God, and it's the answer to all of us who complain about our lot. T


Thursday, March 10, 2022

John MacArthur on the Antichrist System of the Popes and Roman Catholicism

This sermon by John MacArthur simply showed up at You Tube and it's a very thorough discussion of the Antichrist nature of the papacy so I want to be sure it gets posted here. I think it's a few years old but I can't find a date on it, maybe that's just because I can't see well enough but I don't kbnow when he preached it whatever the reason. It's a powerful and very pointed teaching, MacArethur does not mince words. Catcholicism is destroying people by their false salvation and Catholics need to learn this so they can escape.

The abomination of the elevatio of Mary by the Popes is shown in quotes from a book by Pope John Paul. The lie that Peter was the first Pope is described after Mary is discussed toward the end of the sermon.

I'm just happy I found this video. I've heard lots of good teachings on the subnjeject of the papal Antichrist, but Mac Arthur does a particujlarly good job of it.

Catholics need this teachinjg about over so they can save themselves and leave this abomination of a false church.

The Bible is not Just Another Ancient Book for Scholarly Investigationn, It's the Onlyy True Guide to Reality

Last night's Coast-to-coast radio show hosted by George Noory (he spelled it on air for which I'm grateful) wasn't about the paranormal but about the Dead Sea Scrolls. the guest was a scholar not a believer though he seems to have a sorta kinda belief in something from the jewish point of view. The scrolls are all of the Hebrew Bible, all Old Testament and he mentioned how all the OT books are repesented in teh scrolls, the Isaiah scroll being completely intact which the others are fragments, and that the text is exactly the same text we use today. He has a few opinions about the New testament and jesus too although he is an unbeliever and none of that is represented in the scrolls.

It's always annoying to me how the "scholars" have to refer to the dates involved as BCE and CE for Before Common Era and Common Era, instead of the traditional BC for Before Chirst and AD for Ano DComini or Year of Our Lord. So prissy of them they just have to cancel out any hint of religion although you'd think they'd at ledast resepcdt the fact that the traditional dates are part of the culture of Western Civilization. Amazing how anything that points to the true God has to be expunged although the same people who like to do that are often very zealous to preserve other kids of cultural markers.

Nothing in the show shed any light on recent topics that I could see. My posts about the occult and paranormal emphasize that the BHible is the explanation for all such things, but this show wouldn't relate to that. You have to beleie the Bible for one thing for it to be authoritative about anything such as demons. If you don't believe it you're just going to go onj as mostof Noory's guests do, just wandering around in all sorts of speculations of the human mind, dreaming up extraterrestrials and other dimensions and so on when it seems pretty clear to me that the demons are responsible for all of it. We only really know about demons from the Bible. But you've got to beliee it, you can't just treat it as one of many interesting works about "the other side>'

Which reminds me thta I've heard quite a bit lately from other sources about how so much of today's political ideology is "religious" in nature. Wokeness for instance. A lot of the COVID craziness for instance. I know what they mean of course, they mean it's all held irrationally as a sort of faith without evidence or actually aainst the evidence. ]

That could apply to some political positiohs and some religions botyh, but the way it's getting used it's made to represent all religion and that of course drivesw me crazy. Christianity is not relitgious in that sense. They seem to think that faith is an irrational thing in itself, as in "blind faith," but that was never what is meant by the word in Christianity. Faith is a trust you place in a person or doctrinyou have good reaon to believe is eminently trustworthy, and in the cast of Christian faith the Bible provides the evidence. Of course you have first to beleive the bible is trustworthy and if you don't you'll never have the necessary evidence. As the Deaad Sea Scrolls scholar said, some even doubt that Moses was a real person. Forget eidence of any sort if you are willing to doubt such basic information. The doubts are what is irrational in this case, The doubts are rthe "religion" in the sense I mention above.

