Monday, March 21, 2022

Spiritualism. Sure it's Real, But Not the Kind of Real they Think It Is.

Another guest on Coast-to-Coast radio last night got me writing another blog post but I hope I get to the end of this subject soon. I just don't want to inspire anyone to get involved in this stuff, so I don't want to name names and give websites and that sort of thing.

Last night's guest is into spiritualism, mediums, seances. All these people by the way, or most of them, seem to be ery nice ordinary people, not weirdos or anything like that. It's not the people I object to, I just think they are sadly deceived by the subject that has enthralled them. She got involved in her pursuit of this kind of information by an experience of a seance in which the supposedly departed person who was contacted by the medium gave information that only that person could have known. This is a common experience that hooks people into these things. 5their main question is whther it is real or not and the contacted spirit's giving personal information answers that qquestion for them.

These are all people who don't beliee the Bible of cou5rse. Christians know better, or they shoujld. If they are well taught biblically they should. the dead do not communicate with the living, and for the reincarnationists, THERE IS ONE LIFE TO LIVE AND THEN THE Judgment. I'll hae to track down the scripture references later. Mediums are forbidden in the bible, also witches who comunicate with demons. they all communicate with demons. It is not departed people who speak in seances but demonic impersonations of them. And demons can have all sorts of personal information about the people they are impersonating.

People who get involved in occultic and paranormal practices always want to prove that it's real, that there is really life after death and so on. Near0death experiences prove that there is life beyond this life for instance.

The guest gave interesting information about the origin of spiritualism, in the "burned-over" district of upstate New York, where a couple of sisters claimed to be in touch with the spirit of a murdered man who was buried under their house. It spread from there all over the world. It became what the guest called a religion that threatened to displace Christianity. And there were other occultic and spiritistic occurrences in that same district at the same time. Mormonism got its start there, and Seventh Day adventism, and Shakerism and the Onieda Colony and even the Suffragette Movemment.

Why isn't the Bible enough to convince people that there is an afterlife? that we are immortal souls? there are supernatural doings galore in the Bible, and yet people prefer these demonic manifestations and if they contradict the Bible that becomes the truth to them. AThere's a lot of evidence of the suprnatural in the Bible, there's a lot of evidence of demonic activity in the Bible. Jesus cast demons out of many people. Paul was followed around by a girl who was demon possessed until he cast the demon out of her. But people bbelieve the Fox sisters who talked to a dead man buried uner their house rather than Jesus or Paul. Joseph Smith believed the fallen angel Moroni and denounced Christianity.

It's the fallen angels that concoct the UFOs and the stories of ETs, that olead people to talk to dead relatives that they impersonate, thta invent religions and go to great lengths to denigrate Jesus Christ and the Bible. People don't understand that this world is fallen ,t hat we are fallen creatures. tHIS YOU LEARN FROM THE bIBLE AND NOWHERE ELSE. Sorry about the capitals, again I don't know what I hihit. In this fallen world which is the result of Adam and Eve's eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil against God's comman forbidding it, we have lost the faculty that communicated with God. We can communicate with demons but not with god. We have to be regfenerated,m born again, to be able to commmunicate with god. Satan is the Prince of this world as Jesus called him, he and his devil horde are all around us, are the "god's of the idolatrous religions etc. you can only learn this from the bible which is the Word of God.

I would l8ike to think if people on Coast-to-Coast heard this they'd give up their dangerous dabblings with demons and get saved, but that's up to God.

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