Saturday, July 23, 2022

Dawkins Says Geologist Kurt Wise A Disgrace to the Human "Species"

 Kurt Wise, who has degrees in Geology and Paleontology, one from Harvard,  has famously said that even if all the evidence in the universe supported evolution he would be the first to acknolwledge it but still be a Young Earth Creationist, which is what got himj such an excoriating denunciation from Dawkins.  

Of course Dawkins doesn't believe the Bible himself but you'd think he could grasp the thinking of someone who does.  I could be wrong but as a Young Earth Creationist myselelf I understand WQise to be saying that no matter how much evidence there may seem to be that we have no answer to, nevertheless because we know the bible to be Go'ds word we know it is wrong, and maybe someday we can prove it's wrong.  Meanwhile we stand with God even if all the  world is against us.

I personally think cbiblical creationists have shown in ma ny ways that it's false but because the evidence of any historical science is mostly a matter of imaginative reconstructions that can't be proved we can't get anywhere showing them that it's false.

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