If you believe the Bible is the word of God, "God-breathed" as scripture says, then it becoes the door to an amazing world of information you can't get anywhere else. Real information. Knowledge of all kinds of things the fallen mind can't figure out on its own. "Faith is the subtstance of things hoped for, " says the scripture, :the evidence of things unseeen." In the most everyday sense we hve to have faith in all sortgs of things we have no other way to verify by experience and when it comes to the supernatural we hvae to depend on witnesses and that means we have to be satisfied that the witnesses are trustworthy.

Trust it and see glories unimaginable. Don't trust it and get led down all the primrose paths the devil lovs to take you down knowing your fallen mind is attracacted to them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Discussion of Exorcism by a Catholic Priest on the Coast-to-Coast radio show

George Noori's guest on his Coast-to-Coast radio show last night was a priest, actually an archbishop, who does exorcisms. SHad to listen to that one because I did a recent post on it. Interesting that Noori asked him why it's always Catholic priests who do exorcisms and don't others such as rabbis and Protestant ministers? He did say others do it. And they do. I've read of Protestants who have a ministry of exorcism. there is a man in the Northwest, connected with a football team somehow as I reccall, who deals with demon possession, but it's been a long time since I heard about him.

As I've said, a Catholic priest can't have power over demons because he doesn't have the power of Christ whose power is the only power demons will obey. Nowhere did the priest mention Jesus Christ at all. When he finally did describe his method it turns out to be a series of repetitive prayers which he didn't quote. The Bible says repetitive prayers are uselyess but Catholics don't much care what the Bible says about a lot of things. It's just one of the sources they consider to be authoritative. for a Protestant the Bible is THE authority, it's the voice of God Himself.

The priest called his method a "ritual," and how a ritual could be expected to have influence over a liing intelligent creature I can't imagine. I wonder what is really going on here since it's hard to believe his methods accomplish anyhthing at all. He says he knows when the person has been freed from possession because color comes back into his face and there is a sort of perfume in the air, the smell of roses. That's interesatint but I wonder what it means. Are the demons pretending to leave or what? It occurs to me that since Roman Catholicism is false religion, the Antichrist religion, and they woujld be happy to support such a contradiction of the true religion and God Himslf, if they might really leave to make the priest look good. I wojder a lot of things agbout this.
The priest is right as far as it goes that the demons are motivated to insult God. But they are also motivated to keep people from finding salvation in Christ, which is a major thrwarting of God's power. A lot of the demonic activity that I think is what most of the phenomena on this radio show are really all about, are aimed at interrupting salvation in one way or another. Keeping people from believging in it and seeking it for instance. Since the Catholic Church has a false teaching about salvation it is no threat to the demons, it is working alongside their efforts.To contradict the bible, meaning to contradict God, just as Satan did in Eden when he seduced Eve into disobedience of God, to keep people from salvation, to keep Satan in power over this world as the Prince of tHIE wORLD AND SO ON. tHAT'S THE MOTIVATION OF THE DEMONS. aND THE ROMAN cHURCH AS WELL. .


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Obsessing about numbers an expression of the current insanity or a therapy for it? maybe both

UPDATE: Added more at bottom, couldn't stop obsessing

Of all two-digist numbers ending in 1, 21 and 81 are not prime, beubg duvusubke by other nubmers than thesmevles and 1.

Of all two-digit numbers that end in 3, 33, 63 and 93 are not prime

Of all the two-digit numbers that end in 7, 27 and 77u are not prime.

Of all the two-digit numbers that end in 9, 39, 69 snf 99 are not prime..

So that's roughly a quarter to a third of numbers in this group that are not prime; all the rest are prime numbers.

If you'd like to work it out for three-digit numbers be my guest. Happy obsessing.

But I kept on obsessing myself.

There are 360 three-digit numbers that end in 1, 3, 7, or 9. If the proportions of prime to nonprime numbers in this group are comparable to the two-digit group, about 100 will be nonprime and 260 will be prime, but this will be discovered by working them out.

101, 111, 121,131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191
202, 211, 221. 231. 241. 251. 261. …
301, 311, 321, 331, 341, …
401, 411, 421, 431, …
501, 511, 521 …
601, 611 …
701 …
901 …

103, 113, 123, 133, 143, 153, 163, 173, 183, 193
203, 213, 223, 233, 243, 253 …
303, 313, 323 …
403…503… 603… 703 …803 … 903 …

107, 117, 127 …
207 … 307 … 407 … 507 … 607… 707… 807 … 907

209 … 309 … 409 etc etc.

