Saturday, May 14, 2022

More of God Than the Usual Preaching Brings

At my age I don't have much time less to recover what seem to me to be many lost years of the Christian life, but I'm very grateful to God that whatever time I have left He's allowed me to find the focus I most need. Yes it comes from the "mysticss" and I have to try not to be bitter that the Protestant churches discourage this trend among God's people. They should be encouraging and developing it in a Protestant context. most of the mystics are roman Catholics though not all, and the Romanist errors do rear their ugly heads here and there in the writings of these lovers of God. But at the same time God seems to work to preserve them from their worst dangers, steer them around them, give them reasons to avoid them in some cases.

A W Tozer knew the importance of the mystical traditions but few others do.His books "The Pursuit of GBod" and "The Christian Book of Mystical Verse" probably hold the most of his emphasis. I'd also recommend any teacher who knows that the Song of Solomon is a spiritual work that has nothing to do with earthly love but the love between God and Hisw Church. If they hold that view they aren't going to mislead their listeners as much as the others do. Spurgeon is one.

These passionate lovers of God make the attitude and tone of most of today's Protestant preachers sound tinny and false, worldly and fleshly, which they probably are. Their lack of protracted prayer and seeking God is noticeable. THEIR CONGREGATIONS SOMETIMES ACT LIKE FANS AT A FOOTBALL GAME INSTEAD OF SPIRITUAL FOLLOWERS OF cHRIST. tHEIR PERFUNCTORY PRYERS IN THE NAME OF jESUS, AND GIVINGSX ALL THE GLORY TO GOD JUST SOUND FALSE IN THE LIGHT OF THE GENUINE DEEP GIVING OF GLORY TO gOD SO INTENSELY FELT BY THESE "MYSTICS>" aND ALA MYSTIC IN THIS SENSE REALLY IS IS SOMEONE WHOSED LOVE OF gOD LEADS HIM OR HERE INTO LONG PERIODS OF SEEKING hIM IN PRAYER AND WORSHIP aLTHOUGH i THINK PEOPLE WITH SUCH A BENT ARE LIKEL Although I think often poeople with some bent toward a genuine closeness to God are attracted to the charismatic movement these days, that is a sad misdirection of their desires, a counterfeit that can only seduce them into a deeper carnality rather than the spiritual life they eek.

Here is Brother Lawrence, a lovely old simple "mystic" I just redisocovered in audio bform online.

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