Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How I Remember the COVID Nightmare Unfolding Over the Last Two Years.

UPDATE: I listened to this on the Read Aloud function and besides finding lots of horrific typos I'm really not able to correct there was one that has to be corrected and I can't find it: I wrote vitamin D2 instead of D3 somewhere. It has to be D3 or just D.

Before Trump said anything about it, I heard about HCQ on the Hannity show. He had guests on who testified to its effectiveness. I think the next thing I heard was Trump's endorsement of it. The first testimony by doctors I thiknk I heard was by Dr. Simone Gold, an ER doctor in Southern California, and with her Dr.Daniel Wohlgelernter, a cardiologist connected diwht the samde hosptiral. I think that would have been early summer of 2020 but I'm going by memory so I could be off on the timing. They both described using HCQ with patients who got better as a result. They challenged a couple of studies that were badly designed, and one that was an out and out fraud which had been published in the prestigious journal Lancet. HCQ was given too late in many cases to be of any benefit, or given without zinc for which it is an ionophore, meaning it opens cells so that zinc can enter and kill the virus. That's how HCQ works. Much later I heard that it also has other benefits against a virus including antiinflammatory properties, but that wasn't mentioned in this case Both of these doctors said when it is administered at the right time, as soo0n as possible after symptoms appear, it is very effective and is completely safe both in their own experience and as reported in the literature over at least seven decades.
Within dats as I recall, maybe a bit longer, You Tube removed that video so it disappeared from my blog as well. I went and found it somewhere and wrote out some of what they had said, which should still be up on my blog somehwere.

Hannity had mentioned Dr. Zelenko as a cource of knowledge about HCDQ's effectiveness and eventually I listened to some interviews of him. He had begun using HCQ qith his patient population in New York State after studying the literature on repurposed drugs with antiviral properties, and found that his patients not only didn't die of COVID when they got it but the disease was mild and they recovered rapidly. He developed proocols for prevention of COVID and treatment. He said he gives it only to the high risk patients because low risk patients don't need it, they don't get very sick and they recover rapidly and completely.

So I figured that was pretty good information already, but then I also heard Dr. Harvey Risch on the subject in a couple of interviews. He's the head of the PUblic Health Department at Yale University and he gave strong testimony to the effectiveness of HCQ. He is still giving that testimony. I linked to a talk he gave on the subject not long ago.

All that happened before the vaccines came out. and by then HCQ had been vilified and its advocates vilified and kicked off social media and it began to be impossible to get hold of it. Dr. Simony Gold then helped to organize "American's Front Line Doctgors" who would prescribe it over the internet and could arrange for it to be sent to people by a cooperating pharmacy. they don't take insurance and of crouse Doctor's fees are expensive.

Considering that there was already quite a bit of expert testimony in favor of HCQ that also effecrtively exposed the errors in the studies that discredited it, you'd think sanity would prevail and the restrictions would be removed. But it only got worse, and by then it had begun to feel extremely sinister that this very effective drug was being suppressed.

And then by the end of 2020 Ivermectin, another effective treatment was starting to be recommended. A Doctors started presenting that as an effective treatment on social media and were soon cancelled just as those promoting HCQ had been. Always the reason is "misinformation>' These are highly credentialed doctors, all those I've heard, HIGHLY credentialed, highly experiences, and their testminoy is far from hyped, it's quitge measured and reasonable, thoroughly scientified. Yet these doctors were being treated as charlatans by social media.

By then the push for the vaccines was getting quite aggressive. I remember thinking that there was really no need for vaccies since we had effective treatments in HCQ and Ivermectin and if they were used at the onset of COVID people would recover rapidly and have immunity, so the heavy emphasis on vaccination never made any sense to me from the beginning.

Sometime in 2020 I had discovered Bret Weinstein and Heather Heyibng's podcast because they were reporting on the other insanity of the year, the rioting in response to the George Floyd incident. No matter that at least one white man had died from exactly the same treatment by the po9lice, a story that was available onlibne from many sources around that time, nevertheless it had to be racism that was responsible for Georgle Floyd's death and there was no getting a sane hearing for the truth.

Eventually Bret and Heather did their own reserach into the vaccines and Ivercmectin and concluded byat they didn't want to be vaccinated, instead choosing to take Ivermectin and supplements to boost the immune system such as vitamin D2. Bret did interviews with Dr. Pierre Kory who is a strong advocate for Ivermectin, and Dr. Robert Malone.

Dr. Peter McCullough started showing up in interviews too, now we're into the latest phase of the thickening of the plot against effective treatments for COVID while the vaccines are continuing to be pushed at breakneck speed. The latest phase is the interviews of Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough by Joe Rogn on his podcast that has an ewnormous audience. You'd think he'd be safe on one of the alterntative platforms but oh no, now we're getting celebrities withdrawing their own material from the platform because they consider these doctors to be pushing "misinformation." Joe Rogan so far hasn't backed down but he sounded just a tad more waffley than I would have liked.

We're in an age when it's the truth that's censored, it's called a lie when the fact is that the lies are on the side against it. People are now denied effective treatment for COVID while vaccines that do not prevent the disease or its transmission are promoted instead. The number of deaths from COVID is outrageous and none of it was necessary. But people who get hospitalized are given a drug that is not effective at all and carries its own severe and according to one source probably lethal side effects. That's Remdesivir, the only drutg hopstirals are alllowed to administer to COVID patients while HCQ and Ivermectin are banned as ineffective or even harmful, bother murderous liews.

Who would ever have thought such evil could prevail in America, or even in the world for that mattger, even in this fallen world.

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