Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Book Exposing the COVID Nightmare

So many books I'd like to read. I've got Mark Levin's but reading is not possible so I have it as documented evidence. I could have Glenn Beck's book for the same reason, and Robert F. Kennedy's, and now this one I just heard about:


< r> From the blurb at Amazon:

No one needs to die! Overcoming the Darkness of COVID is about two doctors who used a treatment protocol early in the pandemic and early in treatment when the conventional wisdom issued was not to provide any treatment to patients and send them home until they got sick and then go to the hospital where they were then often put on breathing machines – many of whom died. To the contrary, every one of the patients Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed treated early in the illness recovered and there were NO deaths. They also treated those who were severely sick and only lost a few. The treatment protocol they used included pharmaceutical and nutraceutical ingredients and has proven to be highly effective and safe with COVID, especially when caught early. This book is their story complete with testimonials from patients and other doctors, research studies, news clippings, and most of all, the reasons why this successful treatment was held back from the public. Overcoming the Darkness of COVID is a must read for anyone concerned about their health and successfully negotiating the pandemic

It's only available at Amazon on Kindle and I would want the hardcover. I don't know why that isn't available. Since there is some reason to think the Kindle version might have been tampered with I don't want that for any controversial book any more,. It's also interesting that there are a number of listings for a book "summarizing" the doctros' book. Why would that be necessary? Makes me rather suspicious that it's an attempt to discredit it, so I certainly don't want that either.

Anyway, this looks like a very important book and I hope it gets a huge circulation.

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