In the group ending in 1, those will be nonprime which are divisible by 3, 7 or 9
Here are some of the nonprimes

111 (3x37), 141 (3x47), 171 (3x57) br> 201 (3x67, 231 (3x77 and 7X33), 261 (3x87), 291 (3.97)
321 (3x107)) >br? … and we have a pattern in the diviers too. Fun, huh? ,br> Looks like the percentage is holding up, about a third are noprime

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Ukraine deceptions part 2

Sitting here with my mind blown since hearing Chris Pinto's show about Deceptions over the war in Ukraine. Al that carrying on about how evil Putin is and how he's the aggressor and nobod's quite sure what his motivations are in invading but there's lots of speculation about recorering the old Soviety Union or osmething like that, all that may be hot air. What if Putin was simply telling the truth that he's going into Ukraine to Denazify it? Or to protect the Russian community there?

That's dismissed as wrongfully siding with Putin. But you don't have to think Putin is a paragon of virtue or a good guy in any general sense to recognize that he may very well be doing exactly what he said he's doing. In order to consider that, of course, you need to have more facts about the history of the situation than we've been getting on the mainstream media. Facts of the sort Chris Pinto gives on his radio show, about the coup in 2014 that ousted a pro=Russian democratically elected president and brought the government under the control of radical leftists. And Nazis. Both somehow, hard to sort this out but aparently there are real Nazis, or neo-Nazis invovled, who fly the swastika flag. Chris mentions a picture of a group of them 3with their flag together with some NATO representatives.

The big mindblowing fact is that it was actually Ukraine that started this war, not Russia. This comes from the reported Patrick Lancaster who has many videos up at YHou Tube in which he is on the ground in Ukraine going around interviewing the Russians who are being attacked. One of his videos about such an attack was made before the Russian army started to move in . Clearly Ukraine started this, and the Russians they attacked asked Putin to send help. but we are not hearing that are we?

Although Trump was lambasted by the media for sipposedly ssupporting Putin by saying he's smart, I didn't have the impression he was sayinbg he approved of what Putin was doing, far from it, I took it that he was giving an excuse for the invasion that was false and that was clever of him. I don't know if I even got that right, I don't really know what Trump was saying. Since then he seems to have made it very clear that he's no friend of Putin, though, which is what has always been true.

But in this case, without in any way holding hands withP Putin I'm now getting the impression that his story is probably true, he's defending the Russians in Ukraine and fighting the Nazis there, part of the radical govefernment of Ukraine who started by attacking those Russians. The Russians are traditionalists, Russian Orthodox Christians, according to Chris Pinto, who don't want to join the EU with its gay rights and transgender agendas, and the radical Ukrainian groups wan6t to override them.

Well, that's what I get out of this so far. Who knows where it's going to go. But now it's looking to me like we shoujldn't be sending arms to Ukraine but rather to the Russians in Ukraine. Somwethintg like that.

Well, that's not a good idea, but at least it sounds like we shouldn't be supporting Ukraine.

Chris Pinto goes on from there to the role Islam plays in the global agenda. Bringing Muslimjs ihto the west and into Ukraine, and that's another thing the Russians are opposed to. Apparently Putin is on record opposing the gay agenda, even wanting traditional Christian marriage written into their laws, and is also opposed to the Muslim agenda which of course is designed to dest5roy the cultures of the west including Russia and Ukraine. Definitely reasons we should ot be supporting the radical Ukrainian governement.

Chris says his next radio show will be about the interpretation from some prophetic minhistries that this russian action could lead to the invasion of Israel in fulfillment of Ezediel 38. I haven't spent any time on that part of end times prophecy, but it's interesting that as he's putting together that topic, Jan Markell's next radio show on Understanding the Timnes is to be about Ukraine and include how it relates to that prophecy. Her view is what Pinto will be arguing against. Should be an interestingt week.

