Sunday, January 30, 2022

Rights and Freedoms Are a Hill to Die On

Chris Pinto's documentary, The True Christian History of America showed up on You Tube so I've been able to watch it again. I don't think it was there before, I found a trailer but not the film, but it's possible I'd overlooked it. Possible, but I think it was put there later. Anyway I get to see it again after all.

Yes, he shows the Christian sources of the principles that formed America. Wycliffe actually used the phrase we impute to Lincoln, "Government of the people, by the people and for the people." That was in the thirteenth century. Freedom of speech and religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to resist tyrannical leasders, it all had precursors in European and especially English history.

Seeit it again now, I may be changing my mind about something. These things are worth fighting for and not to fight for them is to yheild to the tyranny our founding documents intended to protect us from. This is a hill to die on. They are lying to us, they are violating the Constitution at every turn. It makes no sense to depend on merely trying to vote out of office peopkle who are actually committing treason. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that there are times when tyranny has to be confronted and fought. I thihnk we're there.

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