Sunday, October 31, 2021

Next on the Antichrist's Agenda?

So Biden met with Pope Francis last week. Just another emblem of the destruction of America. And now I'm waiting for the Pope to "confirm a covenant with Israel" which the Antichrist is expected to do according to the book of Daqniel, which act is interpreted to be the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Perhaps the covenant Trump forged between Israel and some of the Arab nations? wait and see.

It's really breathtaking to consider how the Antichrist and his kingdom the Roman Empire, have been among us for millennia and even after the Reformation continue to go unrecognized as the evil force in the world they are. Over a billion members in what is falsely taken to be a Christian church. Combine that with the 1.9 billion Muslims which there is reason to expect to come about in the last days, and we're talking a formidable organization ruled by Satan that has been among us all this time. The tens of millions of CHristian martyrs during the Inquisition have been forgotten. Some Protestant churches even regard the RCC as just another denomination. Talk about a Great Delusion.

There are certainly Roman Catholics who follow Christ instead of the Pope, but they need to hve their eyes opened and leave the institution.

This delusion has been manufactured by Jesuits of course and huge numbers have fallen for it. Anyway it's all in place, all ready for the curtain to rise on the Seventieth Week of Daniel or the GreatTribulation. I hope the Pre Trib scenario is correct and the Chruch will be gone, but there are going to be lots of people during that horrrific period who will come to Christ in the most horrifying ways possible. As it is said in Revelation, this is the patientce and the faith of the saints. They are going to need it.l

Forboding Statues, the Image of the Beast?

Would not have expected to write a post about these statues but it seems perhaps I'm supposed to because I got such a bombardment of information about statues in a short time. Funny how that happens.

Jan Markell has mentioned that there are a number of very large statues positioned in various parts of the world that have the ability to appear as any particular person. I haven't paid a lot of attention to this so I'm afraid I can't tell you where they are or 'anything about the technology involved, or who put them up or anything. If I hear more I'll report more. She connects these statues with the Image of the Beast in Revelation 13 that the world will be required to worship or be killed. It's an interesting connection of course, definitely something to consider for those who will be going through the Tribulation period. It makes that seven-year people seed a lot closer too, that such statues are in existence.

As for my flurry of encounters with statues recently, first one of the videos of the Canadian couple in Mexico was about their visit to a very large statue of Christ that stands overlooking the city of Taxco. They name the sculptor but of course I forgot it, it's not been there very long but I forget how long etc.

It was disturbing to hear that the statue lost its head in an earthquake not long ago, and then lost its hand to a lightning strike. It's been repaired but it reminds me of the statue of the god Dagon that fell and lost its head and hand when the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines and put in Dagon's temple. The power of God caused it to fall and be broken.

But a statue of Christ? Why would God do that to such a statue? I certainly don't believe it happened by chance, God is in charge so I know it represents His displeasure. But why? Well, what else can be the explanation but that it represents a false Christ somehow or other? Represents the Antichrist. It must.

Then last night I turned on my audio Bible intending to listen to Psalms but I programmed in the wrong identifying number and got the book of Daniel instead. I decided to listen to it anyway since I havewn't heard it in quite a while. I listened until my mind started wantdering after Chapted five. It covered the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Chapter 2, which represents the four empires from Babylon to the Roman Empire, and then the statue of gold in Chapter 3 Tthat Nebuchadnezzar had set up, commanding that everyone worship it or be killed. It ws sixty cubits or ninety feet tall. The Jews refused to worship it, and Daniel's friends Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the furnace, where they were miraculously preserved from harm.

What made me realize that I should write about statues is the fact that when I turned on the radio this morning it was into a sermon about the gold statue Nebuchadnezzar had erected. Funny little coincidence there. I don't even listen much to that Christian station these days because I don't like the styloe of music they play but I happened to set it there last night before going to sleep so when I turned it on there was the sermon about the statue in Daniel Chapter 3.

Guess God wants somebody to know about statues. The statues in the Book of Daniel are of course obvious pagan idols that we are commanded not to put before the true God in the Ten Commandments. Even the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream which is about four empires is about their pagan religions. The Beast whose image is to be constructed according to the False Prophet, described in Revelation 13, represents a man, not only an empire. It has all the features of the empires described later in Daniel, the bear, the leopard, the lion, all of which come together in the Roman Empire representedby that Beast.

I differ from the popular end times scenario in my belief that the Antichrist, which the Beast represents, is going to be a Pope, and very likely the Pope we have now. I also think the Roman Empire continued as the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages which was both a religious and a political entity, so that the current idea that the Roman empire had ceased and needs to be reinstated for the end times drama to play out is missing this whole scenario that has been in place for centuries. The popular system is expected an unknown to emerge as the world leader, but the Protestant Reforers identified the papacy as the seat of Antichrist from scripture and I see no reason to expect anyone different, especially since this current Pope took office with quite a few signs I take to be from God, which I've described in other posts. Popes were also identified as Antichrist by hundreds of Christians before the Rewformation.

But whoever the Antichrist turns out to be, the statue of Revelation 13 is to be of him and the whole world is to be commanded to worship it or be killed. All these gigantic statues mentioned by Jan Markell are probably what she says, the forerunner of the Image of the Best, or that statue of Antichrist. And the Tribuation being that close their technology will probably figure in its ability to appear to be alive, speak and so on.
All this is to come upon the whole world, there is no part that will escape. Those who have fled to hopeful refuge in other countries aren't going to be outside its reach, unless God permits it in some cases, and since I'm hoping for some unsaved people to be saved in that time I hope they will be protected. Some people are goign to have to survive if the prophecy of the Millennium to follow is true, that it will be populated by believers who have not yet been glorified as the Raptured Church is to be. If we take the gold statue in Daniel 3 as a type of the Image of the Beast people will be commanded to worship in the Tribulation on pain of death, maybe we can also happily expect God to protect those who refuse just as He did Daniel's friendsz in the furnace.

