Monday, June 17, 2024

A World of Lies

I'm sick of the lies.  No point in saying it I suppose, but there it is.  Im' sick of the lies about Trump and you never hear anything but lies from the Democrats.  Ever.  All of it is lies.  And half the country abelieve them.  So down we go under a hailstorm of lies.  Down dosn down we go.

And I hate the lies from the worldly religions who appropriate Jesus Christ into their own miserable philosophies.  they think they are spiritual although they can't be becaue the spirit diesd at the Fasll and is only recovered through beliewving in the death of Christ for our sins.  Then you are born again which means your spirit is rebgenerated, or quickened as the King James puts it.  Without thta new birth all based on Christ's crucificxion there is no spiritual life possibl4e.  What is called spirtual is just a refined sort of soulishness.

But they are always saying Christ went to India although there isz no proof eswhatever for such an idea.   And if they knew the biblical portrait of HIm they would have to admit that the idea is reidiculous but they prefer their conc3eit without any shred of knowledge about Him.  He has nothing in common with the big names of Biuddishm or Hinduism, no thing whatever in common, nada.  It is offensive that they tell such lies and don't both ter to say the slightest thing based on knowelxdge.  Well that's becauase they have no knowledge.  The only source of knowledge of Christ is the Bible, and if there were any evidence of their proposterous claims that's where you'd find it but it doesn't exist.  

Incredible condeit.  jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. completely a Jew within the Jewish traditions, the fulfillment of the messianic promises throughout their history.  It is idiotic to try to put him in India or anyplace other than Israel.  Idiotic in the extreme.  Pure idiotic conceit.

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