Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Saving America Part 2

Here's John MacArthur laying out the end times scenario in a recent sermon:

MacArthur has said it's all over for America, we're never going back to normal, and I've had that view myself for many years. However, I'm so impressed with Chris Pinto's latest documentary, The True Christian HIstory of America that I want to throw myself into doing whatever I can to get us back to the original Christian vision for the nation.

Although we hear that America was founded as a Christian nation, the idea is compromised by the fact that the five main founders, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and Paine, were not genuine Christians, which Pinto himself has made clear in other films. Even if you argue that those men were steeped in Christian principles it is hard to make much of a case out of that. Then you are shown, by Pinto again, all the pagan influences in the design of our governmental buildings and the layout of the city of Washington D.C. among other antiChristian elements of American culture and it's easy to give up on the idea altogether, at least relegate the Christian influence to the pre-Constitutional era.

But in this latest film Pinto traces the intellectual framework of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution back through centuries of European, principally English, history, and shows how it all came from a biblical mindset. Yes we were founded as a Christian nation, and in the early years the population itself was also Christian.

A lack of vigilance plus the aggressive work of enemies have torn all that down. Our institutions no longer function as they wree originally designed to function. We have people in office who are actively opposed to true American principles. It's been looking like we might as well give up, we're doomed to destruction. And since the very last days do feel like they are breathing down our necks it's easy to think, well OK that's what prophecy says is going to happen. And we feel our helplessness, at least AI feel my own helplessness.

But now I think this documentary is providing us some real ammunition to fight our way back to the true America. Understanding our true origins really could be powerful ammunition. Whether there is anything we can actually do at this late date I don't know, but since I now feel less helpless because I can appreciate the case for the Christian conception of the nation I want to fight for it however that might be possible. As Pinto says we have to pray and I'm praying. I want to go on praying. I'm even fasting from time to time, what I think of as a Simple-Foods fast, not giving up food, just giving up foods I particularly like for the simplest kinds of food, cutting out sauces and most seasonings and that sort of thing. I think fasting is important when you are praying for something important, in this case for God's guidance in these perilous times with the hope of restoring the true America. Fasting opens us spiritually to hear from God. No I don't mean literally audibly, I mean understanding in our spirit

So it may well be that the Rapture is going to happen any minute and we will not be able to do anything anyway, but since we don't know when it is going to happen and it could be years, what would be more important to do with that time than this?

Systemic Racism? Part 2

This is Coleman Hughes listing the names of whites who were killed by the police in ways similar to all the well known blacks who were also killed. Includes Tony Timpa who is the subject of the video I posted below.

Hughes' list starts about 4:40, runs to 9 or 11 or so. I'm sure I've heard this list discussed elsewhere but I've been unable to find it. I'm glad I found this one at least.

If you don't go looking for it, and it's not easy to find even then, you won't see this information anywhere. It's obviously censored. For some reason they don't want us to know the truth, the media at least I mean, they want to promote the racist accusation, they want to promote division, they want to destroy America with their lies.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Some of the Science Involved in Problems with the COVID Shots

Various problems with the "vaccines" now include a problem called "shedding" by some and "transmission" by others, in which vaccinated people seem to affect unvaccinated people by proximity to them, causing menstrual effects and some of the symptoms people get from the vaccination like headaches, etc.

1. Deception Surrounds COVID Vaccines. This is an interview by Alex Newman of Dr. Richard Fleming, a very technical thorough discussion of what the vaccines do and how we are being misled about them. I don't remember much of it, heard it a while ago, just remember he covers a lot of territory and is very knowledgeable

2. A panel collected by a couple of doctors who have a regular show called Critically Thinking. I'm familiar with Sherri Tenpenny from other interviews but don't know anyone else in this one. Although I think it's a good discussion from a medical point of view I'll mention that at the end a few of the participants start sounding very New Agey talking about "vibrations" and other hippy-dippy stuff. Don't let it discredit the good information:

3. 3. Shedding Woo. This one I just heard and it's all about how vaccinated people "shed" effects onto others. He seems to understand the mechanism whereas the previous panel was guessing about it.