(Although the signs I have in mind point to a Pope, a most appropraite false object of worship keeps occurring to me: the "Virtin" Mary. She is already worshipped by hundreds of millions of Catholics, prayed to and so on. and I think it was Alexander Hislop, who wrote "THE two Babylons" who thought the Beast could be "Mary." All her apparitions, the fact that Popes have sworn fealty to her, that she is worhipped by many, that even Islam reveres her, all make her a great candidtate for at least a central figure in the Great Tribulation. Perhaps the Beast I suppose. If the Pope is the False Prophet in that case? I don't know how to put together the signs but she leaps out as a prime candidate anyway.)

Yes I stioll have question about how all this is to play out but since I don't have answers I continue to MOSTLY go alone with the popular scenario.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Escape From Tyranny to Freedom

There's a growing exodus of people from western countries to places like Mexico to escape from tge increasing encroachments on personal freedom in those parts of the world. Since I've wanted to know a lot more about Mexico because I now have family who have escaped there, I keep listening to the videos of this couple the Lechmans who went there less than a year ago but are full of information about the processes involved and the experiences of being there. It's been a source of reassurance for me as I'd heard so many horror stories about Americans encountering dangerous situations in Mexico and little else. I've probably watched some thirty or forty of their videos by now. tHERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE DOING VIDEOS OF a similar nature, quite a few as a matter of fact, but this couple have the particular focus I've particularly needed to hear.

This one focuses on the fear of what's happening in the world as the reaosn for the exodus. they also applaud those who choose to stay and fight it. ""

Friday, October 29, 2021

Too Many People LIKE Government Control, That's What Makes Saving Freedom So Difficult These Days

It's been nice finding out so many attractive things about Mexico since I never knew much about the country, and this couple from Saskatoon in Canada are good guides for that purpose. They chose Mexico to move to out of quite a few other possibilities, did research on each that made up their minds for Mexico. Their first concern was climate, to avoid cold and snow like that where they came from, and extreme heat and humidity. That was an important reason they chose a place in a mountainous area.

But as they've been there for a while they are finding they're happiest with the cultural elements of Mexico, specifically the lack of overregulation which is certainly a problem in the US and Canada. As I've listened to them I've realized how much I also dislike this situation in America, how much I've disliked the mentality that sues a company for coffee that is too hot, that rewquires expensive licensing for anyone who just wants to sell something. In Mexico this couple bought tamales from a woman who made them in her kitchen and sold them on the street in front of her home. Try that here.

I even started thinking how this overregulation is part of the whole problem that is making people want to move. It can perhaps be thought of as the first stage of Communism, which is all about controlling people. So it isn't as if the current government overreach is anything new, it just got intolerable after being tolerated for decades. Of course it also has to be acknowledged that it's not quite the same thing since this is all based on lies.

The overregulation is impsed, it actually contradicts the American concept of freedom but it's managed to grow into a great choking weed by small increments that can sound reasonable in their limited context. Pushing back this current stranglehold by government is really a bigger task than it may first appear. There are decades of destruction of the American idea that make the current threat to freedom from the global level seem reasonable to at least half the country as long as they aren't exposed to the real meaning of it, which the global powers have managed to suppress only too efectively.
Ameica is certainly worth saving, but I mean the original concept of America that has been buried in so many decades of alien influences making saving it a bigger task than you might at first think.

The forces at work today are global and immensely powerful. Countries that so far have escaped their influence may not be able to for much longer. No way to know for sure, but if we are in the last days when we know the entire world is going to come under the control of the Antichrist any attempt at escape is going to be short-lived.

Anyway, this video by the Canadian couple is interesting as it shows a person who is not happy in Mexico for all the same reasons they are happy:

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Escaping the West as It Is Going Under

Besides the video below I've now watched quite a few of this couple's videos aimed at people wanting to move out of their increasingly restrictive and punishing countries to someplace like Mexico. They do a good job of showing how attractive Mexico is in many ways. I love the Spanish Colonial architecture and that is the style of most (?) living places. Wroght iron gates and decorative bars over some windows, arched door and window frames, high ceilings, borders of pretty Mexican tiles even in the cheapest little apartment. Sometimes a courtyard, a papaya tree growing in the one where they live.

Then there's the wonderful looking produce at their local mercado, most of it for pennies.

It might be hard for a westerner to adjust to their laid-back idea of time, showing up as much as days late for an agreed upon maintenance appointment being typical, and that seems to go with a general disregard for rules of all sorts. I've read enough by now to think I'd like their lack of government nanny busybodyness. that also seems to be part of the same mentality. You might fall out of a twelfth story window because they don't protect you from everthing there the way we do here, you mighrt fall out of the back of a pickup truck because that's allowed there te way it used to be here, you might fall into an open manhole because they don't put up Caution signs, nobody is going to be suing MacDonald's for coffee they spilled on their lap. Some of it is uUnnerving at first but the more I've heard about such things the more I like the general idea. There's a freedom in all that that we've lost. There's probably a happy medium to be sought butfor now I'm enjoying the picture I'm getting of their way of doing things\

We get a lot of negative ideas about Mexico, all the crime, the cartels, the extreme poverty, that it's kind of a shock to see how much beauty and thriving life there is in a city like Mexico City. A beautiful huge park, gigantic marketplaces teeming with people. If I were thirty or forty years younger I'd now want to spend some time in Mexico. It's a very attractive place. Yes it wounds like you have to learn how to avoid the dangerous elements but you have to learn to do that here too.

