Monday, October 7, 2024

the Octovr Seventh Horror Show

 The date almost went by without my noticing it, sad because it really should be remembered as a day of horrors hardly maginable in our civiliczed times.  the hatred Islam holds againt the jews isn't going to go away unless the religion or ideology goes agway, although the hatred is so ancient it's pretty much built into the the Arab poulation as well since they are relatives going back to Abraham.  Or some of them are anyway, ti's hard to sort it all out.  Israel was given by God the child of promise, Isaac, but Hagar the egyptuian had a son by Abaham called ishmael who would be blessed by God with many sons and princes and wealth in this world.  isaac was to be in the line to the Messiah.  At the time the hatred was fairly subdued but in recent times it's become the ause of general conflict in the Middle East, many wars so far and no end in sight.

the viciousness of the attack on the jews on Octover seventh of last year is really hard to wrap one's head abround.  how does usch barabarity exist in our age?  And yet the world is siding with Hamas against Israel, that's even more astonishing.  University students in the US are joining with Hamas supporters here too.  It's almot beyond belief.    then the world sends aid to Hamas, or at least the people of Gaza supposedly and Hamas intercepts all the food sent and keeps the people in starvation.  They also refuse to get their people out of harm's way although israel announces its   Israel warns them when they are about to attack a site in Gaza that is known to hold many hHamas but Hamas won't let the people leavw so the people have to surffer with them.  

And yet in a way the whole world is going barbaric, including the US.  At lest we might take this as a sign of btter to things to come, meaning of course Jesus soon return.

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