Monday, February 7, 2022

The Power of Character Assassination: Leftist Lies Are Prison Bars -- Confiining Anyone on the Wrong Side of the Narative About COVID or anything else

UPDATE: Had to make a correction which I've put at the bottom of the post

It's hard to know how to write about the truckers' protest in Ottowa. The politics of the situation isn't new, it's the same conflict between innocent ordinary people, many of them conservatives though not all of them, and the Leftist power elite who lie and lie and lie and lie and lie about them. I guess it's because it's such a large gathering of dissidents one might expect the narrative to crack and break but since it doesn't seem to make a difference to that narrative, it just goes on lying and lying and lying and lying, any hope the numbers generated becomes hard to maintain.

I can always join the general lamentfrom the conservative side but what I'm getting at here is that something about this situation shows the futility of it beyond the usual. World powers can imose their lying propaganda even on a great mass of people who are acting within what used to be understood to be protected avenues of protest in the western world. They seem to wield their power by lies, first, and by money, meaning among other things by threats against the livelihood of anyone who opposes them.

But start with the lies. Listening to the walkaway videos which were the topic of the previous post the major theme emerges right away how the people were held captive by propaganda. Both Brandon Straka and Georgia H describe a psychoogical state of fear of raising the slightest question against the "liberal" party line they had grown up with. They beleived it completely but wherever a moment's doubt crossed their mind it had to be squelched out of fear of being a "bad person" so that the narrative was maintained by such squelchigs wherever a tiny crack in it emerged.

Both Brandon S and Georgia H describe beliving that conservatives are just very very bad people. People with bad motives, greedy selfish people. who want to harm others. Even if they sort of don't really believe they are that bad their isolation from any rational discussion about the different points of view keeps them from opportunities to come to a different opinion.

It's not about ideas at all, it's all about bad people. Some time ago David Horowitc described the Left as moralistic preachers who conndemn their oppponents as human beings. That's not how Horowitz said it but the point is that they attack people rather than ideas. Conservatives are people who want to control a woman's body, they are people who want to keep minorities from succeeding in society, they are people who want to keep the poor poor while they themselves get rich. They are people who don't care about other people. Thre isn't a single idea in the whole miserable propagandistic scenario they inhabit.

The propaganda works. The truckers in Ottowa are just evil people who are selfisholy interfering with the wellbeing of other Canadians. Once you've got a defintiion of a group as evil you can justify all sorts of violations of the usual rights. You can justify any sort of interference with their protest if you call them "white supremacists" or some such. There isn't a shred of a hint of anything like white supremacy in the group but if you say there is you can sway putblic opinion and justify silencing them in whatever ways governments have of dealing with criminals. They've stopped being ordinary citizens protesting a government overreach and become criminals through propaganda.

The walkaway people are people who finally saw through this, but it was a struggle in all cases to set themselves free from the propaganda that had a stranglehold on them that it continues to have on all those from the same background who haven't see through it.

I think it's the numbers that are making it all seem so hopeless. Even if another million of us joined with the truckers there is a power in the propaganda that can marginalize all of us. They've succeeded in branding us as white supremacists in the minds of most on the left, and even though there are as manyh of us or more than there are of them the propaganda succeeds in making us the marginalized ones. Thousands of truckers don't shut them up, it's the truckers who are getting branded when it should be the govewrnment tyrants. Millions of conservatives are "deplorables," as well as white supremaciists, racists and so on. What they did to Trump with their lies they do to the millions of us on his side. Millions. That's the point of this, millions.

The Whoopi Goldbert incident just came to mind. I've heard an awful lot of people on both sides of the political aisle condeming her and very very few taking her side. Po9litically I certainly don't agree with her about much but I keep wanting to defend her on this issue. What they are doing to her is what the left always does to people who one way or another trip over their crazy ideas of what makes good people and bad people. As usual it's all about people not ideas. you can't merely make a mistake, you ecome a bad person. Whooopi becomes an antisemite because of her ignorance of the historical facts about Hitler and the Holocaust. that's really all it was, historical ignorance. Since she either didn't know or had forgotten that Hitler defined the Jews as an inferior race to be eradicated she made the mistake of identifying the evil of the Holocaust as a nonacial evil. She imposed her own idea of race on the historical events, meaning that since in her mind race is definited by visible characteristics and the Jews seem to her to be as white as any other whites, therefore the Holocaust wasn't about race. Well, it's historically very ignoirant of her but how manyh people have a good grasp of the historical facts about the Nazi era anyway? If you asked people on the street why Hitler hated the Jews how manyh of them wouild said he thought they were an inferior race? How many of them would even knbow what you were tlaking about in jthe first place? Well, certainly you'd expect that Whoopi Goldbert would know more than the man in the street, but I'm not sure why. How much has she read? Do we expecdt celebrities to be readers enough to have a solid grip on a historeical era we didn't live through? I guess I don't know the answer to that but I myself just see that Whoopi for what4ever reason was ignorant of the historical facts and interposed her own ideas about race and made a big mistake. She apolotized and I think that's enough. Even the little big of punishement she got is too much. Nobody should be punished for making such a mistake. An apology ought to be sufficient.

And we really should improve our education of our citizenry so that we all know what really happened in the Holocaust.

Well, that was a side trip but the them is the same. It's the leftist mentality that punishesx a person for having a point of view that is wrong according to their notions, whether due to ignorance or a well worked out philosophy that disagrees with them. That's what they are doing to the truckers. THe modus operandi of the Left ic character assassiination. Calling people racist and all the rest of the PC epithets is how they control people by intimidation. It's diabolical, and diabolically successfuful. <

And once it's reached the current level of numbers of people who have been brainwashed, how do we combait? I don't see how. That's what got me started on this post

UPDATE: Correction: I realized after posting this that I was lumping Brandon S together with George H as both fearful of breaching the party line, but as I thought about it I realized that it was Georgia H who described that fear and Brandon S. merely described being afraid of conservatives because of the leftist propaganda he believed.

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