Funny to think they have so much less government interference in their lives than our Constitutional Reputlic which is supposed to have been founded on that ideal. Again there's probably a happy medium to be sought, there are alwaysw downsides, but I can see why people are choosing to move there, feeling hounded and even enslaved in our supposedly free nations of the west.
====== ========================================= UPDATE later on Oct 28

Here's where they first spell it out that their REAL reason for being in Mexico is to escape the insane restrictions on people in the western countries. As I mention below I'd rather people didn't keep implying that the restrictions on freedom have anything to do with any real threat from COVID that is out of control as the governmental agencies keep insisting. There are plenty of ways to stop this disease in its tracks that they are suppressing. That is a crime in more than one way, and it's also a totally unjustifiable infringmenet on our basic rights, which rational measures to control a threat for which there are no real cures would not be. These are a couple of canadians. It's all come down harder and faster there and in Australia than so far in the US, but it certainly looks like it's coming here too.

Episode 67<.//a>


8 I guess you could ask why aren't they staying and fighting rather than escaping. Fair enough question but they've chosen to escape. Once your own family has escaped it makes you feel so alone you want to join them, that's another impetus. I have a feeling I won't be up to joining them anyway so I'll just have to be here and they there.

Anyway, it appears that there are quite a few westerners escaping to Mexico. It does seem like an unlikely choice if you're looking for freedom, but the fact that they don't have the resources to track every individual, as western countries do, may be the reason, or part of it.

I have to admit I don't really get the freedom emphasis. Or put it this way, I get it now that it has become an issue but in the terms it is usually presented I don't get it. That is, if they were telling the truth about the dangers of this virus it would make sense to do even some rather drastic things to keep it from spreading and killing people. But they aren't telling the truth. There is no public health problem as they keep saying there is. And to a large extent what problem there is has been manufactorued and could be easily done away with if they weren't withholding the simple measures that woult completely wipe out the virus.

Such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. they let the death toll keep mounting as if we didn't have these easily available cures. That's what makes the mandates a matter of personal freedom. the lies.

Think I'll post here a recent talk by Harvey Risch, head of the Yale School of Pulbic Health, who has been arguing for hydroxychloroquine for a year and a half now.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Strong Faith is Needed For This Time

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Daniel 11:32b The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits

This is a message for us right now, who are facing threats from powerful corrupt authorities even in what used to be a free country. And not just the USA but other traditionally free countries of the west, Austrailia and Canada. Daniel is at least prophesying the exploits done by the Maccabees when Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the Jewish temple a couple hundred years before Christ, but the prophecy also extends into the future end times context where we are today, and we should take it as a promise that God will enable us to defeat our enemies as we put all our trust in Him.

Oh wow. While writing this I've been listening off and on to Jan Markell's latest Understanding the Times program, just went back to it to hear her guest saying exactly what I just said above about Daniel 11:32, and I have to report this because otherwise it will seem like I got it from him, but I didn't, we both had the same thought. A nice reinformcement at least. (Sure I often do take inspiration from her radio show or other sources but it's clear when I do and in this case I didn't) I think I'll put up her show at the bottom of this post.


As I mention in my previous post I think Cicely Tyson was a genuine Christian. She also played Christian characters, particularly in "A Trip to Bountiful" and "A Woman Called Moses" about Harriet Tubman. In our current cultueral context we often don't hear about the Christian identify of celebrities. I didn't know much about Tubman except that she is known for helping slaves escape to freedom in the North in the nineteenth century, and for all I knhew she could have done it as an atheist inspired by the sort of thinkinhg we know today as Marxism. But as she is portrayed in the movie we see her as powerfully motivated by her faith in Jesus Christ who called her to the work of leading slaves to freedom. The couple of scenes of her hearing from God I thought were very believably done by Cicely Tyson. I did a little reading up on Tubman and it seems the movie was fairly accurate.

Yes Tubman was black and a woman and she is celebrated as a heroine of both identities, but I want to celebrate her as a Christian above all. Her story is as Christian in its essence as the stories of, say, Brother Andrew who smuggled Bibles into Communist countries, or Corrie Ten Boom whose family hid Jews from the Nazis and ended up in a concentration camp for it. Both those stories are about people primarily motived by faith in Christ, and so was Harriet Tubman. These are people who knew God and did exploits. She "never lost a passenger" she said, she faced some harrowing close calls but was never caught. I don't know of course but if she'd been motivated by her own desires and not by the calling of God and her faith, I'd guess she wouldn't have had such a perfect record of success.

She was illiterate but would have heard the Bible at church. In the movie she quotes something the "spirits" said to her and it was a Bible passage _(2 Peter 4-7 about the characteristics a Christian should cultivate) although it was not identified as a Bible passage. Since I haven't read her biography I don't know how true the movie was to the book but "spirits" doesn't suggest anything biblical, so I was surpised that the quote was straight from the Bible. Later when she is shown praying for guidance it is a soundly biblical expression of repentance and faith. She gives herself to what she experiences as God's call to lead the slaves out of bondage.

I just happen to have seen the movie and it happens to be a good example of a Christian who put all her trust in God, what we need above all right now.


