Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Prayers Against a Radical Leftist Getting a Seat on the Supreme Court Are Bearing Fruit So Far

Been praying my heart out that a radical leftist would not be confirmed for the Supreme Court, that the interrogators woujld be focused on her record with determination to expose her lack of qualifications for the job, that they wouldn't be wishy washy but focus like a laser on the issues. Mark Levin on Monday came on strong about the need for the Republicans to fight hard against her and that got me praying. I prayed with the biblical fervor we're told "avails much" and I keep praying in the same vein.

And this morning Dan Bongino is reporting that the hearing isn't going well for her with all kinds of examples. Thank You thank You LORD. He cautiously says it may not change the owhich are expected to be in her favor, but that just means I'm praying harder about that. Let Tthe two Democrats who have been fighting Biden's economic position come through on this one with the same sanity, and let the two or three RINO Senators who to9o often go with the Democrats come through on the sane side this time too. tHAT'S HOW i'M PRAYING.

Don't give in, sane people, and let the frequently insane wake up.

I hope there are thousands, even millions, of us praying along these lines.

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