Saturday, June 22, 2024

Evil Just Keeps growing, and being called good.

 Jan Markell's weekly program, Undersanding the times radio, this week is about the rise in the dark side, things of the occult, satanism and so on.  the first storty is about a satanic image that was installed facing a Christimas navtivity scene in Iowa that was removed by a man acting independently and then turned himself in to face the legal consequences.  the image had been there for a couple of weeks despite many complaints from the public, but onbody in government woujld do anything to take it down.  

Why?  they were afraid.  Afreaid of the usual noisy repercussions from the left for any righteous act anyone does these days.    this has got to stop.  I'm sick of heareing about cowards on the right side of things.  It takes one lone man to step up and risk his own wellbeing while elected officials do nothing.  At least that one man was available.  Such men are hard to find these days also.  So evil proliferates because everybody is too intimidated to do anything abouty it.  

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