Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Rape Victim and Abortion Continued Part 3

Maybe I got it said well enough but I keep thinking I didn't, it 't quite clear so here's another go at it. The problem with the supposed warm-hearted compassion to the woman who got pregnant from a rape is that it shows the basic cold-heartedness of the pro-choice position against the unborn baby. Tehy don't skip a b3eat when they say it's a clear case for an abortion, don't hesitate for a moment over the fact that they are talking about killing a human being. Even if they are willing to consider that moral questions kick in at some stage of a pregnancy there's no sense that they ever really see it as a human beintg. maybe a potential human being but in the rather distant sense that it really isn't a human being yet.

So they get all morally outraged at the suggestion that she should not have an abortion because in their mindset three isn't really an argument on the other side at all, it's just a cold-hearte person who wants to make the raped woman miserable for some unfathomable reason. As wih most positions on the left it's all about the person, it' s always an ad hominem, it's not about arguments and reasons, you're just a good or a bad person and if you suggest that even in the case of rape an abortionisnt' warranted that's just you being a bad person because in their mindset the baby isn't a human being so there isn't any argument. . And I don't think they are even conscdious of the fact that this is their mindset.

There are rare situations where the baby must be sacrifced for the health of the mother and that could apply in the case of a rape that threatens her mental health, but for the most part these are all just made-up situations. Pro-choicers often talk about the unborn child as if it were nothing more than an alien growth in the woman, a parasite or the like. This is the attitude betrayed but the way abortion is considered to be the only reaosnable response to pregnancy caused by a rape. That the baby is a separate independent individual is not part of the mindset. If it were it would be possible to consider it as a being apart from the rapist. But they connect it to the rapist as if it were this aliena extension of him ande that's the end of it. Getting ride of it is getting rided of the painfujl memory of the rape. And I don't doubt that in some cases that's true, but I also know that no0t all cases are the same and that some women are capable orf regarding the child as a person in its own right.

Well, I may still not yave said quite what I meant but I think it's a little clearer.

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