Tuesday, January 11, 2022

What's Wrong With Everything In A Few Brief Blurts

There’s too much to talk about and I don’t know where to start. I want to talk about the lies we’re hearing every day about COVID and the “vaccines” that aren’t vaccines, I want to report on Joe Rogan’s interviews with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, I want to tie in their view that we are in a time of mass pscyhosis which has been orchestrated in stages, with the Holocaust survivor testimonies I’ve been listening to that also reveal how they were entrapped by orchestrated stages Maybe not so much orchestrated as being tried out one at a time to see how much resistance they may generate and since they didn’[t generate much, they were very effective, they escalated their oppressive measures for the next stage. Well, we’ve been through unnecessary lockdowns, unnecessary masking, the propaganda that vilifies a segment of the population by another segment. Step by step we are getting herded where they want us.

I want to link to Chris Pinto’s recent radio show in which he discusses ten issues from the previous year that are following us into the new year, a sad litany of betrayals by the people who are unfortunately in power in this country, and all over the world for that matter, the same people Michele Bachmann called “monsters” in the talk I linked in my last post.

Then Jan Markell’s latest show is unfortunately also an important source of sad news, as she interviews Cary Gordon who made a film titled “Enemies Within the Church” parts of which can be found at You Tube. This is all about how the enemies of the culture have also invaced the churches with their antichristian Wokeness and other abominations. The most shocking revelation to me was that Albert Mohler, who has been a hero to the true born again church for decades, has capitulated to these evil influences. Just a side note of my own: I suspect Chris Pinto could take us behind the scenes even further than this film and show us who has been plotting thes coup and how they’ve succeeded.

I thought I might put together a post starting from one small incident in the part of that film about the takeover and destruction of what had been a solid Florida church. One woman who opposed the takeover and was ousted forher efforts reports that when she came close to one of the main leaders of the takeover the hair stood up on the back of her neck. There’s no explanation for that other than that the man was demon possessed. It’s evil spirits that cause the hair to stand up like that.

And that could lead me into another sad topic which is the growth of the occult in America. Sometimes I tune into the late night Coast to Coast radio show which is usually about the paranormal, and it’s staggering how many people are apparently involved in one facet or another of the various occultic experiences from UFOs to witchcraft to oiut of body experiences and much much more. They even rationalize it in some cases as “Christian” though it is all demonic and it’s horrifying to realize that they have no clue to its essentially demonic nature. Yes I should do a post on that eventually if I can.

The Lying Media. This might be a topic unto itself or maybe its belongs with the COVID topic but I just thought of it: the reports that the hospitals are overlflowing with COVID patients, most of them unvaccinated. They interview such a patient who says she regrets refusing to be vaccinated, giving no information about her even whatever, what she’s in the hospital for – we’re supposed to assume she’s sick with COVID but I don’t assume any such thing any more. Maybe she’s there for surgery and tested positive for COVID. They call people unvaccinated who have had one or two “vaccinations” they classify people who test posibive as COVID patients no matter what their reason for being in the hospital. And then they go and interview a guy who says he can’t get a needed surgery because the beds are full of the “unvaccinated” who are “selfish” to take up beds others could use. The fact is that most of the patients aren’t COVID patiensts at all, and the truly unvaccinated make up a minuscule proportion of those who are. It’s the vaccinated who are getting sick, in fact the variants are probably manufactured by those who have been vaccinated but of course we’ll never get that information from the mainstream media who for some reason are in on this program of trying to scare us all to death and make a villain class out of the unvaccinated. That’s part of the COVID propaganda campaign, but of course there’s the Critical Race Theory propaganda campaign which is making villains of “white people.” Vaccine Passports are in force in some places, maybe they’ll make someo of us wear a white badge that says “racist” on it or something. But I dogresss.

I’ve also had in mind a post titled something like Liberals Live in LaLa Land, to express my frustration with the fact that the great political divide in this country is largely due to the fact that the information people need is being withheld from half the country. It's the liberals who don’t know what’s going on because they trust the mainstream media and the dominant authorities of the current government and never seek out any other sources of information. All other information they consider to be “misinformation” by evil conservarives because that’s what the bogus authorities of Social Media tell them. This is maybe the biggest frustration right now, the engineered impossibility of getting the truth to half the country.

I’ve also got a project in mind that’s still pretty vague, coming off Chris Pinto’s recent film about the Christian foundations of America. How it was more than a mere Reputlic, it was as he quotes Samuel Adams, intended to be “the reighn of political Protestantism.” How it could have succeeded but didn’t and now never can. ,br>
O On the theme of the intended Christian nature of America it would be all too easy to document how unbelievers, both the hsotile and the benign who just don't have a clue to what Christianity is all about, have fought for antichristian interpretations of the Constitution and the framer's original intent. Even the benign as I called them are hostile to Christian principles and the Law of God. Oh yes I need to write more about the Law of God too. Anyway I just heard a wellmeaning liberal talkking about how we're going to need to get used to the idea that it's OK to experiment with different gender expressions, as if it's just very backward of us, simply unevolved or that sort of thing, to fight this "progress" Oh yeah, the meaning of "progressive," I've wanted to do a post on that too. Anyway, this nice liberal thinks we need to explore the variations of geneder as interesting experiences or something like that. I don't know if she knows the Bible condemns the dressing as women by men and as men by women, but I'm sure the bible is just an artifact of human thinking anyway rather than the word of God, there being no God in her thinking, but the fact that that's in the Bible is the reason we cannot, we Christians cannot, play around with gender variations as she seems to think would be a good addition to our lives. I don't see the attraction to such expressions anyway myself.

So the world is going to Hell and we've been watching it helplessly for some time now. I still hope God might show us how to deserve a revival but at the moment things look awfully disposed against any such possibility.

Oh another theme. Yes the Jesus Freaks of the seventies was a revival of corts and I haven't r mentioned it as I've written about wanting a revival. It was a revival but not quite what I've had in mind and it's effect on the Church is not entirely what we should want either. There are half-baked revivals and that has to be kept in mind.

I'm sure there's more but I suppose that's enough misery for one post.

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