In Ukraine the Good Guys and the Bad Guys May Not Be What You've Been Hearing

Should have learned by now that when I find myself beliecving what i hear on the news, or mostly believing it since I'm always wary to some extent, anyway then I should take it as a red flat and pray to know the truth. Which I more or less do anyway but in this case I was going along with the idea that Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine the beleaguered freedom-loving victim, and now I'm finding that may not be the truth.though I hasten to add that it would be folly at this point to think I know enough to say what the truth is. Neverhtless this is very interesting. On You Tube theres a Patrick Lancaster who is in Ukraine where the war is going on and loudly claiming that it's Ukraine that is shooting at the Russian sectors, targeting civilizians. We've been hearing that Russia is doing that, but according to Lancaster it's Ukraine:

I heard about Lancaster's videos from Chris Pinto's latest radio show at Noise of Thunder. He goes into the history of the political situatiohn there, which is not exactly what the mainstream media have been telling us it is. Radical Ukraining elements in the government, both leftwing and Nazi.


Friday, March 4, 2022

A Comprehensive Presentation of the Role of the Pope in the Last Days by Understanding the Times radio

This is a very satisfying exploration of the role of the Pope and the catholic Church in these days of global ferment, ratcheting up the work toward a global religion as well as a global gpvermm,emt/ Tjeu aren't saying the Pope is the Antichrist, as I've come to elieve is the case based on the scriptural arguments of the Protestant Reformers, but they certainly acknowledge all the historical elements that go into that view, and overall this radio show points to a dominating role of the Pope in the last days, however that may play out in the Grand Finale or the Great Tribulation.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

The intriguing question addressed toward the end of the show is what will be the unifying illuue that brings everybody under the Antichrist, and two are considered: blimate change and health, meaning p pandemic such as we have been experiencing. The lying manipulations we've seen to force a unity on the world through vaccinations and mask wearing makes the latter focus the one of the momkenjt, but climate change certainjly sounds like it has the potential to be another great uniter, under a totalitarian tyranny of courase.\

Guest of the show Mike Gendron makes it clear that Catholics are not the submject of this criticism, just the leadership of the Roman Churchn, that Catholics need to learn that the gospel is not preached in their church so they are not saved if they believe that ersion of it and they need to study the scripture to be set free from it.

Lots of interesting secondary information in this one too but I'll leave that for anyone to discoer who listens to it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Knowledge of God's Moral LLaw.

A few days ago it occurred to me that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which was the instrument of Adam and Eve's disobedience of God, the Fall, Original Sin, and our inherited sin nature, may represent the Moral Law of God. I've often wondered what is meant by the knowledge of good and evil. Of course in one sense it is easy enough to understand that our original parents were innocent of the knowledge of evil so that it came to them through that sin and of course we know we have tht knowledge. But i didn't really get the import of it, why that particular name for that tree and so on.

Unbelievers like to deny what the scripture tell sus, that this was a great calamity for the human rce, and like their father Satan they read the passage to mean that God lied and that we acquired powers He didn't want us to have, powers that made us AS "GODS" AND God didn't want rivals or some such nonense, nonsense tht is a terrible blasphemy against God.
But I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of "knowledge" in scripture, such as in that passage in Hoszea I've mentioned a few timees now, where God says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.." Often I've heard that preached as referring to practical knowledge of various dangers we encounter in the world, poisons, diseases, who our enemies are and so on, and certainly that's a kind of knowledge that helps protect us from such dangers.

But as I read that passage it became clear to me that in context God is talking about knoweldge of His Moral Law, such as the Ten Commandments. He says His people commit various sins such as sealing and lying, swearing false oaths, murdering, committing adultery and so on, right before He says they are destroyed for lack of khnowledge. Also that they don't want to have this knowledge, they rejecit. That doesn't sound like the kind of practical knowledge so many impute to it since why would we reject such useful warnings against harm?