4. Added later: Here's an interview by Alex Newman of German doctor Sucharit Bhakti about the dangers of the vaccines.

5. And here's one I wanted to put up earlier but I couldn't find it. It's a very short video of Sherri Tenpenny saying she counts eight ways the vaccines are going to kill people.

Lot of doom and gloom here I know. And I don't know how to judge any of it myself, it just seems important that people be warned. I'm hoping human physiology has more resources to fight off the negative effects of the vaccines than are being recognized. Cliff High in the video "Shedding Woo" does conclude that we do have such mechanisms and that gives him hope though when he first contemplated the effects of these shots he panicked. Also, although there aren't yet any specific antidotes to them there are the basic immune system boosters that can help quite a bit, the vitamins C and D plus zinc in particular, and if the HCQ and Ivermectin help to destroy the virus why not the MRNA in the vaccines? ANYWAY, if you've had one or two shots, DON'T GET ANY MORE. And no more flu shots either because they magnify the bad effects of the COVID shots. I hope the doom and gloom is an overreaction but the more we can do to counter the negative effects the better.

America's Christian History and How We May Yet Be Able to Save Her

Recent Noise of Thunder radio show:

Jesuit Communism and the Coming Inquisition

Chris reports that a friend of his ministry pointed out the Jesuit connection with Communism in the dunce cap put on the heads of the politically incorrect in Mao's China, same as was done to the "heretics" by the Spanish Inquisition, as they accused them of misdeeds and thought crimes against the regime, as against Catholicism in the Inquisition. I didn't know that history of the dunce cap, certainly a telling connection there between Communism and the Inquisition of the RCC.

He then goes on to the connection with what's happening in America today as racism is used as the accusation du jour against those who object to the current Marxist takeover attempt which is really what the Woke movement, BLM and Antifa are all about. Shaming whites is the tactic in this case as supposed racists and white supremacists, requiring humiliating apologies despite the falseness of the accusation. Guess they'll be slapping dunce caps on our heads eventually, before beheading us if we refuse to recant our political incorrectness or heresy.

He concludes with his usual call to Christians to pray for God's wisdom and guidance to prevent this Marxist takeover and restore America to our Christian origins. I'm taking him up on this. I'm even going to try to fast although that has been beyond me for many years now. Surely I can find some form of fasting I'm capable of. Burt prayer in any case, a lot of prayer.

And I'm strongly motivated toward this by his latest film, "The True Christian HIstory of America" in which he shows the long history of Christian influences from the Magna Carta on that make the foundation of our American institutions. He's found quite an impressive collection of documents and quotations that make it very very clear just how foundational biblical (Protestant) Christianity was to the whole concept of our Constitutional Republic. The loss of all that is terribly sad but at least he did such a good job of making the case it gave me a very clear focus for my prayers.

I think this film could, even should, be used as inspiration for deeper studies of the men and events of this history. I'm hoping to get my greatnephew interested, who has a great love of learning somehow built into his DNA despite his lack of formal educqation (it's beem pffered to him but so far rejected). I would like this film to set a fire under him as well as a whole army of young people like him. we need to relearn what our country is all about, we can't do much to defend it if we don't understand what went into its making, and most Americans know very little about all that, and are now succumbing to Marxist and antiChristian revisionist versions of our history.

Anyway the film could be a launching pad for reclaiming the country and that's what I'm going to be praying about. I don't see any way to go about it, other than learning as much as we can of course, but God knows and has the power to bring it about and will certainly show us if we ask Him. Even in the teeth of all the antiChristians working against us. Actually some of them should join us eventually anyway, those who have the slightest inkling of what Communism is and the fact that this is indeed an attempt at a Communist revolution we have been witnessing for a while now. That's enough of a motivation to expect from some, but Christians can count on God when we put all our trust in His guidance.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Living in Interesting Sinister. Times

Why are so many people dying in India? Are they dying of COVID? How many have been vaccinated? Will we ever know any of this?