Here's the Understanding the Timjes show with guest David FiorazoL: When Government Must be God:

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sometimes I Think About Who I'll See in Heaven

I used to be able to use my other blogs for messages that don't really belong here but Blogger/Google messed that up for me because I'm too low-tech to know how to navigate whatever they did to my blogs. Anyway here's another oddball topic I would have put somewhere else but have to put here:

I discovered two actors recently I expect to see in heaven, which considering the way things are going on this miserable planet could be very soon, and I just feel like noting the discovering. One of them is highly unexpected.

These are Cicely Tyson and Steve McQueen.

Start with McQueen since he's the unexpected one. I was never a fan of his, a macho actor typ-e I didn't pay much attention to, and I never heard anything about his having any Christian beliefs before he died. But then recently I happened to flip my radio dial to the FM Fox Channel when the local AM conservative KOH was doing something boring, where it happened they were doing "our Americaqn Story" about McQueen. I like that program when I get to hear it. It was almost at the end of his story and the narrator talked about how McQueen had visited a church and respobnded to a call to give his life to Christ, then some time later grilled the pastor about questioned he had. The pastor wanted to know if he was born again and McQueen assured him that he was, and it sounds like he was just from the fact that he was dedicated to making things right with people. He died of cancer not long afterward at the young age of 50.

Steve McQueen in heaven? How unlikely? But I think I'll see him there.

The idea that Cicely tyson would be in heaven is not such a big surprise but of course you never know about someone until you know. I was impressed by her tears and singing along with the performance of "Blessed Assurance" at the Kennedy Center's honoring of her life at the age of ninety. Since she'd sung that hymn herself in the Broadway production of "The Trip to Bountiful: just a few years earlier, her response could have been mostly sentimentality, but it didn't feel that way. It felt like genuine Christian faith, and happiness to hear such a true gospel song at such an event.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine,
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine.
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His spirit, washed in His blood.

That's a hyman that packs the whole gospel message into very few words. (by the way you can see her in the movie version of "A Trip to Bountiful" on Amazon, maybe other places but I saw it at Amazon.

Then as I did my usual thing of tracking down interviews with her since I didn't know much about her, eventually I ran across her speech at the memorial service for Maya Angelou which she opened with the line from another solid gospel hymn: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blodd and righteousness." So here's the first verse of that one:

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
Bur wholly lean on Jesus' name.

On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand.

She was a member of the Abysinnian Church of Harlem until her death this last January at the age of 96. I have the strong impression that she inhabits the gospel message of both those hymns. I'll be happy to see her in Jesus' prsence.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Rome and the Vaccines

Chris Pinto is among the very few Christians these days who are up on the role of the Vatican and especially the Jesuits in wrecking America and promoting the globalist agenda. I've quoted John Adams a number of times in my posts about how of all people they deserve Hell. Today there is also Ronald Cooke and he has sermons at Sermon Audio though I've only heard one of them so far. Richard Bennett who died a couple years ago has plenty of information at his website on Rome in general and the Jesuits. The nefarious work of the Jesuits used to be pretty well known among Christians but over the last century they've acquired a positive public image and are able to work without being called out on it.

Pinto's radio show rambles around quite a bit but it's worth hearing to the end: We need to know that the Vatican, the Jesuits inj particular, are pushing worldwide vaccination on us.

Noise of Thunder Radio, Jesuits and the Vaccines


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Taking Down the Propaganda Against Ivermectin: Rogan vs. Gupta, BBC's Zero Evidence, Its Use in India Brings Down their COVID Death Rate

__ It's become popular on the Left these days to characterize Ivermectin as "horse dewormer," in their neverending effort to keep people away from it, for what reason we still can't say for sure. But here's a clip that includes Joe Rogan calling out Dr. Sanjay Gupta for not condemning CNN's misreprentation of Rogsn's use of Ivermectin by that same term, although Rogan was taking a prescription for him as a human being. It's always nice to see propaganda confronted, but unfortunately half the country isn't going to see the confrtonation and will just go on believing the lies of CNN and the other leftist outlets. Anyway here's the clip:

Rogan Takes Down Sanjay Gupta


ADDED BY EDIT A COUPLE HOURS LATER: Got off the computer and turned on the radio to find Dan Bongino talking about this very incident between Rogan and Gupta. He went on to mention that after agreeing with Rogan that CNN shouldn't have said he was talking horse dewormer, later on CNN he said that Rogan was wrong,m that Ivermectin IS horse dewormer, a if that exconerated CNN's use of the term

But of course it doesn't. Ivermectin has many uses and its veterinary use was not its original use. Its discoverers got a Nobel prize for it, and not for its use as a horse dewormer. It wiped out the parasite that made the men in parts of Africa blind by the age of forty. That is, it's FIRST use was for human beings, not animals.

I started hearing about people using the veterinary form of it a few weeks or months ago, and the reasons for that was the unconscionable restriction of its availability for human use by this same concerted propaganda against it. Because it was, and still is, so difficult to get, people were buying the veterinary paste version of it which was readily available, and using it according to the guidelines based on body weight that are put out by various medical sources. This is of course based on the assuption that it's exactly the same chemical, and all I know about that is that the people who use it say so.

As I reported a few posts ago, there are now stories of Ivermectin overdose cases overloading hospital services --Rachel Maddow seems to have been the one to spread this claim -- at least one of them in Oklahoma later denying it in a letter to the press. My own guess is that a case of one overdose was magnified into many and disseminated through local newspapters all owned by one company, making it seem like a sudden vast upsurge in Ivermectin overdoses in the communities served by those particular newspapers (and as far as I know ONLY those which is suspcious in itself). I hope someone does an expose on this. In any case people are using the veterinary form of Ivermectin because the Powers That Be have made the people kind hard to get, and most of them without negative effects.