So surely the meaning there is that God is condemning the leaders of His people for not teaching His commandments to them to protect them from the real danger, which is the death that comes from sin. "The wages of sin is death." And death includes every other kind of suffering, diseases and dangers of every sort that can become the instruments of suffering and death to us. When God gave the Law through Moses how did He put it? He was giving them the knowledge they needed for life or death or something like that, "therefore choose life." Choosing life meant obedience to the commandmeents. If we belive and obey the commandmenets we will live, if we violate them we will die, and that means we will be subject to all kindsof suffering short of physical death as well.

then I was listening to the Book of Proverbs and was struck by the repeition of the word "kowledge." It is used more or less synonymously with "wisdom" and "undderstanding" and it's all about tknowledge of the dangers that come through sin, the death that comes from sin. Long life and health are promised to those who obey the commandments of Wisdom, who is the wsisdom of God. '
What is this knowledge or wisdom that is the main focus of so much of the Bible? Can't it becammed "the knowledge of good and evil?" That is what led me to the meaning of the Tree of the Kowledge of Good and Evil as represen6ting a new condition for Adam and Eve in which they came under the Moral Law of God which runs the universe. It's not a happy knowledge beause they are now sinners and being subject to the Law of God means they are subject to death and disease and iseries of all kinds.
I recently heard on some radio show or other that Hindu parents teach their chidlren about Karma in a certain way that I didn't catch, but it was their teaching that moral system that caught my attention. Karm is at least a form of the Moral Law that people haeve intuited, and I was thinking how right it was that they teach it to their children. It seemed to me that although we get moral instruction from our parents in one form or other it isn't a systematic form, it's piecemeal and imperfect and shouldn't we be taught the moral law of God? Christians certainly, at least the Ten Commandments. And you'd think we would be, or think thaty we are taught it but I'm not aware that anyone teaches it to their children in any systematic way. Even the churches don't really. We may learn the commnandments but I don't recall learning that life and death hang oon them. Maybe it is taught in some places, I just haven't run across it.

And I don't think I've ever heard the Tree of the KNowledge of Good and Evil taught in terms that relate to the Moral Law. Again I may have and just didn't register it. But it hit me as a revelation. Not that I get its full import I'm sure, it raises more qustions than it answers, but at the same time it is a satisfying way of thinking about it.
If we were taught that the universe will punish us for transgressions of this law wouldn't we be a lot more careful than we are? I say the "unoiverse" because there is something inexorable about the Law. God is in some sense synonymous with His Law, He can't violate it, it is inherent in His Being, it IS him in some sense. But it is applied with fine intelligence that takes into acccount degrees of motivation and understanding and balances it with a zillion other transgressions and obediences all in the flash of a momnent's judgment. It makes no mistakes. God makes no mistakes. "The windmillis of the LORD grind exceeding fine."

The Law bites. When I was an unbeliever I scoffed at the idea that there were any spiritual forces in the universe. I'd become a miserable aheist in my teens after being sent to church as a child and learnign a few things about God though in a pretty garbled fashiohn. I was a believer but not a very well taught believer. Then I met sophisticated teenagers and became an atheist and remained in that condition for the next thirty years. Scoffing at what i'd once believed.

If you scoff at sin you get smacked down. At least if you are God's child you do. I've been smacked down quite a bit. It makes me wish I'd learned at least the karma version of the Law as it might have protected me from a lot of smackdowns. But karms is a very shallow and distorted version of the Moral Law of God and now I'm wishing we were all taught more about the biblical Law. I think a lot these days about how the nation is going to hell in a handbasket as it were, and how people have no idea that they are "storing up wrath" by their beliefs, by the evil laws that are being passed by our government and that sort of thing. The natio itself is under God's judgmednt for those laws, but the individuals who promote them have no idewa what they are doing to their own souls. In a way it's a big comfort to know that the current lawlessness and insanity will be punished by God in the end, but I wish people would wake up NOW, that the country could be saved NOW, that God would sensd revival NOW.
I'm sorry my typing is so bad. I have to mention it from time to time. I can't see what I'm typing, it's a very faint image and if I have to stop to correct something I get copletely lost becauae my eyes are so bad. I can often feel with my fingers when I've hit a wrong key but I don't dare stop to try to fix it because I'll end up having to retype a whole paragraph just because I an't make out what I've written.