There's some pretty scary stuff about the vaccines online as explained by highly reputable medical people, the sort of stuff that gets censored as "misinformation" these days so it can be hard to find. Maybe I'll post some eventually. For the moment I'm just upset about it and want to vent.

So Trump's "warp speed" operation got out the vaccines in record time but there are lots of reasons why that was not a good thing.

1. First, we never needed a vaccine for COVID. The recovery rate is extremely high and it should never have been called a pandemic. Young people in particular and healthy people in general get mild versions of the disease and recover fully. There was never any need for a full-scale lockdown or this universal emphasis on wearing masks. We've lived with the flu for a long time without any such precaustions and this is no worse than the flu except for those in vulernable groups, the elderly and those with chronic diseases. They should have been protected, the rest no. (A side question I have is when did the flu become the scary and even lethal disease it is now considered to be? I remember when we thought of it as something like a bad cpld with aches and pains that nobody worried much about. Of course there was the Spanish Flu but the flus that came around every year were no big deal. When did they become a big deal? When did it become this big deal to get immunized against it? All of us? Maybe the sick and elderly but all of us? And now we're hearing that some people have bad reactions to the flu shot. I'll never know for sure the cause of death for three people who died very suddenly last Fall around the time people get the flu shot. A young woman who died just before her 49th birthday, sudden inexplicable cardiac arrest; an internet friend of mine about my age who died suddenly a couple days after his last email to me. I haven't been able to find out anything about how he died. Third, I heard about the son of a well known Christian blogger who collapsed and died while playing games with friends. He was 21. All these deaths occurred last Octover or thereabouts. Sudden, inexplicable. Did they all recently have the flu shot perchance? I don't know but I know there are people who attribute similar deaths to that cause.).

2. Second we have no need for a vaccine because We've had good treatments from the beginning for those in the vulernable groups. The others don't need treatment but the vulnerable ones do and if they get it early they avoid getting seriously sick and they recover fully. And we have more of them now, treatments that prevent it from worsending past the first few days of infection. Yes, such as hydroxychloroquine, yes indeed. And it's still up there on the list of treatments of choice. Ivermectin is now higher on the list. Both knock out the virus in the first week and both are old drugs that have been used for decades and are known to be safe. There is also quercetin plus zinc which also works in the early days. But there are others and I don't know what they all are, I can find discussions that name them though, which I may do, and there are also many treatments that cure the virus in the later stages too. Regeneron is one, although it is hard to get for the average person. (A side question I have on this one is why Trump stopped talking about HCQ)

3. Funny how the deaths from flu just dropped off the chartst while the COVID deaths were presumably increasing by leaps and bounds. Including people who died in autobmobile accidents that were nevertheless listed as dying of COVID because they tested positive, or just because.

4. The vaccines are not really vaccines, they were never fully tested, some people are reporting serious side effects and some have died "coincidentally" soon after getting the shot, either one or both shots. And since they are genetic material that replicates in the body they can go on to produce unkown problems. For this I do need to find the interviews of doctors who talk about the science involved.

5. Why is this kind of information being censored? Even if it has flaws isn't that how science is supposed to operate, by comparing data and working out the flaws? There is something truly sinister about this silencing of medical experts. It's bad enough that they are censoring anything that contradicts the Woke narrative that could possibly stop the rioting by showing that systemic racism is not real. What rioting, you ask? Hm. Oh and we aren't allowed to notice all the evidence of voter fraud either. What sort of world is this becoming? Already is

By the way there is some reason to believe, at least some medical experts are speculating that it might be so, that the various drugs for treating COVID, such as HCQ and Ivermectin and Quercetin and Zinc, plus vitamins D and C and anything else that boosts the imjune system, may be able to counter the negative side effects of the vaccines. In case you're worried about it.

Systemic Racism?

Here's video of a white guy dying in custody under the same conditions George Floyd died. Tony Timpa was held down by a policeman who had his knee on his upper back. He yells for help for the first eleven minutes. About 11:46 he stops moving and protesting. At 17 they say he's stopped breathing. They go on trying to resuscitate him to the end of the video.

