Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Walkaway People: Pushback Against the Leftist Lies and Totalitarian Tyranny. I Wish it Was More.

UPDATE Feb 4: Searched for Walkaway videos on You Tube and quite a few came up. There are lots more out there somewhere but I don't think my eyes could handle the search. Straka has a websit4e I thinkk, in any case he says there are thousands of such videos by now. I watched a few at You Tube and it's very heartening to see people waking up to the trutyh. It's interesting that some of them continue to hold views I can't share and my personal take is that if they just continue their research they'll come around closer to mine, but who knows. In any case there are more than I thought, it's not the millions we need but it's more than I thought. Oh lovely thoughtful smart sane people.

UPDATE Feb 4: I mention the walkaway video of Georgia H in this post and then discovered that it comes up at the end of the Brandon Straka video. I listened to it again and still think her testimony is about the best there could be at showing the insanity of the Left, so I'm posting it here at the bottom. ,br>
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This is an oldie but I just discovered it. Mark Levin spent an hour of his radio show yesterday airing the testimony of Brandon Straka who was arrested as one of the perpetrators of the January 6th "insurrection" which was no insurrection or was only for some very small number of the people who were there that day. As he described his participation it was only as a photographer. He got there late, he was on the east side of the Capitol building where the crowd was numerous but nonviolent, he fil filmed it all inclujding when the crowd moved up the steps to enter the building. But they didn't enter the building and eventually he just went home. He found out later that there were violent incidents on the west side of the building that he hadn't seen.

Some time later the FBI arrested him as supposedly inciting an attack on a police officer at the doorway to the building. He had filmed the incident by holding his camera above the heads of the crowd in front of him but hadn't witnessed it himself and didn't even know what they were talking about until he watched the filmn again later. They claim he was a voice that shouted to the crowd to attack the policeman but he says that isn't his voice.

He had quite an ordeal because of his arrest but says there's more to it he will talk about on a later show with Levin.

Levin introduced him as the founder of the Walkaway movement of Democrats leaving the party. Ihadn't heard of him before. I did watch one walkaway video that I think I posted on my blog, Georgia H who gave a very touching story of what led her to leave the Democratic party and become a conservative. I hoped at the time that she wouold become a conservative activist and that I'd hear a lot more of her but to date I haven't.

Anyway Brandon Straka's story is also very interesting. He's gay and belconsidered himself to be a liberal mostly for that reason. He hated Trump and wanted to do his best to punish those who had voted for him. But then he posted on social media his outrage that anyone would vote for a man who would mock a disabled reporter as Trump was reported to have done. He demanded that people explain to him how they could support such a man. Someone contacted him in private and sent him the video that shows that Trump wasn't mocking the reporter's disability but something he said, and had mocked many others in exactly the same way. I saw that video yyears ago but there are still way too many people who still think Trump mocked a person for his disability.

Here's Straka on a podcast describing his walkaway experience:

This is what happens when a liberal suddenly recognizes that he's been lied to. He starts researching other reports and discovers that he's been lied to about all of them. Inthis case it was all the lies about TeTrump[. Eventually he had to leave the Democratic party and started a movement of people leaving the Democratic Party.

Here's one of the videos that show that TRUMP WAS NOT mocking a person's disability but something false in what he said, which he is shown doing with many others as well.


Well, every little bit helps whenit comes to undoing the pernicious lies of the left. But still it must be about half the country who believe them


And here is the walkaway video of the lovely and sane Geoergia He:

Note: I have to say I disagree with both Brandon S and Georgia H on one point: They think gay marriage is a good thing, I see it as da violationj of God's law and a destructive influence in AAmerican culture.

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