Saturday, May 14, 2022

Rape Victim and Abortion

You are considered to be cold and unfeeling if you would oppose abortion even for the victim of rape. It is assmed that such a pregnancy would only be a horrible experience for the girl, or woman. Why? Why couldn't she see it as a victim like herself? Why couldn't she sympathize with it for that reason, even bond with it for that reason? Isn't that as likely a possibility as that she'd feel nothing but repugnance at being so unfairly imposed upon? Th4e real cold-blooded attitude is the prevailikng one in today's culture, that dehumanizes the baby in the womb. If you see it as an innocent human being you may have an entirely different set of feelings toward it. I could write a long post about this but my computer only tolerates a small post these days.

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