So. Systemic racism? Did Derek Chauvin get a fair trial? Just asking.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Yeah, Depths of Disgust for Some Kinds of "Science."

As I've been continuing to watcdh the film about dating the Exodus and related Biblical history by the archaeology of Egypt, a wave of disgust for "science" has been engulfing me. I'm supposed to respect this "science?" One after another of these highly regarded scholars and archaeologists flatly give their educated opinion that this or that archeologically determined event that so nicely matches this or that part of the Biblical account simply has nothing to do with the Biblical account. They may try to rationalize the opinion in other ways as the interview proceeds but in tghe end the filmmaker gets them all to admit that their opinion comes down to the one reason, that it is the established conventionally accepted chronology that makes it impossible. There is no evidence of any of the Biblical narrative at the time convenationally established for those events, therefore they did not happen, the Bible is a piece of fiction and the fact that so much of it IS demonstrated by archaeological and documentary evidence from a time a few centuries earlier is just thrown out. Didn't happen when they expect it to happen, therefore even though so much of it DID happen exactly as described in the Bible at a different time it cannot be those Biblical events.

I'm trying to be forgiving, trying to be understanding. This is a fallen world after all, and nevertheless surely these are great investigators, great scientists who are honest as well as expert. I accept that, of course they are honest as well as careful scientists, their findings for the most part are highly trustworthy as far as I can tell. But when one after another flatly denies what the film has shown to be such a dramatic correspondence between the Biblical accounts and the evidence the scientists themselves have brought to light, I am overcome with disgust. A cavalier overthrowing of the Bible which had been known to be historical fact for millennia deserves that disgust. It is the Bible that should be the standard, not the cogitations of fallen humanity. They should be ruled by the fear of God. If their dates don't line up with the Bible they should be exerting all effort to figure out why and reconcile them, not just accept their own antibiblical conclusion so easily. "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

This is how we got all the Bible debunkery that's been laid on us over the last century This is how we got Darwinism. This is how we got Marx and Freud, historical Geology. This is how we got Liberal Theology and the fake Greek manuscripts Sinaiticus and vaticanus. All it seems to take is a plausible sounding "scholarly" theory and out goes the Bible. "There is no fear of God beforfe their eyes." If it overturns the Bible it makes some people happy, it makes other people unhappy but they are seduced by the reputations of "great men" nevertheless and go about trying to fit the Bible to the work of heathen. Gosh, but isn't radiometric dating just so incontrovertible you can't reject it? No, not if you know the word of God is the word of God. Anything that contradicts it is wrong, and your job is to find out how, not accept anything that contradicts it. The logic is only plausible, when you prayerfully think it through it starts to come apart. You'll start to see its flaws, you'll find facts you hadn't seen before. They stop too soon.

If you set your mind in that direction instead of capitulating to the pagan powers you will find many ways the established bodies of knowledge have failed to recognize the actual facts. The worldwide strata with their fossil contents in factg could not have formed on the interpretation of their representing time periods of millions of years. The whole intellectual edifice is impossible in the real world. It's ludicrous. I've argued this over and over and I'm not going to do it again here, just say that it's one of the many ways modern thinking deserves profound disgust.

I may buy the movie and see if I can master the facts in it. The Bible is historically true, I know that anyway, I'm just horrified to the core by how easily the devil has seduced humanity into discrediting it and creating unnecessary hurdles for people who would otherwise believe it as they should. The debunkers should be the ones on the defensive, not the Bible believers.

The Evidence Presented in the Film "Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus" Demonstrating the Presence of the Israelites in Egypt Earlier Than the Accepted Timing

Since I'm into this I might as well give as much of the evidence as I can of the archaeological validation of the Biblical Exodus, against the accepted date for which there is no actual evidence.

