Monday, July 25, 2022

Chris Pinto radio show on the Scarlet Beast of Revelation as Communism, and another on the Georgia Guidestones

Chris Pinto on his latest Noise of Thunder radio show talks about interpretations of the scarlet beast of the ook of Revelation as Communism as we are seeing it today, interpretations that go back to the early nineteenth century, Alexander Hislop being a major voice.  I've often mentioned his book "The Two Babylons" which traces the pagan religions from Nimrod to the Roman Catholic Church, but he also wrote a book titled "The Red Republic" which makes a connection between Rom and Communism and the scarlet beast of Revelation.  

 THE SCARLET COLORED BEAST - 07.21.2022 by Chris Pinto (

And here's Pinto's previous radio show on the Geogia guidestones.  Somebody blew up the monument on July 6th and he goes into the background of who might have had the motive to do that.  Pinto did a documentary in 2015 by the way, called Dark Clouds Over Elberton, which is an investigtion into the Guidesones in which they managed to uncover the identify of the man who had them erected.  Few seem to know about this expos.  but of coruse there's a lot of globaility communist lore involving them that nneed s to be explored.


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