Anyway, I wanted to write a post, yet anjother post, on the subjeject of God's Moral Law, thoguth this encounter with the term "knowledge" in the Bible. There's probably more I should say but I'll leave it for another post. >

Well, one thing that needs to be said is that the New Testament teaches that the Law is a "schoolmaster to bring us to Christ," meaning that the Law can't save us, it can only condemn us because we are sinners. We can't escape it. Only Jesus Christ was sinless, no other human being can do anyhthing but sin. And the longer we are a Christian, a serious Christian, the more we become awayre of the depths of our sinfulness. It would lead to despair if it weren't for the knowledge that Christ paid for our sins so that we don't have to be condemned. "there is now no condemnation in Christi Hesus>"

Agai Again, sorry for the messy typing. I know there are lots of errors just in that last paragraph.

Power Over the Paranormal, the Occult, Demons and Their Deceptions Such as ufoS, NDE Etc., Comes Only By Jesus Christ

Again I caught some of the Coast-to-Coast late night radio show with George Noori, whose guest was talkinjg about demon possession and how to differentiate it from mental illness. I missed most of it but it made me realize I need to say more than I did in my last post on this sugject.

It can't be emphnasized enoutgh that WE LIVE LIVE IN A FALLEN WORLD, and we ourselves are fallen creatures. We are born into sin because we inherit the sin nature fromj our original parents who disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That act of disobedience changed our spiritual naturre, we lost the spiritual faculty by which we could communicate directly with Gode, we became subject to the rule of Satan and his devil hordes. By sesducing our parents Satan "earned" the right to become what Jesus called him, "the price of this world." We have a broken spiritual nature, a distorted spiritual nature, that is more easily in touch with the demonic realms than with the God who made us.

From the very begtinning, after the Fall, God promised to send a Savior who woujld restore us to our original creatured condition and remove our sins. "As by one man, Adam, sin entered the world and death by sin, so by the one man Jesus Christ, God's anointed promised from Eden, we are restroed to life and health. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoeverr believes on Him should have eternal life."

The first desendantof Adam and Eve knew of these things, knew of the promjise of the Savior, and religions grew up around various heroes who were claimed to be that messiah or anointed one of god.Himrod was the prototype of these false messiahs. the book, The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop, traces a long line of pagan religions from that original. The image of mother and child that became prominent in the Roman Catholic religions goes all the way back to the religion of Nimrod and his mother Samiramis. That image is part of pagan religions from Japan to India before it settled on the Antichrist religion of Roman Catholicism.

Then the true Savior came "in the fullness of time" as the Bible puts it, and we have His story in the New Nestament. He was promised throughout the Old Testament in hundreds of prophetic statements, to come throutgh the people God raised up fromt the patriarch Abraham, then narrowing His tribe down to the tribe of Judah through King David. Mary and Joseph were of the lineage of David.

He has come and because He has come we who believe on Him have eternal life. He paid with His own sinless life and death on the cross tje som debt we pwe tp Gppd amd of we trist om Jo, we are saved frp, pir som matire amd tje ri;ersjo[ pf tje devo; pver is/ >br?AAs the Christmas carol says, He came "to save us all from Stan's power when we had gone astray, oh tidings of comfort and joy..."

All this has to be understood in order rightly to understand what's going on with all this paranormal and occultic phenomena that so many people get so naively caught up in. I got caught up in it myself during the period when I had become fascinated with religion, before I finally realized that Christ was the truth and everything else a counterfeit.