The dating discrepancy starts with a verse in the Bible, Exodus 1:11, that says the Israelites made bricks for the Egyptian cities of Pithom and Rameses. Rameses was pharoah around 1200 BC so that date has been accepted as the time period of the Exodus although there is no actual physical evidence from that period that fits the Biblical narrative of the Exodus, nor does that date fit with the Biblical timing itself.

This reference to Rameses seems like a pretty solid clue, so it is easy to understand why it is so adamantly held as a time marker before which the Exodus could not have occurred. Unfortunately it makes a liar of the Bible since there is no evidence from archaeology to support it.

Some try to reconcile the Bible with this melancholy absence of evidence by claiming the Biblical narrative doesn't have to be factual in order to be "true" and other such tiresome sophistries. Supposedly it is enough that it has "meaning." This is a pretty anemic way to defend what has always been known as a history until "science" did its dirty work on it. "Let God be true but every man a liar" says Romans 3:4. I'm going with that. And true does not mean meaningful, it means factually true.

The point of the movie is that there does seem to be plenty of evidence from archaeology and other sources such as documents from ancient Egypt of the factual reality of the Biblical account of the Exodus, quite a bit of it, though not from the time of Rameses, rather from a few hundred years earlier.

In this earlier time period are found:

1. EVIDENCE OF A SEMITIC SHEEPHERDING PEOPLE IN GOSHEN PRIOR TO THE TIME OF RAMESES: A city called Avaris beneath the city of Rameses, the area where the Bible locates the Israelites, which had been populated by Semites or Canaanites. The excavator says they seem to be there by permission of the Egyptian crown, which exactly fits the Biblical narrative of the family of the patriarch Jacob, Joseph's father. The family was given the land by the pharoah of the time. There is also evidence of an abundance of sheep and goats with them. Egyptians were not allowed to be sheepherders but Jacob's family were, so this fact also fits very well. Yet the Austrian excavator, Manfred Bietak, denies that they could have been the Israelites described in the Bible, because, of course, the timing is wrong. He believes the accepted later timing of the period of Rameses. All this apparent evidence of exactly what the Bible describes is therefore tossed out because of the clinging to that date. (Starts about 13:19 into the film.)

2. EVUDENCE OF JOSEPH'S FAMILY IN GOSHEN: About 28:30 into the film, David Rohl offers as evidence that the city of Avaris is indeed where the family of Joseph settled, in the land of Goshen, the style of house built there. It is like those found in Syria, where Abraham originally came from. It's not an Egyptian style of architecture. He says it is the sort of house you'd expect Jacob to have built. Built on top of it was an Egyptian style palace Rohl suggests must have been for a very high dignitary who was being honored for his service to the nation. Its occupant was a Semite or Canaanite. There were also twelve tombs in the garden around it, and twelve pillars in its portico, all suggesting that the honored dignitary must have been Joseph, who was one of twelve brothers

3. EVIDENCE OF JOSEPH'S HIGH RANK IN EGYPT: At 30 into the film Rohl goes on to point out that one of the tombs is special in that it is a pyramid, a shape usually reserved for kings and queens though in this case it was for a Semitic official. There is a very large statue inside the chapel of the tomb that has the hair style and the skin color (pale yellow) by which Egyptians depicted northern people. It also had the remains of painted stripes of many colors which is awfully reminiscent of Joseph's signature "coat of many colors" given to him by his father. The statue has been reconstructed with such a multicolored striped robe covering it. The filmmaker consults another Egyptologist, a Dr. Charles Ailing, who agrees with Rohl that it must depict either Joseph or someone who had a career remarkably similar to Joseph's. Both scholars confirm that this tomb and its statue are unique in Egypt.

