Friday, December 31, 2021

Wounded, Bleeding, Bound and Gagged, We Limp Into a New Year.

Well, sure, of course I WISH us all a happy 2022 but ... but.

Why aren't our prayers being heard? They aren't, you know. I don't think it's for lack of effort or passion, I continue to think that we aren't meeting God's conditions. We're under judgment. Sometimes prayer can divert judgment, but sometimes we're past the point where it can be diverted. I don't know in this case for sure. Is God saying Stop trying to escape, go to Babylon and dig in and make the best of it, or is He telling us He's about to judge the earth and e should prepare for th Second Coming? Or is He saying identify the violation of My will and rectify it and Then pray. Or what?

Maybe not enough of us recognize that we are under judgment and we could start there. Michele Bachmann did a nice job of spelling this out in a talk she gave a few months ago at a conference:

Plenty of people missed that 9/11 was God's judgment on America. I remember wincing through days of silly statements by Christian preachers about how God doesn't do such things. I remember cringing through Bush's prayher gathering in the National Cathedral which included a Muslim leader, a Cqatholic leader and a Jewish leader knowing that such ignorance of the nature of God was only going to bring more judgment on the nation.

Bachmann describes how things have been getting worse intead of b4etter since 9/11. This isn't for lack of prayer, this is because we're under God's judgment and until we RIGHTLY repent, repent of the right violations, there is no hope of turning these things back.

It may be too late anyway, but I don't know that for sure yet.

It's not going to be a very happy year if we don't get it right. Not here on this planet anyyway. If we get rapturexd out of it, hooray, but we may have to go through a lot more than we usually impute to that scenario.

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