Christ and only Christ has power over Satan because He defeated him at the cross, by dying for the sins of human beings who believe on Him, which releases us from Stan's power. NOBODY ELSE HAS THAT PROTECTION. ONLY THOSE WHO ARE SAVED by the grace of God through the blood of Christ.

there's a lot of religious talk on the George Noori paranormal shows but I haven't yet heard anything that presents Christ as the Savior from all of it. they don't even know they need to be saved from it. So many of them carry on aout "the other side" as if it's just a wonderful scientific discovery and they see no danger in it. Every time I listen to one of these shows I cringe at the dangerous naivete of it.

they believe the lies that come from the demons or devils, such as that UFOs are manned by creatures from other parts of the universe, when they are just demons who are always present in the atmnosphere of this planet, seeking to deceive hhuman eings. Seeking, basically, to keep us from being saved. If people get all carried away with the wonders of the paranormal, say near-pdeath experiences and trips to "heaven," they are deceived into thinking they are safe and will go to that happy place when they die. They don't believe the bible, which is our only source of true knowledge of life and death, instead they are believing "doctrines of demons" that are designed to keep them fromj salvation.

And that reminds me that when I brought up the Nephilim in the previos post I mentioned only the fact that if they corrupt the "seed" or genetic constitution of human beings they make them unsaveable, but the main aim of the manipulations of the gene pool is to sorrupt the seed of the Savior Himself. Now that He has comje they may focus on corrupting those that could be saved. Just as most of these occultic demonic paranormal phenomena are designed to do.

People don't understand that theBible is the ONLY source of tr4uth we have. It is truly God's word, it is His merciful gift to us since through our fallen minds we have no hope of ever figuring out the truttruth and the demons are only too happy to lead us as far away from it as they can. That's what the whole paranormal thing is ALL ABOUT. There is nothing benign about any of it. It's not about extraterrestrials, it's not about some more advanced phyhsics, it's not about other deminensions and it's not about heaven, it's all a deception. The only sasfety is in Jesus Christ and Him alone. NOTHING ELSE.

I hope I got it said right finally. >br?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Kim Reynolds, Governor of Iowa, Saves My Blood Pressure from Biden's Assault on It.

Nice to get to know this governero of Iowaa as she gives her response to Biden's State of the Untion address Tuesday. It was hard to listen to him though the first part of the speech where the whole room expressed their solidarity with Ukraine against Putin's invasion was very nice. Beyond that I just do a lot of yellihg at the radio. But Kim Reynolds sounds like a solid conservative who knows what's wrong with the country and opposes Biden's craziness point for point. So here she is:

Scripture Points to The Roman Church as tge Great Aoistast Si Wgt Are Tget Ugbirubg Ut>

For the most part I'm still a believer in the Pre-Tribulation last days scenario, mostly because of the dangling unfulfilled Seventieth Week of daniel, a period of seven years that fits very well into the Book of Revelation. It would make the perfect framework for the Great Tribulation or the Day of the LORD that are also so far unfilled prophetic events.

Nevertheless Ithere are parts of that end times scenario I disagree with and the main one is that I believe the Antichrist is already revealed, not yet to be revealed as they teach, and that he is the Pope. that is because the Proptestant Reformers identified the papacy as the Antichrist, and not only the Reformers but hundreds of other Christians down the centuries, Christians mostly outside the Romann Catholic Church but even some within it.
There is one piece of scripture that is used by the Pre TRIB TEACHER4S TO DESCRIBE THEIR FUTURIST INTERPRETATION OF THESE THINGS, 1 TIMOTHY 4, WHICH THEY TAKE TO DESCRIBE TODAY'S APOSTASY OF cHRISTIAN CHURCHES OR THE fALLING aWAY THAT IS TO OCCUR AAS THE LAST DAYS ARE SHAPING UP. cERTAINLY WE DO HAVE A gREAT aPOSTASY GOING ON TODAY, i DON'T ARGUE AGAINST THAT, BUT THE rEFORMERS INTERPRETED THAT APOSTASY AS THE DOCTRINES OF THE rOMAN cATHOLIC cHURCH WHICH WAS FORMALLY ESTABLISHED IN THE seventh century. That was certainly a great apostasy as they importaed over the years all the trappings and elements of Romahn pagan religion going back to Babyon. Since the Harlot Church in the book of Revelationb is called Mystery Babylon that connection is hard to avoid.