I think that is pretty impressive evidence myself that despite the dating problem the Biblical narrative of Joseph's life in Egypt is confirmed by archaeology, and this is only a quarter of the way into the film. It goes on to include a canal attached to the Nile that is named for a "Joseph" and the fact that the pharoah in this time period are depicted with worried features unlike the usual depictions of pharoahs. One important piece of evidence is that the pyramid tomb was completely cleaned out of its artifacts and bones when discovered, which fits with the biblical fact that Joseph had asked for his bones to be buried in the promised land. After that the film goes on to much evidence of other parts of the Biblical account, such as the seven years of famine, the enslavement of the Hebrew descendants of Jacob, then on to the time of Moses when God brought plagues on the land, the death of the firstborn on the night of Passover, the Exodus itself and then evidence from the later time of Rameses that the Israelites were now a nation in the land of Canaan. It's all very compelling but I'm going to stop here for now.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

An Agnostic Egyptologist Argues for the Validity of the Biblical Account of the Exodus

Oh this is fun. Just heard most of an interview done by my greatnephew Christian Cox, who also goes by "CJ" and sometimes by "Jay," and "The Cynicogue" whatever that is, I'll look it up someimte. Anyway this is a three-hour interview with British Egyptologist David Rohl
This is heavy duty scholarship so you'll have to be willing to think through the facts and arguments. I looked up David Rohl and found there is a movie on the subject. It is rentable at Amazon and I'm about to watch it. "Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus." It starts out with the usual "scientific" debunkery of the Bible. You know, the Exodous didn't happen because archaeology hasn't found it. I hope the rest of the film does a nice clear job of showing them wrong but wait and see.

I don't have any problem rejecting "science" in such cases because I know the Bible is truth, but it is frustrating that this avenue to faith is cut off by "science" as if it were god. This argument comes up frequently in the creationism-evolution debate: you really cannot do true science on historical events. You need to be able to replicate your findings and that is not possible with events in the past. everything you think you know is always merely an hypothesis for that reason and subject to all kinds of errors you may never be able to discover because the usual avenues of correction aren't available. This is the problem with evolution and it's the problem with the "scientific" investigatiobns into Biblical accounts.

Rohl's argument is that the archaeologists have misunderstood the timing of events because they misunderstand the languages of the relevant time period, involving the names of pharoahs among other thihngs.

UPDATE. Finished the film. I'd say it proved the point. Various lines of evidence point to an earlier date for events in Egypt discovered byh archaeology than the currently accepted date. The currently accepted dating is nevertheless defended with an iron grip by many Egyptologists although there are some who argue for the earlier dating. Both sides are well represented in the film. Nevertheless the filmmaker doesn't take sides in the end although the main thrust of the film is to the earlier dating.

Interesting that it's the dating discrepancy between the science and the Bible that is used to discredit the Bible. Same situation as with Evolution and Old Earth Geology. The evidence in the film is that there are many archaeologically established events that do fit the Biblical accounts, it's only the dating that says they don't support the Bible. The only real evidence for the Old Earth and Evolution is also the dating methods, the actualities fit the Biblical account just fine, genetics/ biology, and geology.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Just One of Many False Prophets These Days

A few weeks ago I discovered a woman "prophet" at You Tube and got interested enough to listen to a few of her videos. It's quite sad really. The woman is likeable, I wish she hadn't been seduced by her Pentecostal upbringing into accepting the communications she gets that she claims come from Jesus. She's obviously completely sold on them and thinks they are meant for other Christians, so she reports them on her You Tube videos. This is not a well known teacher so maybe I shouldn't give her name, just somebody who does these videos, and there must be many more like her, probably many with a bigger following, but she's an interesting example of the phenomenon.

She mentions from time to time that she gets comments that criticize what she's doing and she just deletes them, so there's no point in adding my own to her list. She probably won't see anything I write here either but if she did I'd just want to tell her she's believing a lie and to please please please rethink what she's doing. It would mean opposing her Pentecostal upbringing. It would be very hard. It was even hard for me to cut myself loose from the charismatic frame of reference I got caught in back in the nineties and I was a new Christian with none of the inherited baggage she carries, so for her to give it up would be a mnumental undertaking. I can only pray that God would show her the way. I had to stop and rethink all kinds of experiences I had had of a supernatural sort that the charmismatic movement, same as the Pentecostals, treat as coming from God. The "gift of tongues" for instance, which I received one day when I was praying out loud in my bedroom. All these incomprehensible phrases just came out of my mouth and formed a repeating pattern. I could start and stop them but I didn't determine the sounds themselves, they were independent of me. Definitely "supernatural" but from what source?