And while I'm at it I'll just add a note on the validity of its use against COVID. In the interview of Dr. Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein by Joe Rogan that I'[ve mentioned a few times now (it's on Spotify, Episoe 1671) Kory said its antiviral properties were original discovered in the labl and when tried with patients proved to be even more effective than expected from such a lab experiment. Bret Weinstein in that same interview gave the opinion, which he said was eventually confirmed by Dr. Robert Malone who had at first disagreed with him, that Ivermectin if used properly could drive COVID to extinction. Zev Zelenko, who was the first to bring the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine to public attention, believes that either of these "repurposed" drugs that have antiviral properties could have saved 85% of those who have died of COVID. There are many others who have used both HCQ and Ivermectin with huge success and saved thousands upon thousands of their own patients. /EDIT
Here are a couple of discussions of the COVID sitaution by Dr. John Campbell. I don't know anything about him excpet that I run across him at You tube from time to time and he has an appealingly objective way of dealing with information. He's in favor of the vaccines and I haven't found a video of him discussing them yet but I'll post it if I do.

Meanwhile these two are interesting I think. In the first he presents information about how India brought down their death rate from COVID. They distributed home care kits to people who tested positive, which included among other aids vitamins C and D, Ivermectin, Doxyclycline and Zinc.

How India Reducedd Their COVID Death Rate

The second video is about the BBC's debunking of Ivermectin, and Campbell's analysis of the studies they based it on, which amounts to their having no evidence whatever to base it on.

BBC Article Debunking Ivermectin

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Effectiveness and Suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin: Sensationalism or Simple fact?

I know some of the information about COVID and especially the alternative treatments as versus the vaccines, can sound fairly sensationalistic, but the thing is they are easily shown to be based on fact.

UPDATE Oct 10. For instance, The article I posted below about the witholding of lifesaving treatments from COVID patients in an Alberta hospital sounds pretty sensationalistic, except that it's highly believable in the light of the known unavailablility of such treatments in the US as well. I've just added a long excerpt from that article to that post by the way.

================================= It certainly sounds sensationalistic when I quote Zev Zelenko's estimate that 85% of those who have died of COVID -- we're talking over five h7undred thousand at this point -- could have been saved if the antiviral therapeutics, especially Hydroxychloroquine in theearly months, had not been bannded, that's based on impeccable reasoning from his own experience and that of others who cured thousands of COVID patients with it. Ivermectin, which came to prominence in the Fall of 2020, is at least as effective as HCQ in both preventing and curing COVID and it too is now being treated to the disinformation blitz that makes it unavailable for use. this is sensationalistic beyond the numbers because of the banning which raises questions about the motives of those opposing the use of these drugs. While in the early phase there was enough confusion to make this understandable, after more than a year has gone by and the first phase errors have been publically corrected, it's not so understandable any more. I've probably covered all this sufficiently over a number of posts but it keeps coming up so maybe another I can try to condense a lot of it in one more. Here agaihn is the link to the Joe Rogan discussionj with professor Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory that is mostly about Ivermectin. You Tube banned this talk so you have to go to Spotify to find it, and you'll have to register there, but it's pretty easy. I don't use Facebook at all but I did register there so my Facebook registration is enough to log me into Spotify. Joe Rogan Podcast #1671:

The most consistent focus on Ivermectin begins about 42:00 and runs for a half hour at least. Dr. Kory has earlier said it was first found to have antiviral properties from laboratory stucies but when used with pateints it was consistently effective at curing COVID. In the segment I mentioned he expresses amazement at just how effective this drug has been found to be in trials with thousands of patients, the kind of amazement that could sound like hyperbole or sensationalism but is based on observed facts.

This is a well reasoned scientific discussion of Ivermectin, nothing at all sensationalistic about it.

The warnings against the vaccines could also be considered to be sensationalistic and since so far the majority have not had any observed ill effects it's too early to knohw if the fears are warranted of their possible future ill effects. One thing is known for certain, however, which is that threre has been an unprecedented hihh number of deaths and injuries reported by the authorized health organizations caused by the vaccines, a number which is likely much lower than the reality.

The vaccines were given Emergency Use Authorizatoin because they had not been tested to anywhere near the usual standards required of any drug released to the p8ublic. Their high rate of death and injury reflects the dangerous of these experimental drugs. But beyond that, their emergency use status was unwarranted because it is only to be granted when other treatments are not available, but both HCQ and Ivermectin were available and they are not the only "repurposed" antiviral treatments.

g Is it sensationalistic to suggest that there is something sinister about the withholding of knjown effective treatments while the death count mounts every day? I just posted an article about how such treatments areaggressively withheld from COVID patients in some hospitals, and in that article even vitamins and antibiotics were taken away. Should we assume that report was false? But we know that both HCQ and Ivermectin are banned from use in hosptials and even by doctors in their own practice. My own Provider said she couldn't prescribe Ivermectin. It's just about impossible to get it. It's just about impossible to find a medical professional who will prescribe it, or a pharmany that would fill the prescription.

