Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Can We Reboot the Nation Back to Its Origins and Derail the Destructive Great Reset?

I heard about Glenn Beck's new book on Mark Levin tonight when he interviewed Beck. And I didn't hear the whole interview, I just happened to turn it on while they were still talking. Levin promoted the book as a companion to his own most recent "American Marxism." BBeck's is "The Great Reset: Joe Biden and Twenty-First Century Fascism." They treat each other as partners in the work of saving America. It's a heartening thought.
> THE GREAT RESET, by Glenn Beck

You have to see the problem before you can fix it. Both Levin and Beck see the problem and show it to us. Then how do we fix it? Levin gives lots of good practical actions we can take in his book, but I was intrigued by Beck's answer to that question. First of course he admitted that it's enormous difficult if not impossible, but his answer was that we need to "reboot the nation" though I'm not sure those were his exact words. "Reboot" was certainly his word and that's the intriguing word. We have t turn off the system and turn it back on again to reset it back to its original condition.

Which is a way of saying what I keep thinking, and it does seem to be utterly impossible, but it's the only solution. The entire miserable mess of what leftism has done to this country has to be turned off completely and the country reset to its original foundations. Decades of accumulated distortion of our Constition have to be rolled back, Supreme Counrt decisions that have twisted it out of recognition, laws that destroy its very foundations. It all has to be turned off so that the Constitution can be reclaimed.

Utterly impossible on the face of it.

But nothing halfway will accomplish anything. Piecemeal legislation won't do what is needed even if the juggernaut of the Left could be avoided long enough to get anything through.

The system needs to be reset. And that's not the "reset" of the title of the book, which refers to the Great Reset which is the global plan to destroy America and all the free nations of the world.

How? Well, as usual I'm starting by praying for it.

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