It wasn't long before I recognized that the sounds had no feeling of worship in them, no reverential feeling, they were just babbling, repeating patterns that mimicked language, and eventually they came along with little tunes such as Three Blind Mice I was supposed to regard this phenomenon as coming from God? Well, once you are into a supernatural experience it is very very hard to convince yourself it is not from God because of all the pressure you get from the charismatic or Pentecostal movements, no matter how silly or unChristian it seems. "We are Christians" you will be told, therefore we cannot receive supernatural phenomena from demons. We are not to doubt that it is a work of the Holy Spirit, that would be to blaspheme the Holy Spirit which is the unforgiveable sin. With all that biblical-sounding propaganda being heaped on you it is very hard to begin to see through it and recognize it as the demonic deception it is.

I did succeed in extricating myself from it and left the movement but I had lingering doubts for years that were only finally dispelled by the Strange Fire Conference at John MacArthur's church some years ago. They made it very clear that what are practiced as "the gifts of the Spirit" are no such thing. They have nothing whatever to do with the experiences in the New Testament that are desribed as those supernatural gifts. The "tongues" are not actual languages as they are in the New Testament. So they'll tell you they are an angelic language because of a comment Paul made, an angelic lanugage you have no way of verifying since who has heard angeles speak it? But the fact that the main gift was the speaking of actual human languages is NOT practiced at all should be enough to discredit the pracdtice as charismatics and Pentecostals experience it.

The "healings" always turn out to be some kind of illusion so that takes care of the supposed supernatural gift of healing. It's not that God can't give such healings if He wants to and perhaps does on some occasionns, but as a gift possessed by an individual it doesn't bear scrutiny. The "gift of prophecy" is often little more than a sort of psychic reading, and sometimes involves out and out demonic deception which is pretty clearly what is going on with this prophet I'm talking about.

One influence that made a big difference to me was Watchman Nee's book on "Soul Power" in whicb he identifies powers he believes belonged to Adam and Ever berfore the Fall that may still show up in distorted form in certain individuals, such as psychic powers. In other words these phenomena don't have to be demonicm they can be of the flesh though not in the usual sense. He also very clearly exposed what was known in the nineties as "holy laughter" that took over in some charistmatic churches and was considered to be a true Holy Spirit revival although it is one of the silliest manifestations that ever happened. He says that this phenomenon occurred in some Chinese churches some decades earlier and that it was certainly not of the Holy Spirit.

If such arguments are not convincing to someone who gets these visions and dreams, at least she should give the actual content of her "prophecies" some serious scrutiny because they violate the portrait of Jesus found in scripture. She sees in a dream a chariot drawn by horses manned by someone she called "Jesus." It's a one-man Roman style chariot the driver stands up in. She applies no critical thought to it. For starters it's highly improbably that Jesus would be driving a Roman chariot if He drove one at all. The only chariot in scripture that came down from heaven and picked up the prophet Elijah, is identified as the Chariot of Israel, not Rome. Next I'd point out that scripture says Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of the Father interceding for us, it says He will return on a white horse at the end of the Tribulation. His "angel" could conceivably appear to someone but why? Why should He appear to anyone at all between His Ascent and His return, and especially considering that these "prophecies" are really pretty silly and trivial? There is no hint whatever that that could happen. Even in a vision. Even a vision to be biblically believable would have to fit what it teaches. He's to come on a white horse. A Roman chariot drawn by horses is completely out of charcter. She also said he had a peaceful smile on His face. An odd little point I suppose, but Jesus is simply never ever describing in scripture as smilibng. Being human I suppose he must have smiled but scripture simply never says He did. I do take that little thing as a falsification of her claim.

In another vision or dream she is in a room with some people listening to "Jesus" whose words, according to her dream, were utterly riveting,fascinating and compelling, and yet, oddly she gives not one example of anything He actually said that was so riveting. She even says she forgot what He said, just remembered how impressive it felt at the time. How can she believe herself when she says something like this? Jesus' words in scripture ARE riveting because of His message, and we aren't expected to accept their power on authority, we experience it when we read it. This is just too too strange, so clearly a deception.