The facts sure sound sensationalistic, but they really are facts. There's no avoiding the conclusion that the influences in all this are not medical in the slightest but purely political. to what end is not completely clear yet but we can certainly make some reaosnable guesses that it doesn't bode well for the future of our supposedly Constitutional republic or for the world in general. Vaccine mandages based on a virus that 99.97% survive without treatment? A "pandemic of the unvaccinated"" Even quarnatine camps? One authoritzed for construction by the governor of the state of Tennessee, ads in newspapers for workers for such camps in the state of Washington? When it's the vaccinated and not the unvaccinated who are getting COVID in the highest numbers, and if HCQ and Ivermectin were readily available NOBODY would be getting it. Austraolia is already under strict mandates against normal life and their leaders have even called COVID The New World Order.

So welcome to the New World Order. It aint gonna be quite the heaven on earth some say. At last not for a lot of us, and in the end not for anybody.

Oh sorry, guess I'm being sensationalistic.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Perilous Times Are Here

This week's Understanding the Timnes radio show with Jan Markell: The Set Up for the Great Reset. Vaccine passports. What's in Australia is coming here soon. Leftist Naomi Wolf continues to warn us about how they intend to use the pandemic against us (1:10). Govdernor Hochul of New York is shown making her near-blasphemous attack on the unvaccinated (about 10:27 in the video below).

(My comment: Nobody ever says how the unvaccinatged could possibly threaten the vaccinated but it doesn't matter in this age of lies,you can say anything and make people believe it. It's the vaccinated who are getting COVID, not the unvaccinated despite the propaganda to the contrary. And many of the unvaccinated have had COVID and therefore immune and that's why they don't need the vaccine. What is this huge push to vaccinae everybody? There is no rational explanation for it.)

Friday, October 8, 2021

Aggressive Pressure to Deny Lifesavintg Treatment for COVID in Alberta Hospital

UPDATE Oct 10: Added quote from the referenced article at the bottom of this post:
Just received this in email. Canadian doctor is fired for giving Ivermectin to three of his patients. It took some doing to get hold of the drug in the first place, in fact I'm amazed he was able to find someone who got it for him. Despite the "empty shelves" theme of the previous post, unless you are talking only about the veterinary version you simply can't get hold of it at all. It is never out on the shelves in any case, it's available only by presription so the empty shelves is clearly propaganda. You'd think people might start to wake up. Doesn't seem to be happening.\

I'm not sure this Canadian story is much different from what is going on here though it seems to imply that. ER Physician Simone Gold got fired from her Southern California job last year for promoting Hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for COVID. It's happened to others but still others give in and deny their patients the lifesaving treatments for fear of losing their jobs. Boy that must eat at their conscience.

UPDATE: Quote from the article:

All the patients were on Oxygen and extremely short of breath. The only medication these patients were on were steroids—a medication that will decrease inflammation but increase the chances of a bacterial infection by suppressing the immune system. That’s right, the only medication the COVID patients at this hospital were on were immune suppressants.

One woman said it felt like we just put her in a corner to die. We weren’t doing anything for her. I told her, I can’t speak for the usual doctors during the week, but it’s the weekend, and I’ll do everything I can to help. I offered Ivermectin. She wanted to try it because she heard nothing but good things about it. All 3 patients wanted to try ivermectin.

The hospital didn’t have any, so we had to ask Red Deer Hospital’s Central Pharmacy for the medication. They refused to send Ivermectin. Red Deer’s central pharmacist said Ivermectin was useless for COVID. He even had the Pharmacy Director for all of Alberta contact me to tell me Ivermectin didn’t work.

The Pharmacy Director for Alberta Health services is Dr. Gerald Lazarenko. Remember that name. He is both a Pharmacist and a Doctor. And he insisted that Ivermectin had no place in the treatment of COVID. So we checked the local pharmacies. And God bless that charge nurse, although both pharmacies in town did not have ivermectin, there was one pharmacist who would do everything he could to get some even if it took all day.

We didn’t have all day, my patients were sick. So I started everyone on the next best thing, Hydroxychloroquine which the hospital did have. I also started Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. And because the patients were coughing and short of breath I gave them inhalers… Salbutamol and Flovent, the same inhalers that have been used for asthma for over 50 years. I also gave them Azithromycin.

Surprisingly by late afternoon, the town pharmacist finally found some ivermectin.

He couldn’t get it from his usual chemical supply, because it was a Saturday. He had to get it from an agricultural supply. He checked to make sure that it was the exact same Ivermectin a pharmacist would give to a person, brought it back to his pharmacy and checked it again. He then called me with the good news. I handed Ivermectin to each of my 3 patients with their exact dose of according to their weight. And you’ll never guess what happened next. Within hours of getting Ivermectin, I got a call from the Central Zone medical director, Dr Jennifer Bestard. She called me to tell me I was forbidden from giving Ivermectin to patients. I told her she’s never met the patients, she’s not their doctor, and had no right to be changing the care of my patients without the patient’s permission.

She said Ivermectin was forbidden from the hospital. Even if the patients had their own Ivermectin. (Which I would have happily given to a relative so they could to hand it over to them), Patients would not be allowed to take their own ivermectin. She said it was a violation of Alberta Health Services Policy to give Ivermectin for COVID.

But that wasn’t good enough. The next day she called the hospital and gave me 15 minutes notice that I would be relieved of my duties. I told her that it was unreasonable. I had an emergency department full of patients who can’t be sorted out in 15 minutes. An hour later another local doctor came to replace me. They didn’t even want me to check up on the patients who I gave Ivermectin to.

Not even 24 hours after getting Ivermectin, two out of my three patients were almost completely better. They were out of bed walking around and all the crackles I heard in their lungs from the day before were gone. All it took was about 18 hours and one dose of Ivermectin. The third patient who was 95 years old, stayed the same. She didn’t get any worse like she had done the night previous.

