Saturday, May 14, 2022

Rape Victim Continued

The idea that it is cold-hearted to oppopse abortion in the case of rape is just part of the prevailing cultural mindset, and that mindset comes out of what is in itself a cold-blooded mentality built on the theory of evolution. If we are nothing but the product of millions of years of mindless evolution oif physical matter then any softhearted feelings we may have are just adaptations to further our survival or wellbeing. There is no objective morality and no objective basis for either supporting or opposing abortion, it's all a subjective matter to be decided ultimately in terms of its utility for the furtherance of the human race. Actually you'd think the murder of millions of our future generations would show that it has no evolutionary utility at all but they'll figure out how it must have, since of course it must have. Oh well no, I suppose sometimes it goes wrong and we could go extinct? Even aftger all these millions of years of getting to our current complex condition?

Anyway how the rape victim feels about the pregnancy that ensued is not all that predictable as they seem to think it must be. Women are designed -- oh dear, yes desligned -- to love babies. It's this pernicious culture that makes us all into mindless products of physical animal evolution that renders such feelings arbitrary. And we can be easily enough trained out of them. As we are easily enough persuaded that the fetus is not a human being.

the Nazis committed their muders on the basis of eugenic principles that defined the dispensable people as genetically inferior. That came out of evolutionary theory just as Margaret Sanger's eugenics did, but we don't like to think that these days.

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