Saturday, October 26, 2024

Propaganda takes Down Even Some of the Best

 Glenn Loury seems to have read the nw book by this guy Coates, sorry I hear his name but it's too much of a blur for me to attempt to write it out, anyway he read it and was convinced by it that there is an apartheid ituation in Israel against the Palestinians and a basic injustice on th part of Israel against those people.  This disburbs me in sutrn because everything I've heard puts the cause of the problems there squarely in the hands of the radical Islamists like Hamas and Hezbollah and clearly Coastes didn't take any of that into account but just repeated their own propaganda and apparently Loury accepted what he said at face value.

Over and over I hear how Hamas steals the food and other aid sent to help the Palestinian people in harm's way during this war is stolen and throw out by their leaders, by Hamas so tht the people go on strarving and suffering even when tone and tones of help is sent to them.  And they pblame it on israel which has nothing to do with it except to try their best to help the people get what they need.   Israel in fact is said over and over again to go to great extremes to proect the people from even their own attacks on Hamas, by making sure they are warned loudly and clearly of a particular raid they are planning so that they can escape the area.  No other army does such things but Israel doeass.   

as uses their own people as human shields, they won't let them get away.  they set up their aresenals and headquarters in putlib places especially schools and hosptials where the most damage to the public could be done by Israel trying to target the leaders.  So that if they do attack and some get killed it can be blames on Iaszrael and the Palestinians will aleways be the victims of Israel instead of Hamas.   All fo the sake of propaganda against Israel.  Hamas doesn't care one bit about their own people.  they also routinely toss out figures of how many sewere supposedly killed in this or that operation by Israel as if it could all be counted within an hour of the event.    

So Iraeldios their best to protect the people, to facilitate their protection, an aim only at the leadership.  They may take out dozens of Hamas leaders and that too will be called civilican victims of Israel.    

As for apartheid the Arab population within Israel proper has all the rights of any citizen. and if they keep to themselves which some do it is their own choice based on their own culturue and religion, it is not because of Isaraeli decisions.  

Thisi what I har all the time.  But Loury seems to beleive Coates instead.  

zWe liv in a time of lies and propaganda running everythign in the world, and it's the good guys who are made the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys, good for evil and evil for good.   that's what is going on in our election right now.  Perhaps it would help if some of the liars got a tiny inkling that lying and plotting harm against teh innocent is not overlooked by god and that there will be justice against them in favor of their victims in the end.

zAfter listening back to this post once again I'm aware that ther is someone else or something else that is tampering whith what I write.  I'm well aware of my own mistakes and I'm alwaso aware of making a special effort to get some words writght ubut the y are nevertheless altered in the final result.     Speaking of targeiting innocnets.  i'm a single elderly woman being targeted by who knownss what.