I've heard that the futurist end times scenario was originated by Jesuits to distract from the Reformers' identification of the papacy as the Antichrist, but I don't know the history of that. Chris Pinto probably does and I understand he is going to have a teaching out soon on the Lost Doctrine of the ANtichrist which I look forward to.

One thing that has bothered me quite a bit in hearing the Pre Trib teachers lay out their interpretation is how they leave out the part of First Timothy Four that identifies the apostasy as the Roman Church, the doctrines of demons that was predicted by Paul to overcome the Church "in the latter days" and the seventh century would have been the latter days freom Paul's time. Anyway, here's that passage with the specific doctrines of forbidding to Marry, which the Catholic Church imposed on their priests, and to abstrain from meats, which the Catholic Church did so that fish on Friday was a Catholic thing for years and may still be for some as they must abstain from certain meats
It is disturbing that this part of the passage would be left out, as if the Jesuits themselves were still in charge of the futurist eschatology and are still working to hide the identify of the Pope.
Y 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Another one on UFOs, ghosts, NDEs , the paranormal etc

It worries me so I have to writge about it from time to time, but I don't want to get into the subject in any depth beause I think that invites such phenomena into one's life. I just want to say enough to warn people agtainst it, ,knowintg that it will probably have the effect on some of getting them too interested in it.

> I'm made aware of it by that late-night Coast=to -Coast radio show with George Noori, that I tune into for brief periods from time to time. I'm amazed at the variety orf such phenoomena they discuss, a huge variety of different kinds of experiences. UFOs seem to b3e the main topic and maybe the biggest experience people have too, but there are witches who come on and talk about their craft as if it were a perfectly normal and good thing to do, all sorts of psychic phenomena, near-death and out of body experiences of course.

In general there seems to be this sort of breathless attitude about how wonderfujl it all is and how it's REAL and how people need to know about it.

My fram3e of reference is always the Bible. Many of the participants on the show consider themselve sto be religious, or spiritual in some sense, and some will even quote the Bible or refer to it as a cource of this or that phenomenon.

B8ut I take the position that the Bible has revealed to us that there are other beings in this universase and they are not extrayerrestrials. they are cdangels and demons, and yes, the Nephilim of Genesis 6 may be a factor. those are the hybrid angel-humans that may be the main reason God brought the Flood on the eartgh since they were threatening to corrupt the human genome, to use our language rather than the Bible's. Nephilim cannot be saved because demons can't be saved and they are part demon, so if the demon inheritance is spread throughout the population nobody could be saved, and that is considered to be the reason for their existence.

Some of the radio show guests say things like how the reality of UFOs has been proven, we know they exist. But they don't know that extraterrestrials exist, and I have no doubt that demons exist, ahnd yes there now does seem to be evidence of these strangely behavged objects. Yes they do exist.

But there is no reason to believe they are anything but demons at their usual game of deceiving humanity They invented all the gods of the religions for instance and demanded sacrifices to them. Whatever they are up to as UFOs it's not good for the human race. Ghosts are also nothing but demoni c impersonalitions of people, presumably the people who once lived in a certain place that is now haunted. Demons that had possessed those people in life.

So far I have been able to find a way to explain this or that phenomenon on the radio show in terms of the abilities of demons as I understand them. However, I also have in mind what the Chinese preacher Watchman Nee wrote in his book Soul Power, that it is possible that we have some powers left over from the pre-Fall world in fragmented and distored form, psychic powers and that sort of thing, that can be awakened in some people in fome form or other, but they are subjefct to demonic influence and are generally dangerous just as the demonic phoenomina asre dangerous.

The more people play with such things and get all ga ga about them and marvel at their experiences and so on, the more "permission" they give these creatures to manifest among us. That's how I understand it from some teache5rs I heard years ago. So all this interest in the paranoiormal is just bringing hordes of demons into the world. These are not benign creatures. They are fallen angels and they are malevolent. There amy be many varieties of them, not just one kind, and they can manifest physically and have many powers we don't have, powers to manipulated the phyhsical world that we don't have.

So it's worrisome fo find out there are so many thousands of people promoting these things. Most of them are naive, but demons are not naive.