Monday, March 3, 2025

The Upside down crowd still rage and are still dangerous

 watching protests against Trump and Musk's efforts to identify and cut down on waste,k fraud and abuse of tazpayer money.  They say it's terrifying what these men are doing.  They emphasize that Musk is not elected.  They say they are doing something unconssitutional, that they are taking away American freedoms and some say stealing our money.  They see threat to our grandchildren to destroy our democracy, they want Congress to act to curtail this misuse of power.  

THIS is what is realling terrifying.  THIS is really the threat to democracy, this craziness, this absolutely insane misunderstanding about what Trump and Musk are doing which is completely conssituional and very much needed to KEEP our democracy functioning, and without which the country will be destroyed.   They have no idea whatever thart what they are doing , Trump and Musk, is done by all Presidencts and that they all use UNelected people to do the work, tat's how the work gets done.  This is standard perfectly consissituional procedure and they are the ignorant ones who are threatening the nation.   Threatienint the future for their grandchildren.  THEY are the destroyers.  Flying our American flag upside down.    THIS is the terrifying threat, ad it is a threat against the first real sane commonsensical effor tto save the nation in decades.    

Is it a matter of not hearing the truth?  Being deceived by the media?  Or just being so incdoctrinated by leftist ideology they can't think tstright at all.     THEY are the threat.  Wow, this is the horroro.  I can only hope it's not a big movementg but I know they've got big money behind them.   

Pray pray pray for truth and reality and reasonableness and righteousness to win.  Pray pray pray.  Because ther eare way too many people who are dangerously misled.   Pray pray pray.    I'm glad we have Trump now but  the forces of darkness that have been working against him for years are still at it.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

A Conference on Preserving Western Civilization

As usual I don't know if I captured theURL or not but I hope so, and if I did it's only going to be in the mdidle of one of many talks or at least I suppose that is whre it will be.  This is a convference I just heard, well I heard three speakers at it and th eonly one I'm familiar with is Douglas Murray, but all three are excellent all on the topic of the greatness of Western civilicszation and why we need to preserve it.  I don't know what the conference is called or when it was held.  It's in London though, that much I know and everybody so far has a British accent.  I love these talks and hope there are many more to listen to.    And I hope the URL bewlow goes somewhere during that ocnference.

ebuilding Civilisation: Douglas Murray’s Bold Vision for the Future [ARC 2025]

After I posted the above I heard more and found out that the conference is called ARC but I don't know what the letters stand for.  I also found out it was put together by Jordan Peterson and he eventually speaks too.    But I just heard this great talk by someone, I dn't kbow who he was, who talked about the essential role of Christianity in EWestern CivilixZation and the need to revcover it.  Yes yes yes and I hope this following URL works:

83-year-old Philosopher’s message to our generation and time | Os Guinness - YouTube

I'm not much of a fan of Jordan Peterson's Jungian approach to everything, to say the least, I mean I really don't like it at all and think he goes way off the raisls when he applies it to the bible in particular, so I'm not recommending his talk.  I like many things he says in general, I like his basic cultural mindset and political mindset and I guess I have to say I think his heart is in theright place about such important things.  But he's way off base when he tries to apply psycbhologyc to the Bible.