Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Paranormal One Last Time I Hope. ESP and Mental Powers.

OK one more and there isn't a lot to sy agout it. This is the cat4egory of paranormal things that has to do with human mental abilities such as psychic powers, knowing things about somebody or a situation simply through your mind without other evidennce for instanc4e, moving or affecting physical things with yuour mind. There are other powers but those two should get the category across.
ESP or Extra-Sensory Percep5tion was the topic on last night's cvoast-to-oCoast radio show. Affecting things in the world to suit yourself seemed to be his main interest, or making things happen to suit your desires and wishes by simply thinking about them or wishing for them or something like that.

Of course whatever the mental power he's talking about he isn't thinking of God in relation to it, may not even believe in God, which is the case with most of this p[aranormal and occultic pyhenomena. Near-death experiences tell people there's this happy place they can expect to return to when then die, there's no mention of God involved.

In the case of mental powers the Bible doesn't have anything to say about them that I know of, but the Chinese preacher Watchman Nee wrote a book titled "Soul Power" in which he talked about them as most likely powers the human race had before the Fall, that wree among the first things to die after the Fall. They didn't completely disappear and can sometimes show up in individuals in a distorted form. And although they aren't demonic doings in themsevles there is reason to think the demons who also have such powers can influence them in people, can insinuate their own thoughts into a person's mind for instance. Nee said he himself had a psychic ability that was probably the result of being born again or regenerated or "quickened" as the King James Bible puts it, and at first he thought it was a gift of God, but then realized God didn't want him to hae itso he suppressed it.
These powers are not safe for us to have in a fallen world though they will no doubt be restroed to God'xs own regenerated belivers in the future life.

My perspective is the biblical perspective as well as I can make use of it, or the biblical Worldview. I know the Bible to be the only reliable source of informjation about "the other side" and it doesn't say mucyh about it, just enough to provide evidence of its existence, which is what all these people into the occult and paranormal are so concerned to prove. they won't accept the bible' s testimony, however, they will jusdge the Bible by their own experiences rather than judge their experiences by the Bible which is the rational thing to do. So I present this point of view as far as I understand it and hope it might persuade some away from the p paranormalist's version which is dangerous. There seems to be quite a large interest in these things these days to judge just from this one radio show. It's so big and populare infact it is probabhly best understood as one of the signs that we are very close to the biblical end of days, as so many other phenomena in today's world also indicate.

jesus Christ can save a person from these things. A genuine belief in Him as the Son of God and just calling on His name to deliver a person from some demonic entanglement will deliever you. I was attac ked by a demon twoce in the early days of becoming a Christian and just declaring myself a child of jesus Chrfist ahnd covered with His blood made the demon disappear. S cripture says "those who call upon the LORD will be saved" and that means saved for eterminity but it also means saved from demons. Again, ESP and the like are not always influenced by Demons though they may be, but as Watchman Nee wrote, they are not safe to use in this fallen world. Get saved and look forward to their legitimate restoration in a future life.

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