Saturday, October 12, 2024

Abortion Discussion at You Tube

 Sometimes I think I'm going to take a break from my blog for a while, and sometimes that does happen, but most of the time I just run into something else right away that I want to write about.  I write way too much I guess, and now it's hard to find so many of the blogs I've written in the past because I can no uslonger use some of the functions I used to depend on to track my posts.   And since Google rearranged their algorithms or whatever it is they did so that nobody can find my blogs any more I'm just writting into the wind as it were anyway.

Enought of that.  The point is that I did just run into another topic to write about.  It just showed up at the top of the You Tube page and without knowing what it was I clicked on it to find out and oh wow, a panel discussion on abortion with three doctors who formerly performed aboritions and three women who had had abortions.  They had all become Christians and that is probably the main reason they all had had a change of heart about what they had done.  

It made me cry of course just as I cried he first time I realized that the abortion I had had at the age of twenty was the killing of my own child and not just a medical procedure to eliminate unwanted tissue from my body.   Even as I say that I realize I didn't beleive that even at the time, or I did but I didn't.  I knew it was a child if only because I had a dream that made it clear it was a child, a little girl waving at me from the back of a hearse as it drove away.  I marveled at such imagery in my dream but I didn't cry then.  I cried thirty or so years later when I was with a group of women in church after having becoome a Christian watching a film about abortion.  They showed the tiny human being being aborted by a prove chasing it around the womb trying to get away from it.  And then I cried, and I criy now just thinking about it again.

How they le to us.  And some enormous number of women today still believe those lies and are angry that Roe v Wade got thrown out by the Superme Court even though they can still get their precious murder done it's just a little less convenient in some cases.   

I shouldn't mock them, they are deceived just as I had been, they don't know what they are doing.  

this video I've just been watching is starkly realistic about the mental state of each memeber before  and after the point where they realized they could no longer do or have an abortion and regretted doing it in the past.  

I don't know if I succeeded in capturing the URL or not, but I've posted it below.  The title of the discussion is 

Abortion  p[roviders Meet Women Who Regret Their Abotitons

so it can be found without the URL on You Tube.


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