She does make predictions and I can only wonder if any of them have ever come true. Predictions about Trump for instance, as if he's coming back to the Presidency very soon. Really? She identifies Biden as a false President who was not fairly elected, and gives as her evidence of this that if he had been he'd have the blessing of God, but the voting controversy at least means he doesn't or something like that. But this is bad theology. If God is judging the nation as certainly appears to be the case then we are going to have false leaders who oppose Him. This is seen all through scripture, there is no justification for any idea that our leaders would have God's blessing in any sense other than that God is behind absolutely everythiong that happens. If we have a bad President it is God's will no less than our having a good President. She seems to deny that the nation is under justment, she does seem to have mostly positive sounding prophecies. The latest one is that we are going to return to the gold and silver standard. Really? Most prophecy watchers see the world going to a cashless system, the exact opposite.

If I spent more time on it I'd probably find many more clues to the deceptive nature of her visions and dreams. They are not coming from God. I do pray for her that God would free her from these lies, and disabuse any of her followers of he errors. We are certainly in the Last Days..

Monday, April 12, 2021

COVID Gestapo in Canada resisted by Christian pastors, Growth of Muslim Tyranny in Canada, and other Signs of the Times

What is happening is the all-out satanically inspired effort to destroy Western Civilization, which means Christian civilization, to bring in the New World Order, or the Great Reset as it is now called, a global socialist economy, totalitarian and anti-Christian to the core. This effort has many fronts, the latest one being the COVID excuse. Too many churches have capitulated to this tyranny, but there are a few that are fighting. John MacArthur's church has so far won its court cases and kept its doors open. In Canada we have Pastor James Coates of a church in Edmonton Alberta who was jailed for over a month for failure to comply with Canadian COVID laws. After he was released and of course returned to his pastoral duties, the government put up a fence around the chyurch to prevent people from entering, so they are now meeting in an "undiscloserd location," like the underground churches in Communist countries. Then there is Pastor Artur Pawlowsky of Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary Alberta who shouted down the COVID police when they invaded his church.

Chris Pinto highlights this pastor's ousting of the COVID "Nazis" in the zsecond half of his recent radio show. He also describes what is happening in Canada as the Muslims grow in power there and threaten Christian Canadians.

Here's the original video of the pastor shouting to the police to leave his church, calling them Nazis and psychopaths. Followed by a Fox News interview with the pastor. Pawlowsky gre up in Poland and remembers the Communist oppression and the Lech Walensa uprising that threw them out.:

A socialist totalitarian global government which includes or permits Sharia Law and Muslim domination, now being ushered in through the COVID pandemic, is apparently what the pagan world thinks it wants. I certainly hope more Christian churches rise up in protest at least to put it off. But when the Christians are raptured then they can have their satanically inspired dream. Biblical Christians think of this as the Great Tribulation which is the Wrath of God poured out on unbelieers after the Rapture. May many wake up before it comes.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Ongoing Vaccination Saga

I know quite a few people by now who have had both shots of the COVID vaccine and done OK so far. Only one mild reaction that I've heard of, a couple of days of fatigue, "wooziness" and headache but that's all. Nevertheless reports keep cropping up about severe side effects and deaths soon after taking it, which are dismissed by the mainstream media -- deaths AFTER the shot don't mean it caused the death. Etc. Reminds me of what RF Kennedy said about how there are an awful lot of people who are dying of coincidence or however he put that. *********************************************************************************** Anyway I just Heard Chris Pinto's recent radio show on the subject. Reported deaths that are denied, Fauci's incompetence, various experts' warnings, etc. A good overview/summary of the whole situation:>

Happy Easter

This is the day He rose from the dead. It's the reason He is able to give us eternal life sinners though we are. This is the verse of the week from Sermon Audio and I'm making it my inspiration for the day:
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23,24