Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Falleness Has Won, Satan has Won, America i Gone,

Just heard that a Hindu deity was invoked in a recent meeting of Congress.  Maybe while I was in the hospital or rehab, which would explain why I did't hear of it I suppose.  Anyway, just another proof that the country is going to Hell, or is already halfway there.  Some state or other erected some sort of monument to Satah a while back too.  the Pope visited Congress a few years ago.  Obviously the fallen nature is now in charge of America and We've lost our Christian roots probably beyond recovery by ow.  the powers of darkness are in charge.  the hostility to Christianity is pretty deep.  Lacking the ability to sense the presence of the true god because they are fallen and therefore inherited the loss of the spiritual faculty for knowing God from Adam and Eve, and now lacking any serious claim on their attention to the tenets of biblical truth, the authorities that run the country happily embrace evil, calling it good of coruse.  

It's all of a picece with the imminence of the playig out of the last seven yers of planet earth kjowinn as the tribulation period.  The most popular end times scenario has th Church being raptured to heaven before all that begins, and then the fallen ones will be the only onces left on earth to face a horrendous destruction of the planet and respohd either with indignant reejection or possibly repentance and faith in God.  It can happen even then, though of course wiit will be the hardest way for it to happen.

that's all I can hope for many I wish would be saved, unfortunately.  That they will be saved that hardest of hard ways at les.t  If they maintain their arrogant rejection of God then then ere is no hope for them and that's sad.

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