Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The book Jesus Calling is one of the latest and maybe the biggest piece of heresy to be accepted by Christians.

It's disappointing to find out that Christians I know are enthralled with a teaching that seems to me to be herettical or close to it and it may take me a while to catch up with my o9wn impression of it because I really don't want to think that's true.  Although I want to keep up with the errors that are affrecting Christians it's such an unpleasant task to familiarize myself with such teachings I neglect the obligation.  
Then something happens so that i can't avoid it.  That happened recently as ai discovered that a group of Christians meeting for Bible Study used two sources I know to be false, and a couple others were referred to approvingly.  The book "Jesus Calling" is read as part of the meeting, and one of the materials that was handed out was a teaching by Beth Moore.  Both these teachings are at least close to heretical.  The more I find out about Jesus Calling the more outright heretical it appears to be.
My own gfirst take on it was, is this writer saying she actually heard these words from Jesus or is she just putting words in His mouth that she thinks express His thoughts or what?  In either case this is highly questionabhle to put it mildely.   My second thought was Why would Jesus need to talk through this woman and why would He need to say the things He says here if it is Him which I doubt.  the message that day was about the importance of thankfulness, a perfectly biblical idea but my question is Why do we need a special commm7unication from jesus to be aware of this biblical teaching?  We can find it in scripture and take it to heart from there.

Since i've been avoiding this kind of thing for a long time I wasn't familiar with this  so I've had to spend some time finding out more about it.  Fortunately You Tube has plenty of discussion of it.  Most of the discussion is repetitive but I did like the one by a yo8ung college student who went a bit further into it than the others I'd heard:

As I was thinking about it I realized the main sign when it comes to content of any teachihing I suspect of being a heresy is that the gospel message is neglected or distorted in some way so as to obscure it.  That is a sure sign that the author of the teaching is demonic.  This colleege student Angela touches on this problem but doesn't go into depth about it.   She mentioned hearing Michael Horton, a Refored Pastor, had discussed the book so I wanted to find what he had to say:I ccouldn't find Michael Horton on You tube so I suppose he has a written article somewhere that I won't be able to find .  But there's a lot of discussion on You tube anyway.  Here's Justin Peters:

nd here's a former New Age practitioner Warren Smith being interviewecd on a radio show:

The book has New Age connections and Gnostic connections according to many of these videos.  The main thing is that this is not Jesus Christ talking.  I would think if we stopped to hear it a Chrtistian should be able to recognize that it's not His voice.  "Myh sheep hear My voice" He told us.  This is not His voice.    

Jesus Calling is heresy.  I hope the message gets out to more Christians.

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