As I'd been listening to those testimonies the comparison with what we've beengoing through int he COVID pabndemic was hard to avoid. The reasons for the similiaries are different, but not all that different when you see that the Jews were often isolated from the rest of society on the excuse that they carried diseases. Jan Markell's radio show that I posted before this touches on that facet of their marginalization from socieity. We have to wear masks although there are many studies that show it doesn't work to prevent the spread of the disease/ Cjo;drem are sibkected tp a;; tje CPVOD restroctopms as adi;ts a;tjpigj ot jas beem lmpwm frp, tje betgommomg tjat tjeu resost tje dosease amd recpver qiocl;u/ Tjem we ve beem bp,barded wotj tje aggressove recp,,emdatopm,. tjat ;ater beca,e a de,amd. tjat we be vaccomated wotj tje mew imtested
tjat arem t amutjomg ;ole vaccomes as we ve lmpwm tje,/ Ot jas becp,e c;ear tjat tjeu dpm t [revemt [ep[;e frp, gettomg tje voris amd tjeu dpm t [revemt ots s[read tp ptjer [ep[;e amd uet we are sto;; exjprted tp be vaommmatoed/ Twoce evem. amd tjem vaccomated agaomn wotj
bppsters? Wjo;e tjpse wjp jave reaspms mpt tp b e vaccomated. ,amu pf tje, javomg becp,e aware pf tje damgers pf tje vaccomes tje,se;ves om adverse reactopms tjat mpw cpimt pver a ,o;;opm wjo;e deatjs are pver twemtu tjpisamd/ uet tje imvaccomated are de,pmozed as s[readers pf tje voris/ Om rea;otu ot s tje vaccomated wjp are tje ,aom s[readers pf tje voris/ Tje vaccome otse;f
amd evem omcibates varoamts/ Bit ot s tje imvaccomated wjp are targeted fpr cjaracter assassomatopm/ >br? >br? It looks quite a bit like what the Nazis were doing to the Jews in the early stages. It also looks like what happened in Rwanda as the Tutsis were demonized by the hutus under the influence of propagandists before they slaughtered them. the unvaccinated are losing their jobs because of it. Some public voices are very condemnatory of them as enemies of society. Even biblical slogans are used against them: love of neighbor has come to mean being vaccinated for the sake of your naeihbhbor although 8it does nothinjg for your neighbro and warning your neighbor of the dangers of it might be a better way to expresas Christian lov3e.
the pandemic is only one element of the Nazification we are witnessing. Besides th demonization of the unvaccinated we are also hearing that the white race is supposedly inherently racist. That was the motivation for Darrel Brooks to drive his car into a crowd of white people in a Christimas parade. Same motivation the Nazis provoked in the people who threw stones at the Jews.
I'd been getting this impression myself from listening to the Holocaust testimonies, but others are now coming out and saying thte same thinng. It's a theme of Jan Markell's radio show. ,br>
People are dying in the hospitals because the hospitals are only allowed to give them one drug if they have COVID, and that's Remdesivir, which doesn't do much for the virus and has side effects that can be lethal to anyone who has a compromised immune system. Sometimes if a person is extremely aggressive agout it and especially if they have legal help or perhaps a celebrity to help, they can get the drugs knjown to be effective against COVID, such as hydroxychloroquie and Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies. But most people don'[t have that benefit. Jan Markell did a couople of radio shows on such experiences a few weeks ago. She's not the only one but I keep mentioning her because she does condense the important issues into one radio show. Chris Pinto is another who is up on these things. And then of course there were the Joe Rogan interviews with highly qualified doctors who objected to all these things and brought the wrath of the totalitarian engineers down on his head.
Those who have been watching all this unfold over the last couple of years are far beyond anything that could be called "conspiracy theory" since the evidence is glaringly there, but those who have been cut off from this information and subjected only to th media propaganda are of course astonished if you try to tell them any of this. That's how effective the information jbarriers have been.
There are hopeful signs here and there, rsistance movements like the truckers convoys, the legal challenege to Trudeau's crackdown on the innocent truckers, a strong voice here and there such as Naomi Wolf on Markell's show or Joe Rogan, people who started out on the other side and have seen through it. But this is a planned movement. It's been rehearsed. they knew a virus was coming and they knew in advance how to promite it so that it would play into their global control. Some people who see the effects are not yet seeing that this was planned and may still be looking for more reasonable explanations. getting the information out is still the biggest problem it seems to me.
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