I found out later that no sooner had I left Rimbey hospital, the next doctor who came to replace me stopped the antibiotics, stopped all the vitamins, she even stopped the patient’s inhalers. Within hours of my leaving the hospital this doctor even took away the patient’s inhalers, to help her breathe. The patients were not even allowed vitamins.

Thankfully, both my 70 year old patients who had immediate recoveries after a single dose of ivermectin left the hospital that week. I’d like to speak briefly to the healthcare professionals in the crowd: No doctor would take away antibiotics and inhalers for ANY viral pneumonia, never mind COVID. No doctor would do that to ANY patient with a pneumonia. Unless they were… Well I’ll let you think about that. We are remembering Nuremburg after all. And for healthcare professionals, I want us all to think very deeply about that.

But it gets worse, In my brief day and a half in the small town of Rimbey, I saw 2 patients who had recently been discharged from Red Deer Hospital after being on the COVID ward. They were sent home with NOTHING. Not even an inhaler. These patients ended up in ER at a small hospital wanting help. Just days after being sent home from a tertiary care hospital with nothing.

There is something malicious going on. I hope you can all see the bigger picture. This is more than me having all my assignments to take care of small communities cancelled for the rest of the year. This is more than the medical director, Dr. Fraincois Belanger banning me from hospital practice throughout all of Alberta.

Just a week after giving ivermectin and then filing a complaint against the Alberta Pharmacy Director, a complaint sent to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, about the Pharmacy director for an entire province denying 11 pages of studies showing 0% mortality for patients given Ivermectin. In study after study after study, 0% mortality, 0% mortality, 0% mortality… with Ivermectin.

And in “Severe” COVID? A 50% reduction in mortality with Ivermectin

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Lots n Lots of Lies about Ivermectin, Guess a Lot of Peole Believe Them.

I'm sure there are better places to look to find the truth than You Tube but that's where I looked and the lies are scary. I searched on Oklahoma hospitals deny being overrun with Ivermectin overdose patients and got not one single hit on that topic, instead a long list of assertions that they ARE overrun with Ivermectin patients. A doctor saying so shows up everywhere I look. Gosh he's credible. The hosptials are jammed with such cases, ev4en to the point of making gunshot wound patients wait.

Stores are empty of Ivermectin, they say, and show an empty shelf. The weirdest thing about that bit of claim is that nobody who wants it has been able to find it for months, it has to be prescribed, you don't get it off store shelves, and it's just about impossible to find a doctor who will prescribe it or a pharmacy that will fill it if it should manage to get prescribed.

Yes, SOME are taking the vetereinary version, which since it is the same chemical should be fine if you use the right dosage, and the idea that enough people to jam hospitals are usinjg the wrong dosage when there's plenty of information out there about how to calculate it correctly related to your body weight is absurd. Not that many people are that stupid, sorry.

Much of what I know about people using Ivermectin I know second and third hand, from people who are in discussion groups about these things, where they report on dosages, where to get swhat kind, experiences with it and so on. These discussion groups have formed on many of the social media platforms, often growing to thousands of participants discussing their bad e3xperiences with the vaccines for starters, and then these alternative medications and so on. They share links to expert testimony on all these subjects. this is America at its best in my opinon, Americans helping Americans, weighing information and so on, but of course the Powers aren't going to let this go on very long. All these threads eventually get pulled down by Marxist Big Brother who doesn't want the truth to ge out, leaving us wondering why. Greed? Power grab? Global power grab, ignorant but Just Following Orders? And of course we wonder Whose orders. All of the above?

But beyond that I've heard the doctors who know it works because they've used it on many patients, some I mentioned in the previous post. The same doctors also raise 1questions about the vaccines, which aren't really vaccines but untested genetically based drugs that were rushed into use by Emergency Use Authoritzation which was not needed because the therapeutic antivirals such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and others wwould have dealt with COVID juswt fine without them.

I also heard Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on their Dark Horse Podcast a few months ago talking about how they decided not to get vaccinated and use Ivermectin as a preventative instead. They made their decision based on reading the scientific/medical literature on the subhect. They are professors of bioloby who know how to do that sort of research. Bret also did a couple of pocasts where he interviewed doctors on the subject, Dr. Pierre Kory for one, who is a member of FLCCC which is headed by Dr. Malik, and Robert Malone and steven Kirsch. All eminently qualified to discuss the subject.

Guess there's always someone willing to be a mouthpiece for the Evil Powers, like that one doctor who contradicts all the doctors I've heard. Are we talking about the World Economic Forum's Great Reset? That's Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, Anotheony Fauci and others I forget. Pope Francis? They want a global government where nobody owns anything and supposedly loves it. Worldwide Shangri-La, a lovely Marxist Utopia which can't possibly work and will create nothing but murder and death from every kind of evil. Maybe that's what they REALLY want? I don't know but it's what they're going to get. Oh they DO definitely want a drastic decrease in the world population. Guess they'll get that. Maybe the pandemic is the first stage of that agenda?

And why hasn't there been a huge uprising of those who hate all this? I wonder that too. Zelenko in that interview I posted recently said toward the end of it that in Australia where they are openly enacting the globalist agenda against their citizens, that the protests there even include "truckies" or truck drivers, running over the "brownshirts" -- well, they took their guns away from them a few years ago so I guess they use what weapobns they have. This IS war.

