Saturday, May 14, 2022

So Heavenly Minded No Earthyly Good?

That's what we often hear when we spend more time seeking God as I've been doing for the last month and more. We take our attention off the disasters of the day in this world in order to lift our eyes to God and minimize worldly input and some think that's abandoning our calling to be salt and light.

Well, I don't thiknk so, I think the opposite. Besides my own personal need to renew my spiritual life I was motivated by knowing that the usual means being employed in the churches to deal with the current destructions of our lives by the lies we hear every day and the evil methods being used to deal with the pandemic and the like. For decades now things get worse instead of better. You'd have thought Nine Eleven would have empowered us against Islam but instead Islam has only grown in power against us. The same thing is happ-ening now as we are unable to deal with any of the lawlessness and destruction of daily life that has been happening to us. I do thiknk this is God's judgment against us and that is a major reason we have no power against it bbut at the same time there is no excuse for the weakness in the churches that really ought to be obvious but apparently isn't.

You can't fight these things in the flesh but that's what the Church is doing. We have no spiritual power. Christian leaders are doing a good job of identifying the problems but nobody in the Church is working on anything but a wordly and fleshnly leve. We do not have the power of God in much of anything we do. I think that is obvious but I'm not sure most others think so. As Tozer pointed out in his Pursuit of God the CDhurch is too content to operate without much input from God, assuming His input perhaps although there isn't a sign that it is actually with us.

Instead of praying for revival as some do, in their perfunctory prayer times, maybe as much as twenty minutes or so, we need Christians who devote hours to seeking God in Bible reading and prayer for His presence and guidance in our own lives and in the churches. I think if many did that the glib ton we so often hear in even the best discussions of the problems in this world and everything else would soon evaporate and we might actually start to see some power come down from heaven to lead us against the eviols of our time.

Deny yourselve, take up your cross and follow Me" said Jesus. Why do I have the impression there's hardly anyone in the churches who is even trying to do this? yle S Where is the Esther Church who comes to God for help in such a time as this? He's holding out His sceptre to us but we aren't there to receive it. I seem to see it lying in the dust at our feet. We have to search for Him with all our hearts He tells us, bur how many do much more than pray a little here and there for specific probglems and don't seek Him for His own sake.
You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart" He says in Jeremiah 29.

LATER: Just found this exhortation to prayer by J.C.Ryle.

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