I try not to worry because the Lord tells us to be anxious for nothing and take everything to him in prayer, but the thought of beig hauled off to a "quarantine" camp I have to admit does worry me. I couldn't survive it for a day, Don't worry, I'm sure with prayer I could adapt even to that (and if I die I die it's up to God) but for now I'm adapted to my current routines which revolve around what you might call "special needs" I've acquired in recent years. None of that will be provided for me at a quarantine camp I'm sure and I couldn't survive the normal provisions at all-- unless God somehow makes it possible. So I worry and try not to. Since I use a walker I'm not going to go out in the streets and protest either, and since I can't see well enough to drive any more I won't be running over any brownshirts in my truck or shooting anybody either if it comes to that kind of warfare. I don't think I could run over anyone or shoot anyone anyway.

heavy Propaganda Against Ivermectin

Over the last year and a half I've heard many medical experts making the case for the thereaptueic antiviral drugs, starting with Hydroxychloroquine, now focused mostly on Ivermectin. They describe their use with thousands of patients with huge success at both prevention and cure of COVID 19. These drugs are so effective it is reasonable to claim that if they had been used consistently as they should have been, some 85% of those who have died of the virus could have been saved. Dr. Zelenko in particular makes this claim, He was one of the very first to use HCQ with his population of patients with great successand he developed a protocol for its use.

But all it takes is an aggressive orchestrated propaganda campaign to turn the public against this information and not only rationalize the deaths but promote them in what Zelenko calls genocide. I just watched Rachel Maddow's contribution to the genoicide as she covers many "news" items reporting many cases of Ivermectin misuse causing sickensss and even death. Reports from newspapers in various states, poison control centers and the like.

It's all about Ivermentin as a "horse dewormer" with a brief reference to its human uses and a repeated refrain that it doesn't prevent or cure COVID. Since I know it does from all the medical sources I've heard I have to wonder where this proppaganda is coming from, if it's entirely made up lies or the inflation of a single case somewhere or what. This would take research beyond my abilities but surely others are on the case. Meanwhile, of course, those who know only what they hear from the liberal news sources will never hear the other side of the story. those who are better informed will be distrusted or never heard at all, and besides will probably be tucked away in Quarantine campes before long.

I know this is all propaganda because I've heard so many highly reputable doctors talking about the effeciveness of Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID. Of course those professionals are not consulted in Maddow's report, perhaps she hasn't even heard of them, although you would think anyone really wanting to understand why anyone would prescribe the drug for COVID would want to hear that side of it. This is a propaganda campaign against Ivermectin just as there was such a campaign against Hydroxychloroquine last year that was completely successful at suppressing its use against COVID. The most amazing thing in Maddow's report is the claim that tends of thousands of prescriptions for Ivermectin have been written, although it's very hard to find anyone who will write such a prescription and hard to find a pharmacy that will fill it thanks to the official denunciations of it. There are sources but you have to go out of your way to find them. I guess it's possible they might be responsible for that many prescriptions, it just sounds high to me, and Maddow makes it sound as if these prescriptikons have many sources, which I doubt given the propaganda. You can get the veterinary version of Ivermectin fairly easily but you have to jump through hoops to get the human version of it, or to get Hydroxychloroquine, although both were easily available before COVID because of their many benefits for various diseases.

I suspect an elaborate disinformation campaign through all those newspapers Maddow cited, all carrying essentially the same story about people getting sick from misusing Ivermectin and ending up in the hosptial, Poison Control centers getting a great upsurge in calls about the drug. I can imagine a few people being stupid enough to overdose on it but the sources that are promoting it are careful to discuss appropriate doses. Even the veterinary version can be used if you get the dosage right. I would not expect a huge upsurge in overdose cases and I suspect a disinformation campaign. the same story appearing at the same time in so many newspapers is already suspicious. Poison Control centers and hospitals in so many different locations all of a sudden having this upsurge? Really? Someobody somewhere wrote the equivalent of a Press Release, perhaps a fringety News Sewrvice, and sent it around to all these papers. Perhaps all the papers are owned by the same people too.

I'm not up to the research to prove it unfortunately. But I trust the medical sources I've heard about the great effectiveness of Ivermectin as well as Hydroxychloroquine if used properly, so what we have here is the same kind of attack on a cure for COVID that we saw last year against HCQ. The social media shut up the doctors who spoke for HCQ and they've been shutting up those who speak for Ivermectin. This newspaper blitz is just another form of the same murderous policy of silencing the truth.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Steve Kirsch, are names that come to mind as highly qualified medical doctors who promote Ivermectin. There are many others. Last year for HCQ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. Simone gold and Dr. Daniel Wolhgelernter, an ER doctor and a cardiologist, did a video about their personal use of HCQ in curing COVID and that video was taken down from You Tube. I'd posted it here. It's now "unavailabl3e." Another strong voice for HCQ was Dr. Harvey Risch, head of the Yale University Deparatment of Public Health. And there are others on that subject too. These are all highly trustworthy sources. Rachel Madow is not, she's merely trusting in a bunch of newspaper stories that are no doubt faked. Oh and by the way apparently Maddow reported on a hospital in Oklahoma overrun with Ivermectin overdose patients. The hsopital responded with a letter denyinbg it completely but Maddow never corrected the story. I haven't been able to find her report on that and I'm not up to the rest of the research right now but that's enough information to do your own research if you want.
And the Evil Machine keeps rolling along.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Dr. Zev Zelenko Interviewed About the Psychological Manipulation of the Pandemic

He gives the historyof how the best treatments were suppressed The in favor of treatments that don't work and are even dangerous, how the unvaccinated are being demonized.